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Horn Under a Bad Sign

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Horn Under a Bad Sign last won the day on October 14 2021

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  1. He has "forgiven" others like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio once they kiss the ring.
  2. I've seen all of those plus Patton, Tora! Tora! Tora! and Summer of '42, so I'm more like an officer.
  3. They are too stoned to care. It's like you haven't even tried that new strain of Alaskan Thunderfuck.
  4. Either way he looks incompetent. I hope he doesn't get some sense, dump Vance, and pick up Haley. She's the only one who can help him.
  5. Sorry for going back to this, but this just made me weep. "seemed to beckon to his touch" is downright brilliant. "Everything in the room struck a deep chord of desire; his infatuations and lusts weren’t limited to the couch. The antique-styled melamine coffee table with its printed veneer surface stirred something deep within him. He admired the craftsmanship, the way each groove and edge seemed to beckon his touch."
  6. J.D. Vance: the more kids you have, the more votes you should get to be able to exercise. You know, as envisioned in the Constitution: That's not Biden. That's a hologram.
  7. By the way, even though this story is completely contrived, I want to see J.D. Vance deny that he ever had sexual relations with a couch.
  8. Holy shit! "Polyfurniamorous" is one of the best words I've ever read.
  9. More evidence of the great enshittification. Delia's Tamales raided by feds because apparently there is evidence of wage theft, social security fraud, financial abuse, discrimination, and workers being made to work as housekeepers in Delia Lubin's home. https://www.mysanantonio.com/food/article/delias-tamales-fbi-19593974.php
  10. Equestrienne Charlotte Dujardin is bidding to become Britain's most decorated female Olympian in Paris but was filmed "engaging in conduct contrary to the principles of horse welfare" and has been forced to drop out. Charlotte's pretty cute and I'd like an opportunity to review the conduct. While I'm alone at home. For educational purposes. https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/olympics/charlotte-dujardin-horse-video-rider-olympics-2024-b2584864.html
  11. Holy Shit ... not a cult at all: https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/gallery/2024/jul/19/donald-trump-supporters-give-their-views-at-rnc-in-pictures It's hard to say which one is the worst. Candidates:
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