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Horn Under a Bad Sign

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Horn Under a Bad Sign last won the day on October 14 2021

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  1. Making wealthy stupid people poorer IS a societal benefit.
  2. Many of them are smart enough but are like my sister, who claims she doesn't care.
  3. I save screenshots of Doug Lewin's tweets to lay down like the finger of righteousness on unbelievers along with questions like "what do you have against clean, low-cost electricity?" I just read that Minnesota ---- MINNESOTA! ---- expects to get 35% of its power from renewables this year. It's inexorable, and no amount of lobbying from fossil fuel interests will stop it.
  4. I hear from a lot of friends that they'd be more accepting of wind turbines but for the fact that "they kill so many birds." It turns out that wind turbines kill far fewer birds than the fossil fuel power production that they replace: https://climate.mit.edu/ask-mit/do-wind-turbines-kill-birds
  5. This thread has finally devolved to the place it was destined to from the first post. Glad I could play a part in the process.
  6. Get back with me when Biden incites an insurrection that has Senators and Congressmen fleeing for their lives while they are attempting to carry out their Constitutional duty, or when Biden fucks a porn star, pays that porn star money to keep her mouth shut so as not to influence an election, then looks right into the camera and lies to the American people about having done so.
  7. There are two schools of thought on this. On the one hand, you want her to open it. So maybe something from a South Dakota Chamber of Commerce. On the other hand, fuck Kristi Noem. So I'll give you both sweet and Surly: Ideas for from: Corey L., Republican National Committee, RNC, M Lindell, Jim Smith, Watertown Chamber of Commerce, Pierre Motors, Ideas for Note: With Love, with love and admiration from Henry James, Who's a good boy?, What the fuck is wrong with you?, Don't Cry for me Crickett
  8. When you have 11 players drafted I'm sure that makes you feel like you've got a pretty persuasive case.
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