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5625 Surly 10%

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  1. I mean the big 12 slate was probably tougher overall than the sec but it will still be tough and fun to play new teams and the road games will always be fun atmosphere to play in.
  2. I’ve never understood why they hold the opening ceremonies yet the Olympics started in some competitions 2 days ago already.
  3. I wonder if anyone in Albania watched the opening ceremony excited for the 6 people competing.
  4. That actually should have happened. Rented a pontoon that rides behind the USA boat waving a surly flag and a ousucks flag.
  5. Umm the opening ceremony just started on nbc at 6:30 central time. Are yall from the futures or something?
  6. Speaking of I can’t find a copy anywhere. Is it online only now? I’ve looked in like 25 stores.
  7. I seriously don’t understand how he’s not progressing. Did he tear a ligament? Break a bone? Doesn’t make any sense. I’m sure someone would take him right now even with the injury.
  8. I’ve prepared myself to be let down at whatever we do or don’t do.
  9. I’d love to see the Astros FO get aggressive and not wait to see everyone else go get arms and bats then respond to their moves. We need help if we’re serious about another WS.
  10. I bought this for my son on Xbox, told him I get first game so I went straight to the cotton bowl and played ousucks. First play from scrimmage bond takes the jet sweep to the house for 80 yards on a r1 juke into a spin move for 6. I handed him the controller after the extra point and said “that’ll do”. after watching him play the first thing I noticed is if you try and roll formations and look for plays you won’t have time so you either take the coach suggested play or set up your no huddle offense plays. Of course I haven’t played in 11 years so I’m sure it gets easier once you know where to go. I love the crowd noise and can’t see the play though.
  11. I wonder how many Astros over the years have respectfully had the pleasure to lay the pipe to Julia? At least few have. I won’t believe it hasn’t happened.
  12. Tucker has a bruised shin or a fractured shin? Been out a long time since
  13. Sheppard is gonna hit a shit ton of threes for the rockets. And small or not, when you have that much range you can stretch the defense a lot and open it up for sengun to work on the block. He was a great addition.
  14. And I know I’m being whatever. Just tired of waiting. And I wanted to bitch a little today and keep the surly alive.
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