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Posts posted by BNB

  1. 5 minutes ago, Red Five said:


    I don't believe everything I read unless I fact check it? But I believe everyone should be able to say whatever they want? I wish more people, especially the media would fact check stuff before they write/broadcast stories, what do you have an issue with?

  2. I hope one day we can just have free speech again, and at the top of Twitter or Whatever it will say...  Twitter - Don't believe everything you read, fact check it.

    Don't be lazy.  Wait a day or so for other people to fact check if you are lazy, before piling on something.

    I wish MSM would be better at fact checking, now it's just whatever the latest topic is, we have to be first!  We / I need clicks!


  3. I don't know how Biden got to be Vice President and black people support him after he said this about Obama...

    “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

    Can you imagine if Trump, or anyone else said this?

    He's basically calling most African-Americans the opposite.


    • Like 3
  4. I want to be for mail in ballots.

    Can someone tell me how they verify who is still alive and living at the current residence? When they send out the ballot, how do they keep them from being copied, etc? What verification process is there that it is an original ballot and that berson filled it out?



    I tried to Google, but all I could find is information on how one votes by mail, but not the overall process.




  5. 5 hours ago, utee94 said:

    Oh yeah, well that's too bad.  When I was a kid, I didn't get the luxury of Toys R Us.  I had to settle for the miniscule toy aisle at a Gibson's or a Winn's or Edison's,  or if I were REALLY gotdam lucky, a once per quarter trip to Best products.

    So you and your fancy childhood growing up with Toys R Us can go eff yourself.


    I love going to Gibsons everytime I'm in Kerrville.  Cool store.

    • Like 2
  6. https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/coronavirus/bombshell-dossier-lays-out-case-against-chinese-bat-virus-program/news-story/55add857058731c9c71c0e96ad17da60



    November 9, 2015:

    Wuhan Institute of Virology publish a study revealing they created a new virus in the lab from SARS-CoV.

    December 6, 2019

    Five days after a man linked to Wuhan’s seafood market presented pneumonia-like symptoms, his wife contracts it, suggesting human to human transmission.

    December 27

    China’s health authorities told a novel disease, then affecting some 180 patients, was caused by a new coronavirus.

    December 26-30

    Evidence of new virus emerges from Wuhan patient data.

    December 31

    Chinese internet authorities begin censoring terms from social media such as Wuhan Unknown Pneumonia.

    January 1, 2020

    Eight Wuhan doctors who warned about new virus are detained and condemned.

    January 3

    China’s top health authority issues a gag order.

    January 5

    Wuhan Municipal Health Commission stops releasing daily updates on new cases. Continues until January 18.

    January 10

    PRC official Wang Guangfa says outbreak “under control” and mostly a “mild condition”.

    January 12

    Professor Zhang Yongzhen’s lab in Shanghai is closed by authorities for “rectification”, one day after it shares genomic sequence data with the world for the first time.

    January 14

    PRC National Health Commission chief Ma Xiaowei privately warns colleagues the virus is likely to develop into a major public health event.

    January 24

    Officials in Beijing prevent the Wuhan Institute of Virology from sharing sample isolates with the University of Texas.

    February 6

    China’s internet watchdog tightens controls on social media platforms.

    February 9

    Citizen-journalist and local businessman Fang Bin disappears.

    April 17

    Wuhan belatedly raises its official fatalities by 1290.


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