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  1. I want to post this to my instagram. Someone solve this equation for me. I don’t have X because fuck Elon.
  2. Fuck her. She lost any and all credibility the second she endorsed Trump.
  3. Hell hath no fury like scored women. Lets fucking go, ladies. This is your moment.
  4. I told my wife she should host a ‘Native American/Mexican mix, adopted by a white, gay Irish Catholic family for Harris’ Zoom call, but we don’t think she’ll be very lucrative to the cause. Probably just gum up our wifi for half an hour.
  5. I’m sure the party of personal responsibility took full responsibility.
  6. Probably a couple lines of coke and snorted 40mgs of adderall.
  7. Tarrant county went to Biden last cycle. I feel like that would be unheard of going back a long way. These gains are possible, but it’s a hell of an uphill battle. I’m in Ellis Co where my vote is worth less than a blade of grass on my lawn, but it’s up to us to be a part of that change.
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