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Posts posted by HeyMcFly

  1. 1 minute ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Haven’t seen that many snowflakes outside of a blizzard.   That’s stunning.  They don’t love aggy, that’s for damn sure.  They love a certain concept of aggy that their have in their heads, but they don’t love what aggy is.

    i mean lets be real could you honestly love a watery turd laying on on the side I10 just outside of ozona thats currently being consumed by a mangey fox?

  2. 5 hours ago, Lobo said:

    Do Aggies realize that dropping "Mays School" isn't like dropping Sloan, McCombs, Kellogg, or Wharton.  Don't get wrong, the world needs floor managers at JC Penney for the forseeable future, but they keep inserting it into non-related conversations like it's gonna elevate their status or something.  Aggie jokes aside, there are some damn solid college/schools on that campus, but their business school ain't one of them. 

    You might learn like Mays, but you earn like shit.  Know your place Aggies, nobody respects your business school outside a 100-mile radius.  

    I look at Aggie business school grads like Chris Rock looks at women who don't give head, "Goddamn, why do they still make you?"  

    The vet school and what else? not trolling, i only know of the vet school cause of the amount of aggies that crow about it at the rodeo.

  3. 49 minutes ago, Let 'Em Hang said:

    Well, as a fan of Longhorn football since 1967 and a contributor to UT Athletics, time to say goodbye.  Been real and I have to say I'll miss it.

    And to the football team:



    This aint the airport you dont have to announce your departure...


    p.s. I for one am glad your are leaving... one less piece of shit associated with Texas.

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