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MC Fresh Breath

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by MC Fresh Breath

  1. 25 minutes ago, spystud13 said:

    They say Robbie won’t be their everyday 2B when he gets back, will be interesting to see what they do. Nellie not being able to play any RF fucks their versatility. 

    It's a tough puzzle, for sure.  Cano obviously isn't eligible for the post season.  At the time he was made ineligible we all cracked jokes, right?  I can go back and dig them up, but I agreed with them, and probably made a few myself.  A bunch of "like that's a punishment for the Mariners."  Then lo and behold they go on a tear.  So, since *at the moment* it appears a WC game is likely (I sure hope we don't dig this post back up in a few months after some horrible collapse), you obviously want the players who will be able to play in that game with the most starts. How to achieve that and not mess things up with your currently disgraced all star 2B, team chemistry, e.t.c, I don' t know. 


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  2. Beau, thanks for the Stark posts, by the way.  I for one, always enjoy reading them.  And if I have said that before, well it was worth a repeat.

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  3. Spy will be happy to know I've watched both Baltimore games, thanks to that time zone allowing me to go to bed early.  Makes me think I should have been a fan of some team in the EST.

    Seager waking up his bat in this series has been nice.  Baltimore's bullpen has also been kind.


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