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Posts posted by Hanrahan

  1. We spend more on defense than the next 10 countries combined. 
    We have combat troops deployed in over 100 different countries. 
    We incarcerate more citizens than anyone in the world, in fact, despite only having 4% of the global population, over 21% of all people in prison are in the United States. 
    We hold the record for covid-19 deaths and it is not close. 
    The cost of healthcare per person is the highest in the world and has been for as long as I can remember. 
    32% of American workers have medical debt—and over half have defaulted on it.
    The United States currently has more than $1.31 trillion in student loan debt, easily #1 in the world. 
    We are #1 in the world when it comes to drug overdose deaths. 
    No country in the world has more gun violence suicides or guns per person.

    We consume more oil than any other nation. 
    We lead the world in number of billionaires while consistently coming in the top 10 when it comes to any wealth inequality metric. 
    Life expectancy has declined in America each of the last four years.

    Our GDP ranks #1 in the world because our business is death and we are really good at it. 
    I know many of us live in reasonable comfort making it easy to ignore much of this but the America we are living in is going through some things and it will not get better without better people in high places willing to tackle these issues head on.  Winning elections doesn’t fix anything. 

    Cool manifesto.
  2. Well, first, this lawsuit and any question of disbarment are almost completely unrelated.  Generally speaking, a lawyer who loses a defamation suit isn't going to be subject to disbarment.  That said, something may come out in discovery showing a flagrant disregard for fact and a lack of candor in preparing the suits that may subject her to discipline in Texas or elsewhere.
    And, what they really said was that her statements were not to be taken as statements of fact, but rather opinions.  Very generally speaking, opinions aren't defamatory.
    Another angle is that there is a privilege to state things, subject to proof, in a lawsuit and in communications relating to a lawsuit.  
    Still another angle is that Dominion is a public figure and defamation can't lie unless malice is proven.
    There's yet another angle apparently under Colorado law that when someone makes a statement based on alleged facts, and provides those facts so that others can reach their own conclusion, that's not defamation.
    This motion has two parts, one relates to DC being the proper venue for the case, which probably has some merit, and the other being that the lawsuit fails to state a claim, which probably has as little merit as it can have without violating the rules.   The latter is the vehicle, ironically, by which almost all Trump suits were dismissed.
    I think the overall strategy is to get it transferred to Texas, where an Anti-SLAPP statute will apply and the "falls to state a claim" part will take on a new life in the context of that statute.  Still, I don't think this preliminary stuff will result in a victory on the merits for Powell.  
    It does, however, give a preview as to exactly how she's going to defend the suit.

    Do federal courts apply state anti-slapp laws? If so, why would Texas law apply to this case? Even if they do, Dominion would have to provide prima facie evidence to beat the anti-slapp, which in the case of defamation should be easy. The only at-issue element would be falsity, which dominion can establish by affidavit. I’m guessing the counter affidavits would be laughed out of court.
  3. Not an "assload," which would tend to mean a fatal dose.  It was there, though, along with meth and cannabinoids.  https://www.npr.org/sections/live-updates-protests-for-racial-justice/2020/06/04/869278494/medical-examiners-autopsy-reveals-george-floyd-had-positive-test-for-coronavirus
    Neither the state's nor a privately commissioned post-mortem indicated that drugs caused his death, although they disagreed a bit about the cause.

    Thanks for the correction. I guess they were wrong when they said everything you read on the internet is true. With overdose not a reasonable cause of death, I update my armchair handicapping to 2-1 against a conviction for any murder charge.
  4. And I thought I read be had an assload of fentanyl in his system. Like potentially a fatal dose outside of the choke and other contributing factors. If that’s accurate, good luck to the prosecutors getting to reasonable doubt on murder.

  5. I'd guess that better than 75% of the folks I know over 50 have one of the "comorbidities" that makes you 1B eligible -- weight, blood pressure, etc.  Once you get up in age at all, your chances of being 1B are pretty good.  I know other folks who got it when there were leftover shots that might have been wasted.  Between those two groups, you've got a lot of folks who aren't over 65 who can get a shot.
    And yes, Abbott's free-for-all is creating even more impetus for anyone who has even an argument at being 1B to get a shot.

    I guess I got in on “leftover” shots. Houston Health opened injections to anyone on 2/9. Registration opened in the morning and was for injections that day only. I suppose they either had to get those injections done that day or had a surplus, infrastructure and manpower to vaccinate a bunch of folks and weren’t willing to waste it when folks could be getting vaccinated right then. The facility was massive and set up to vaccinate thousands but there was virtually no one there. For both appointments, time to entering the parking lot (never got out of the car) to injection was 2-5 minutes.
  6. I am 22 hours after Moderna number two and have had no side effects, other than a moderately sore arm. Less sore than after the first injection. There are six of us - three sets of parents in our neighborhood - who got the first 2/9 and second yesterday. Of those, two reported moderate fever, aches and chills. Other four only a sore arm.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. ahh yes.... we can arrest anyone on the street and charge them with double capital murder and the news team is given cliff notes and explicit details of the arrest.
    arrest a fucking cop for the same thing and they wont release who was killed, when they were killed and why hes being charged with Cap murder.

    I gotta say, it looks like your righteous indignation has been denied.
    • Haha 2
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