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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by SilasCoade

  1. 6 hours ago, Doc Holliday said:

    For the 3rd time, maintenance at my apartment complex has cancelled my ticket to have the AC unit repaired because it won't cool below 70* and ends up running all night to no avail.   Why cancel? because my dogs are not locked up.   Fucking Bull SHIT.  I lock both of them up and have each time.  Luckly I was able to answer the complex's call this afternoon and well, I called out their bullshit.  Told them no, I locked both up this AM because I saw their voicemail, and I bet he's just scared because they are barking and he didn't even go in.   Apartment rep calls the maintenance guy and tells him to go back in and confirm.   Yes, they were both locked up and he's a fucking chicken shit afraid of my dogs, crated up, barking.   Hell, the puppy has a blanket over the crate because it's the only way she will not whine, bark, cry, and howl all the time.  Fucking stupid trivial shit and goodness am I surly about it. 

    Sorry about your shitty dog.

  2. 9 minutes ago, former alkie said:

    I’m a self-diagnosed misophaniac, and I despise being around people while they’re eating,.  

    I can tolerate it in restaurants, or with animals. But luncheons at work are intolerable.

    I'm a self-diagnosed mesohornyac, so this hits close to home.

  3. On 3/29/2018 at 3:38 AM, Captain Ron said:

    Don't understand the hate. Solid film, easily on the top end of Marvel movies. 

    I certainly didn't hate it.  I just feel like they missed a chance to make a really good movie instead of Just Another Blockbuster.  The trip to Asia was gratuitous global marketing that did not serve the story.  The most interesting character (M'Baku) got just a couple minutes of screen time. Just too much attention to FX and too little to narrative to consider it a great film.  Like I said, the Netflix shows (aside from Iron Fist and Defenders) are much better in this regard.

  4. Altitude training masks. WTF is the point of that shit when doing weights? Maybe when doing cardio I get it. You'd still be a douchebag but at least it would make sense.

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  5. On 3/26/2018 at 12:48 PM, TrashMaster G said:

    This seems like the best place to make this point...

    If you are one of those individuals who insists on backing into parking spaces in public parking lots, you are a douchebag and a dumbass.

    That is all.

    Do you also think the Earth is flat? Basic geometry skills tells you why backing in is superior and safer.

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