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Posts posted by Amobie

  1. 1 minute ago, kevwun said:

    Let's re-visit that when Cohen flips on Trump or gets charged with a Tolstoy novel worth of crimes.

    Cohen's RE deals are definitely the mostly likely way you could connect Russia and Trump.  Trump better how he did a better job hiding those than he did with stormy daniels.

  2. Just now, jimmyjazz said:

    It's not the structure that's the problem.

    What is the problem then?  To me it looks like Hannity went to Trump's real estate lawyer for advice on how to buy a bunch of property.


    5 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    It’s probably naive to think this is all there is to the Hannity-Cohen relationship.  


    It's pretty obvious that Cohen is a bit of a moron outside of doing these real estate deals.

  3. Just now, atomheartbevo said:

    His meltdown on his radio show initially felt like there was something going on with the main Mueller stuff and he was scared of being tied to the Russians. 

    In hindsight, it feels like he didn’t want anybody (his bosses or audience) finding out about his real estate /business dealings.  His original comment about consulting on some real estate is pretty amusing. 

    Why?  It looks like that's exactly what Cohen did for him.

    Have you ever bought an investment property?  There is nothing shady about opening up LLCs to do your real estate transactions.  It actually helps keep everything clean and organized for the IRS.  Considering the volume he was dealing with, it would have been a fucking nightmare to deal with expenses if he didn't do it that way.


  4. 10 minutes ago, Vic Mackey said:
    17 minutes ago, Dr Fear said:
    Something is going down involving David Irving.

    Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk


    No idea what is going on but I just saw a tweet that said Irving said on Facebook to disregard his posts because his ex hacked his account. That he kicked her out for cheating.

    6 games with no appeal.  /Goodell

  5. 11 minutes ago, Chrispy said:

    That’s the point, we’re all screwed up and face adversity every single day. No matter the race or gender, life is a bitch. I’ve scratched and clawed my way to a good life and I’ll be damned before someone tells me I earned it with white privilege. Asking the black community to step up and raise their children in a two parent household is a way to help them achieve greater success, which is the ultimate goal. It’s not scolding, it’s solid advice. Advice they would be smart to incorporate. 

    Next thing you are going to tell us is to get an education, a job and save money.  So racist. 


  6. 49 minutes ago, Brian Fantana said:

    Nah man, but pretending the problem will just fix itself is asinine, which is what we constantly do.

    All that "helping" does is take responsibility and accountability away from the people that should be responsible and accountable.  

    Do you honestly think that blacks aren't capable of taking care of their own shit?

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, David Dennison said:

    What accounts for the difference between two parent black households and single parent white households?

    Probably the white households had a higher starting point.  I've seen plenty of guys who were born into money piss away their family fortunes inside of a couple years.

  8. 1 minute ago, bad_teammate said:

    Why do you think this is?

    Contrary to how most people think, you don't typically go from rags to riches.  You have to go from rags to middle class and then a generation later you can realistically get to riches.  My grandfather joined the military to get out of poverty.  That gave the stability to my father who them provided an even higher level of stability to me.  It takes generations of sacrifice and hard work in order to lift up your family.  That is a source of pride I find missing among many people I grew up with which I wish I could share. 

    Someone has to get the ball rolling and take responsibility for themselves and their family.  I feel very passionate about this and I really wish my own community would feel the same way.

  9. Just now, David Dennison said:

    No, I'm not denying that two parent households are better. I'm arguing that two parent black households still lag behind single parent white households.

    Why is that?

    Why is the average white making more than 4 times the median white? Probably because there are some really insanely rich white people which throws off the average and a lot of poor whites.

    Wealth is passed on and if you don't know your father and you were raised by a single mom, you probably aren't getting much of an inheritance.  In fact, you probably are having to take car of your mom and her medical bills along with your own family.  

  10. Just now, Brian Fantana said:

    I dunno, telling them they have to fix all their problems (a fair percentage of which we most definitely caused) themselves seems like the equivalent of breaking someone's knee with a baseball bat and then asking them why they can't get up. 

    Holy shit...  So you caused all the problems with the help of your friends?  I guess we all know who to blame now.


  11. 2 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

    No matter how it's dressed up, you either believe the cause behind the differences in outcomes is endogenous or exogenous in nature.  If you subscribe to the former, I don't know how you avoid the position of inferiority - other differences (cultural, family structure, etc.) cited as explaining those differences in outcomes don't occur in a vacuum and have their own causes.  

    There are obviously more than one variable in play here.  Single parent families have been on the rise for all races in the USA since 1940.  It's just hit the black community more than others.  It's not a position of "inferiority" but being honest that the problem hit certain groups harder than others.  Maybe something prior to 1940 put the black community into a more vulnerable position.

  12. 4 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    He is being racist. He thinks there is something wrong with black people. That's racist.

    He said there is something wrong with the community which is true. We've got a problem and there might be external causes for it. 

    The black community has a problem with unwed mothers and it's ultimately up to the black community to fix it. 

    Getting free coffee at starbucks because I was at a disadvantage growing up might make you feel better, but it's incredibly insulting.  The black community shouldn't allow others to influence it.

    • Like 3

    1 minute ago, Mole said:

    The family thing is a bit of a vicious cycle.  Obviously there's a brutal history some of which is still ongoing (see incarceration rates), but at a certain point, practices become part of the culture. Even if you fix the institutional issues, you don't necessarily solve the problem and the problem itself can contribute to the institutional issues. 

    Obama speaking to black fathers is extraordinarily important and something he was uniquely positioned to do. 

    Trying to boil this down to one underlying issue seems like a fool's errand. These things have been baked in over the course of decades and centuries. Racism continues to be a problem; so is poverty; so are cultural issues such as parental responsibility and educational values.


    Yes but we can see what caused the disparity by going back to when it first started and examine reasons why it might have occurred. 

  14. 3 minutes ago, Chrispy said:

    Yawn. Using the term racist more than five times in a post? Thou doth protest too much, me thinks. 

    Also, morally bankrupt? It’s poor decision making, that’s it. Expecting so little out of a community is the true essence of racism, which you have fully exhibited. Just admit you think they aren’t capable and let’s move on. 

    Just ignore him.  Pretty sure he's just a lonely white dude working at gamestop anyways.

    • Like 1
  15. 9 hours ago, Chrispy said:

    Racism is a factor to be sure, but I respectfully disagree that’s it’s the largest reason.

    Well it certainly hasn't been a static problem.  Census data shows the 1940s as a turning point.  Something around that time started having a negative impact on the black community and I have serious doubt it's casual racism. 


    Starting around 1940, black children were increasingly likely to live in a home without a father. In 1940, for example, 19 percent of black children between the ages of 10 and 14 were living with their mothers only, a figure that jumped to nearly 47 percent in 1990.

    In white households, 8 percent of the children between 10 and 14 lived with their mothers only in 1940, compared with 15 percent in 1990.

    - The extended black family, often considered a source of strength and stability, has declined steadily since 1940, as has the white extended family. In 1940, 26 percent of black households contained extended families - meaning they included other relatives besides parents and their biological children. By 1980, only 17 percent of the families were extended. Likewise, 17 percent of white households were extended in 1940, compared with 6 1/2 percent in 1980.


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