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Posts posted by Grandioso

  1. Carter Page is going to turn out have a 190 IQ, speak 20 languages, and be the most decorated CIA agent of all time, except his ops are so covert only the Deep State(TM) knows about them.

  2. He should tweet something like Trump would.

    "Loser Laura Ingraham apologized to me today, crying and begging me to stop saying bad things about her. Much whinier than she was in her tweet. I told her the advertisers were going to leave her anyways. Low ratings!" 

    • Haha 1
  3. Without any staff, advisers, and such, pretty soon Trump is going to be holed up in there in near total isolation. He's just going to be watching TV 15 hours a day, being obsessively specific about his meals, and dreading germs. Occasionally he will spend time in Hotels that he owns.

    The Howard Hughes parallels are getting eerie. 

  4. There's degrees of affiliation with Russia. Did Assange take a secret vow to Putin and get an official degree from GRU University - Moscow? Probably not. Assange doesn't do what he does "for Russia" like an intelligence officer does. Those are agents.

    Agent - a person who acts on behalf of another person or group.

    But Assange does say Kremlin shit on RT in exchange for money. He does accept hacked and stolen material from Russia, which bolsters his reputation and influence and gives Russia plausible deniability. Before Russia ever discovered and courted him, he had an existing philosophy and operation that was very valuable to Russia. So Russia uses him to whatever extent they can. Assange is an asset.

    Asset -  a useful or valuable thing, person, or quality.

  5. Re: that Susan Simpson tweet

    ^^^ Yeah, that's the achilles heel for sure if there is one. It wasn't just: I give you money and you stay quiet. Trump had an obligation to release Daniels from claims and the lack of signature is evidence that he did not. On the contrary, he is saying he didn't know anything about it. I am seeing it now.

    Attempting a simplified illustration here...

    In exchange for that candy bar, Donald and Company will give you (A) $1.00 and (2) Donald 's promise to not sue you for anything that you did before this contract. Stormy accepts $1.00 from third party associated with Donald and assumes she has Donald's promise. Stormy goes back and says, can I get a copy of that promise? "Sorry, there isn't anything in writing." Stormy then asks, well can he at least acknowledge that he made the promise and will continue to honor it? "No, Donald says he doesn't know anything about any promise or candy bars. Also, you're a whore." Stormy lawyers up. "Hey, you promised us two things for that candy bar and you only gave us one."

    • Like 2
  6. I wonder how many Gibson double necks just "Stairway to Heaven" alone has sold over the years. Pretty good publicity to make the guitar that Page used to play the most famous guitar song of all time. But only live. In the studio recording, you're hearing these. There isn't a signature Page guitar (Les Paul and EDS-1275) anywhere in the entire song.





  7. 57 minutes ago, scottsins said:


    Correct. However, the client is still bound by the release, right? They are not a 3rd party beneficiary, but an actual party to the agreement, IIRC.


    I think the issue is whether or not the language requiring signatures of the parties in order to be valid applies to trump.


    There is “and/or” language in that clause and I do not know how California law interprets that.

    Daniels' lawyer seems to be contending that (A) the lack of a signature, plus (B) Trump's public representations of is not a party to the contract = sufficient evidence to demonstrate Trump was/is not a party to the contract. Then he seems to argue if Trump is not a party to the contract, it is invalid.  This is just my knee-jerk reaction here, but I say not so fast. You still have Trump's LLCs or whatever in there. They can still bring the shitstorm and seek all those $1M/breach liquidated damages from Daniels if she breaches the NDA. 

    I think Daniels' lawyer might have an argument Trump doesn't have standing to bring a claim against her because he didn't sign it and didn't know about it, but he's not the only entity in that contract. Daniels' lawyer isn't saying Trump can't enforce it or that portions of the contract or invalid or that there is an ambiguity that should be resolved in his client's favor. He's saying no contract exists. He's got an uphill battle IMO, especially when his client signed it and took the money. 

    Sidebar: Cohen probably has a "David Dennison Hush Money" shortcut on his PC desktop with like 200 word documents in it. If Daniels' lawyer wins on this issue, imagine how many ladies might step forward. 

  8. 58 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Assange and Snowden have a lot of similarities.

    Both were championed for being whistleblowers in the beginning but as more time elapses it’s becoming clearer that they’re not much more than weapons of adversaries to undermine the United States and the West.

    I’m not saying they’re Russian spies but the Kremlin certainly loves these guys for obvious reasons and probably exerts influence over them to push out certain messages.

    Was it just a coincidence Russia was about to ship Snowden to Ecuador before Obama dropped the hammer on him?

     I’d speculate Snowden would have operated in a similar fashion in Ecuador as he is now except with more plausible deniability from the Kremlin.

    I think Assange started out as an independent whistleblower and gradually fell under Russian influence. This is what Russia does, they find pre-existing folks who espouse something that furthers Russia's interests or agenda and exploits them. It's all about that common cause/joint interest. I'm sure Assange was paid a fuckton of money for appearing on RT a bunch. Shit, they even offered to give him his own show. Russia also helps Assange's ego/operation by turning over hacked materials, e.g., the Podesta e-mails. This gives him scoops and exclusive content. I think this is also why Hannity says Kremlinly stuff. Russia steals/hacks secrets -> gives them to a cutout -> who gives them to Assange -> who shares portions with Hannity thus giving him "exclusive" stuff to report.

    • Like 1
  9. I've settled probably 150+ tort lawsuits and I've never had a client sign the release. No one does this, at least in insurance defense. Anyone I name in the settlement contract can assert it, regardless of who paid the settlement.

    I've been too lazy to try and learn what Daniels' lawyer is arguing but this is going to be my project today. 

  10. Quote

    Q: “Can you explain to me how a guy that eats McDonald's and Kentucky Fried Chicken and all those Diet Cokes, and who never exercises, is in as good of shape as you say he’s in?” 

    A: “It’s called genetics. I don't know, some people have just great genes” 

    Speaking of genetics, Fred Trump had alzheimers for six years before he died. 

  11. Could have been the software or digital effects or something. 

    Or maybe he is a shapeshifting reptilian like Justin Bieber

    Which sheeple like this guy tried to pass off as a "video glitch"


  12. 72d9960f3f1049543526f28541394007.jpg

    I may have posted this before but this is from Zeppelin's set at the "Day on the Green" in Oakland, 1977. This was the setlist and you can see that they blocked together certain songs that used the same guitar and tuning. But according to my research from looking at videos from that tour, LPs were swapped out every song in a 1-2-3 cycle. I guess that made damn sure the roadies had time to change strings, retune, etc. All the acoustic songs are in open G or something close so I imagine one was purely a backup.

    The Song Remains the Same - EDS-1275, standard tuning on both necks

    Sick Again - same

    Nobody's Fault but Mine - LP right

    Over the Hills and Far Away - LP middle

    Since I've Been Loving You - LP left

    No Quarter - LP far right

    Ten Years Gone - This is the Tele song and I knew that without looking 

    The Battle of Evermore - Mandolin

    Going to California - Martin in open G (JPJ on Mandolin)

    Mystery Train (Little Junior's Blue Flames cover) - no idea

    Black Country Woman - Martin in open G

    Bron-Y-Aur Stomp - Martin in open G

    Trampled Under Foot - LP 

    White Summer/Black Mountain Side - Danelectro DADGAD

    Kashmir - Danelectrio DADGAD

    Guitar Solo - LP I guess?

    Achilles Last Stand - A different LP

    Stairway to Heaven - I won't insult your intelligence

    Encore: (LPs all the way home)

    Whole Lotta Love

    Rock and Roll

    Black Dog

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