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Everything posted by MIkeHoncho

  1. so Mitchell goes for target on QB, misses, and kills Ojomo.
  2. This is gonna be weird. "Hey Tom, nice 38 point win. Good luck at your next gig, wherever that may be"
  3. This is the real reason we are cancelling the Kansas game - y'all know this is plan b right? We don't want to make him coach against his next employer.
  4. spoiler: wait in long ass line with hipsters for overpriced california burger.
  5. I'm curious to see how long it takes the post count on this thread post-KSU to surpass the entire KSU game thread. O/U 15 minutes
  6. 8 - yours is in the top 5 avatars on this site. Kelly Kapowski still brings a chub many years later.
  7. Portal ftw if needed to tide us over for a year
  8. maybe should be on uniform pron thread, but a friend of a friend of an acquaintance who dates the sister of the handyman at the UT equipment guy's house gave me a sneak peak at our uniforms for the KSU game. Read into it what you will...
  9. it is after noon on Tuesday - how is the fucker still our coach? Get it done CDC. 🤯
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