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  1. I saw him for free (no receipt) at Dell Tech World back in May in Vegas, and he was fantastic. It was probably the same set. The guy who opened for him was also really good, but I don't remember his name.
  2. Which one is Rosie? I guess the one in red?
  3. Wiler77

    RIP Chuy's

    Haven't eaten at a Chuys in probably 5-6 years, but I remember anything with their green chile being pretty good. They had a green chile stew I remember being pretty legit.
  4. For those of us that don't live in the GOOF, WTF is the GOOF?
  5. Wiler77

    RIP Chuy's

    I've eaten at a chuys less than 10x in my life, but I always ordered things with their green chile. They had a green chile soup with pork that was pretty good.
  6. Right. They had a clean break. And then they REhired him. And now the same people that made that decision will make the next one. Even if they fire him, they are going to make a comfort hire because they don't care about winning. The Klinnsman cycle made that obvious.
  7. OK that makes sense for why they've dropped precipitously in the past decade. USMNT would struggle even more if they encouraged all their talent to stay in the MLS. We've even prioritized MLS players over others in recent memory with predictable results.. Historically did Mexico have a lot of players go to Europe? I'm still curious why they've never been more than a top 10-15 soccer nation on a global stage. They have 2 WC qtr finals in their history, and that's it. No Copa titles. Maybe it comes down to genetics. The average male height in Mexico is on the low end in the Americas, which puts it on the very low end among the rest of the truly competitive soccer nations. Or are you saying the problems you outlined above has been Mexico's problem for 50 years?
  8. I don't follow this as closely as many of you, but I'm really curious as to the reason why. It's a country of 120M+, and soccer is without question the most popular sport. They've never been a consistent threat at a global level, but they've always been "pretty good". They are straight up garbage now. Why the downfall? Why have they never been better than "pretty good". https://www.latimes.com/sports/soccer/story/2024-06-27/mexico-copa-america-loss-venezuela-new-low Some interesting points in this article from a few days ago, but nothing into the why. They are struggling at all levels, from u17 and up. Nothing into why the talent pool is dried up.
  9. We're in Crested Butte for a month. Have some friends passing through the area and we were excited to show then around. Went to one of our favorite restaurants last night and it was a disaster. I've been a waiter, so i generally give a lot of latitude, and we showed up with a party of 10, so my patience was set to 10. But this was ridiculous. 20 minutes for anyone to even greet us after being seated. Food took at least 30 minutes to come out. Half the food was stone cold, like it sat out for 25 minutes while they made the other plates. The kids chicken tenders were almost black because they cooked them so long. My wife's salad didn't contain half the ingredients it listed on the menu. The 2 specials were sold out by 7pm. Also sold out of brussel sprouts which are on the menu. And when our friend asked when the food was delivered if she needed to order the creme brulee early so we wouldn't have to wait long for it, the waitress said "oh, the cook didn't have time to prep that today". It's a menu item. And that was the last time we saw the waitress. My wife asked me if she could go talk to the manager, because she knows I forgive a LOT when it comes to eating out, but I told her to have at it. She was very polite and said if she was a manager she'd like to know if this type of stuff was happening. Waitress comes over afterward and says "I heard you wanted the check" and drops it off. The chef's kiss was the $15 charge for the Brussel spouts they didn't serve us and the extra kids drink that wasn't ordered. Wife says "don't touch that check". Two minutes later manager drops off new check with all food comped and 25% off all drinks. Waitress is totally pissed and after running our cards drops them on the table without saying a word. Weird thing is my wife didn't even complain about her. I don't know if this was the B team, but it was definitely a team that wasn't firing on all cylinders yet, from the kitchen to the wait staff. Shit gets real next week for July 4th. They better get it figured out.
  10. It's also a bit funny the "favors" he lists are reporting on the team and telling fans what time the game starts. Uh, the fact you sees that as a favor and not some basic shit your supposed "fan site" should already be doing is part of your problem.
  11. Lincoln looks like he just had a hell of an orgasm at the titter.
  12. Definitely check out the restaurant we ate at in Positano area. Michelin star on the Med. Seriously a top 5 day of my life. Also the restaurant in Capri was one of the best combo of view+food I've ever had. We told our waiter we were in the mood for a dry white wine that wasn't overly expensive, and he came back with a fantastic choice from Northern Italy that was like $25-30 for the bottle. Perhaps these places are a dime a dozen, but I would seek them out if I went back.
  13. Do you have a car? If you like hiking, Path of the Gods is a as good as it gets. We started in Bomerano, hiked to Nocelle, took the stairs down and had a 3 hour lunch at Il San Pietro di Positano, then hiked back. Packed some nicer clothes in my backpack and changed in the hotel bathrooms. Definitely got some looks when we arrived sweaty after a 3 hour hike, but after a change of clothes and rubbing some rosemary from their bushes on those clothes, I was good to go. Also had sex on the hike back in an abandoned barn of some sort, so good day all around. Seriously, I can't recommend the hike enough. We hired a boat in Amalfi to take us to Capri. I wish I had done more research ahead of time to find what to really do there, but we had a fantastic lunch at this place. Fresh seafood and good Italian wine looking at at Vesuvius? Yes please. Also got to swim in the Med on the way there and back. Speaking of Vesuvius, if you are even remotely interested in history, Pompeii is fascinating. Maybe it's too crowded this time of year, I don't know. But we went in late September and it was awesome. We had a car, so all of this was fairly easy.
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