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  1. The only people that pronounce Kamala's name like it rhymes with "Impala" are right wing blowhards or those that consume too much media from them. It's comma-la. It's not hard. It means "lotus" and it's a fairly common name, as pointed out above. Just another one of those under the radar attempts to emphasize her weird foreign name. It's Barack HUSSEIN Obama all over again. Don't fall for it.
  2. It still amazes me that these fuckheads continue to refuse to say her name correctly. It's not "Ka MAH luh" and they fucking well know it. It's just a dog whistle so they can tell who's in their stupid cult (and so I can tell who is a stupid moron I can immediately dismiss).
  3. Whew. String Wagner in Pittsburgh vibes there
  4. Didn't Donnie's PAC pay Malania's hairdresser hundreds of thousands of dollars for "strategic consulting"?
  5. Trever Nehls has never won a general election. He lost to Eric Fagan in his race for sheriff in 2022. Then he lost a race for County Judge in 2024 against KP George (incumbent)
  6. Christ man. It's absolutely not a conspiracy. That is simply the cheapest tent and the top result on Amazon. It's not shocking that everyone buys the same thing when everyone shops at the same place.
  7. Jesus the Russians literally attacked Arrington's district the day before yesterday.... And of course Nehls voted no. He's such a fuckhead
  8. Every additional house seat dilutes the power of an electoral vote from a senator in a small state. If California were equal to Wyoming in representatives per person they would have 70 house reps - and 72 EVs - instead of 54. That's 18 more votes for Biden in the EC. Congress determines the number of members. The SC has no say at all. It's explicit in the Constitution. Yeah a Senator might filibuster, but fuck em. Without Sinema or Manchin they could repeal the 1939 law with a bare majority and increase the house easily. Just need to control both chambers of Congress. It's way easier than a constitutional amendment, and probably easier to get through than the vote compact. It's also easily defensible. Who could oppose every American having equal representation? (I suspect some people could, but again - fuck them).
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