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Posts posted by BNB

  1. I would hope most sane people would agree that we were not prepared for this no matter who was our leader.

    I think Trump could have done better, and I think he is doing ok right now.

    This is something we haven't seen or will not see again in our life time.

    This is the best article that I have found of how it went down.  Please share yours.





    • Fuck You 6
  2. I think these are the answers...


    1. :coffee: :gem::gem::gem: Breakfast at Tiffany's 2. :no_bell: :sheep: :sheep: :sheep: The Silence of the Lambs. 3. :boy: :girl: :closed_umbrella: :handbag: :flag_gb: Mary Poppins 4. :man::speech_balloon::horse: The Horse Whisperer 5. :police_officer: :postbox::older_man::pencil: Zodiac 6. :tomato: :tomato: :eight_spoked_asterisk: :cooking: Fried Green Tomatoes 7. :thought_balloon::pencil::kimono: Memoirs of a Geisha 8. :man::man: :tent: :mount_fuji: Broke Back Mountain 9. :police_officer: :oncoming_automobile: :older_woman: :blossom: Driving Miss Daisy 10. :mag_right::tropical_fish: Finding Nemo 11. :couplekiss: :o: :snowflake: Frozen 12. :bird::bird::bird::bird::page_facing_up: The Pelican Brief 13. :alien::point_up::telephone_receiver::house: E.T 14. :gun::mag::man::tophat: Sherlock Holmes 15. :sunflower::sunflower::sunflower::sunflower::sunflower::sunglasses: Under the Tuscan Sun 16. :eight_spoked_asterisk: :japanese_ogre: :smiley_cat: :horse: Sherk 2  17. :person_wearing_turban: :tv: :dollar: :dollar: Slumdog Millionaire 18. :hamburger: :fries: :man: :ambulance: Supersize Me 19. :mouse: :red_car: Rat Race (and not Stuart Little, that is a more logical answer with those emojis) 20. :moneybag: :person_running::dash: Run for the Money 21. :mortar_board: :lips: The Graduate 22. :art: :moneybag: The Color of Monet 23. :movie_camera: :person_running: :evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree: The Blair Witch Project 24. :clock2: :clock3: :clock4: :clock5: Three Hours 25. :palm_tree: :monkey: :man: Tarzan 26. :older_man: :ring::ring: The Wedding Planner 27. :eyes: :tongue: :ear: :raised_hand: :nose: :six: Sixth Sense 28. :balloon::house_with_garden: :older_man: :boy: UP 29. :envelope_with_arrow: :couple_with_heart: You've got Mail 30. :notes: :flag_fr: :weary: :joy: Les Miserables 31. :couple: :gun: :gun: Mr and Mrs Smith 32. :bear: :heart: :beers: » :smoking: TED 33. :bath::knife: Psycho 34. :alarm_clock::calendar::alarm_clock::calendar::alarm_clock::calendar::alarm_clock::calendar: 17 Again (Groundhog Day was more logical) 35. :person_walking::person_running::airplane: Catch me if you Can 36. :smiling_imp::dress::high_heel: The Devil Wears Prada 37. :older_man::older_woman::heart: Old love? (not sure of that one) 38. :boy: :open_hands: :scissors: :scissors: Edward Scissorhands 39. :last_quarter_moon: :couple_with_heart: :wolf: The Twilight Saga: New Moon 40. :smile::smile::cry::cry: Crying with Laughter 41. :ring::ring::ring::ring::skull: Four Weddings and a Funeral 42. :ghost: :ghost: :gun: Ghostbusters 43. :unlock::eyes: Eyes Wide Shut 44. :flag_gb::point_up_2::sunrise_over_mountains::point_down::mount_fuji: The Englishmen who Climed up a hill but Came down a Mountain 45. :relieved: :angry: :japanese_goblin: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly 46. :ocean: :point_left: Breaking Point 47. :computer: :pill: The Matrix 48. :dancer::wolf::wolf: Dances with Wolves 49. :cloud::cloud::cloud::monkey_face::monkey_face::cloud::cloud::cloud: Gorilla's in the Mist 50. :bike: :bike: :sunny: Breaking away 51. :mailbox_with_mail: :door::boom: :fist::fist: The Postman always rings twice 52. :athletic_shoe::mans_shoe::sandal::high_heel::boot: Footloose 53. :unlock::dolphin: Free Willy  54. :poop::dancer: Dirty Dancing 55. :bird:


  3. GUESS THE FILM 1. :coffee: :gem::gem::gem:

    2. :no_bell: :sheep: :sheep: :sheep:

    3. :boy: :girl: :closed_umbrella: :handbag: :flag_gb:

    4. :man::speech_balloon::horse:

    5. :police_officer: :postbox::older_man::pencil:

    6. :tomato: :tomato: :eight_spoked_asterisk: :cooking:

    7. :thought_balloon::pencil::kimono:

    8. :man::man: :tent: :mount_fuji:

    9. :police_officer: :oncoming_automobile: :older_woman: :blossom:

    10. :mag_right::tropical_fish:

    11. :couplekiss: :o: :snowflake:

    12. :bird::bird::bird::bird::page_facing_up:

    13. :alien::point_up::telephone_receiver::house:

    14. :gun::mag::man::tophat:

    15. :sunflower::sunflower::sunflower::sunflower::sunflower::sunglasses:

    16. :eight_spoked_asterisk: :japanese_ogre: :smiley_cat: :horse:

    17. :person_wearing_turban: :tv: :dollar: :dollar:

    18. :hamburger: :fries: :man: :ambulance:

    19. :mouse: :red_car:

    20. :moneybag: :person_running::dash:

    21. :mortar_board: :lips:

    22. :art: :moneybag:

    23. :movie_camera: :person_running: :evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree:

    24. :clock2: :clock3: :clock4: :clock5:

    25. :palm_tree: :monkey: :man:

    26. :older_man: :ring::ring:

    27. :eyes: :tongue: :ear: :raised_hand: :nose: :six:

    28. :balloon::house_with_garden: :older_man: :boy:

    29. :envelope_with_arrow: :couple_with_heart:

    30. :notes: :flag_fr: :weary: :joy:

    31. :couple: :gun: :gun:

    32. :bear: :heart: :beers: » :smoking:

    33. :bath::knife:

    34. :alarm_clock::calendar::alarm_clock::calendar::alarm_clock::calendar::alarm_clock::calendar: 35. :person_walking::person_running::airplane:

    36. :smiling_imp::dress::high_heel:

    37. :older_man::older_woman::heart:

    38. :boy: :open_hands: :scissors: :scissors:

    39. :last_quarter_moon: :couple_with_heart: :wolf:

    40. :smile::smile::cry::cry:

    41. :ring::ring::ring::ring::skull:

    42. :ghost: :ghost: :gun:

    43. :unlock::eyes:

    44. :flag_gb::point_up_2::sunrise_over_mountains::point_down::mount_fuji:

    45. :relieved: :angry: :japanese_goblin:

    46. :ocean: :point_left:

    47. :computer: :pill:

    48. :dancer::wolf::wolf:

    49. :cloud::cloud::cloud::monkey_face::monkey_face::cloud::cloud::cloud: 50. :bike: :bike: :sunny:

    51. :mailbox_with_mail: :door::boom: :fist::fist:

    52. :athletic_shoe::mans_shoe::sandal::high_heel::boot:

    53. :unlock::dolphin:

    54. :poop::dancer:

    55. :bird:




    Sorry, hopefully this is easier to read, put in "spaces"

  4. While China certainly didn't act perfectly with regard to the virus, saying another country "caused this entire situation" is over the top. The virus caused it, not the country. China didn't cause SARS2-Cov anymore than we caused H1N1. Their reaction to the growing situation wasn't perfect and resulted in more infections and spread. Our reaction to the situation was objectively worse because we had China and other countries telling us this shit was real and didn't listen. 
    • Like 1
  5. A rumor is going around that they're going to close even grocery for two weeks. I really don't believe it, but the wife does, and it's enough to have just kicked off a nice little spat in our house about whether this rumor warrants rushing out to buy fresh produce before the stores close. Fuck you, quarantine.

    On a separate note, we lived in Seattle for several years and have good friends up there. One of our friends has been posting updates about a friend they know who tested positive on the 14th. He's 34, and got on a ventilator really early bc they haven't been overwhelmed yet. He died today. Fuck.
    Public not panic buying enough, let's start a great rumor to really get the juices flowing.
  6. That's not the point. WHO kits were rejected by America and they should not have been because it was crucial to the screen and quarantine process. If this was because WHO had been wrong in the past about a totally different disease (HIV/AIDS) which affected her view of the WHO, then Birx dun fucked up. It wasn't like we had our own kits and had a head start on studying the disease.

    I keep hearing people say we rejected tests.
    That's false.

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