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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by coachherman'sgrill

  1. That was a great play call and defensive PI
  2. Boys and Girls, this is turning into an ass kicking. I don't know what to do with these feelings....
  3. Disagree, by the play calls, looks like K Stste has rolled over.
  4. Ah, it's that time of year again when Weathertec films multiple felonies when breaking into people's homes and cars.
  5. Really reaching with that one. How long have you had that in your back pocket??
  6. It has been his look since HS. Can't account for the dumbs
  7. Murphy looks so poised and polished. Experience will do that for ya
  8. Replicating their unseen T-back. Got to let others know if you are down to bang. It's like the pineapple in the front yard in Sun City. And no, I will not be taking questions at this time. Thank you.
  9. I know I say this flippantly but we all know this guy is gay. Not that that matters at all. But he is so closeted because of his hate that he can't admit it. The more things change, the more the stay the same. And who cares who he is banging until they make it something so central to their life. Maybe only worry about yourself and who gives a shit about what anyone else is doing as long as it doesn't harm you? Make me understand these fucking weirdos.
  10. How we forget. Another one I forgot about was the OSU assistant coach that had a meltdown. The one that banged a student or intern and was going to drop the pod that crushed Herman. I wonder what happened to him?
  11. Here is a pretty good primer before Lolita gets in the box https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2023/10/30/ivanka-trump-helped-her-dad-lie-about-his-net-worth/ People kept receipts or something
  12. The mental gymnastics in the first one. "They should have known there was no case" and, "They didn't break any laws". Buuuuut, they all took a plea deal? Because they didn't break any laws? So, they, again, took a plea deal? Make it make sense. And the second X, formerly known as Twitter, clip, as I was reading through the comments it reminded me of Kelly Anne or however the fuck you spell it (she doesn't deserve to have it spelt correctly), what happened to her after breaking her relationship with her own fucking kid??? Is she dead? Please, tell me she is dead. Not the kid but Cuntyann.
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