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Posts posted by squanchy

  1. bhagwam always had this hilarious smirk on his face where you could easily tell he was thinking "jfc, these people idoits, but hey, i have 20 rolls-royces so i guess i can deal with it." it's no wonder his staff would do whatever he said...they got to cruise around in a rolls, screw whomever they wanted, and skim money off of the cult. 

  2. 11 hours ago, Lobwedgephil said:

    Come on Directtvnow, release your dvr. 

    i've had the dvr for a few months now and i've only used it to see if it actually works. for now, it's incredibly basic. however i've been spoiled by tivo for so many years now that the gap currently between them is so huge. as long as the dtvnow one remains free (with a decent amount of storage), it'll still be a great feature.

  3. Just now, TwiceHorn said:

    Hell I still havent gotten my authentication email. I am inauthentic.

    noticed that a confirmation email wouldn't go through to a small domain i have (used for almost 20 years), but gmail was no problem. senderscore/base reps are good on that other domain, so i dunno.

  4. chemo (and radiation) will wreak havoc on your body, and it's not unusual to lose 25% of your weight when undergoing treatment. in particular, it's very hard to eat if you end up with a bad case of mucositis followed by the inability to swallow food (and even pills). 

    movement is medicine!

  5. wild wild country was great. sheela is a grade a psychopath who I am guessing probably did smuggle millions out of those fools.


    it took me awhile, but about half way through I realized that one of my wife's friends was likely a cult member there. i can't imagine how many more large cults in oregon were around in the 80s.

  6. 5 hours ago, SquishMitten said:

    Yes. For people viewing at work, we can't always watch a video. Having them in a separate thread allows up to watch them when we are able to.

    problem is, nobody ever pays attention or simply cannot figure out what the fuck is a video.

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