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Everything posted by Swam@Texas

  1. I'm trying really hard not to picture you as a 7-year-old boy telling his Mom that his 4-year-old sister just used crayon all over the bedroom wall, but I just can't seem to pull that off.
  2. Hey... I have First Amendment rights. And a BLUE, not-see through backpack that reflects those rights.
  3. But, you know, his response hasn't been nearly enough to constitute a condemnation of the event. Here, I'll even give you a liberal MSM link through which you can enjoy tasting Trump's ass as he once again proves the leftists wrong. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-administration-expels-60-russian-officers-shuts-seattle-consulate-in-response-to-attack-on-former-spy-in-britain/ar-BBKIxyQ?OCID=ansmsnnews11
  4. The greatest thing I've seen is (Not A Crisis Actor) David Hogg whining about losing his First Amendment rights by having to have a -- brace yourselves -- clear backpack at school. He's OK with millions of law-abiding citizens losing their Constitutionally protected right to carry a weapon in self-defense, and can use lots of potty words to criticize politicians -- but for him to have to have to carry his government textbook in a piece of see-through luggage is where, gosh darn it, someone has to draw the line. Just wait till he finds out George Soros won't fund his march for backpack choice, though. Then maybe he'll realize he's just a pawn being played on the grown-up's chess set. https://ijr.com/2018/03/1078696-david-hogg-clear-backpacks-parkland/
  5. Was that thing where the kids who'll see how many Tide pods they can eat suddenly became experts on the Founders' intentions in crafting the Second Amendment?
  6. And did exactly what the Barack Hussein Obama, II campaign was hailed as being a technological visionary for doing in 2012. (But they pinky-swore to not do it again and nobody raised an eyebrow because, well, the results justified the behavior.)
  7. Whichever one of you assholes who took the username I've had since Austin360 sucks donkey balls. Just sayin'...
  8. And yes, this was one of the most exciting championships yet as it required the team to truly rally on the last day and far exceed expectations in order to secure the win. It must have been very exciting to be a part of.
  9. ^ Yeah, well, my roommate from my freshman year spent several years in an Alabama prison for strong-arm rape of a 15-year-old girl he was coaching, so there's that.
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