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Mack Tripper

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Mack Tripper

  1. On 4/7/2018 at 12:00 AM, wutang75 said:

    My absolute favorite band.  Love I Should Live in Salt, About Today, I Need My Girl, Slow Show.  Went to LA a few weeks ago just to see them play 4 songs at IHeartRadio concert.  No other band gets to me like they do - a great band to listen to when you travel a lot for work.  I love to sit in an airport and listen.

    User name does NOT check out. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Captainant said:

    I'm curious to see if the rockets tighten up their game on Wednesday. They were playing super lazy defense switching on every screen and giving up mismatches left and right. Absolutely correctable issues, but they'll get ripped apart by a competent offense for doing that shit.

    Not sure if serious.jpg

  3. On 4/9/2018 at 4:48 AM, RPM said:

    Make them sign an agreement that using a personal cell phone during business hours is against company policy, if they are caught they will be fired for cause. Texas is a right to work state (a/k/a can be fired because you feel like it). If they refuse to sign, sayonara.  

    What you're referring to is that Texas is at will employment state, which means you can be fired for good cause, bad cause, or no cause, as long as it is not a discriminatory cause. "Right to work" refers to union membership. Just sayin'.

  4. This isn't the whole song, but the best live video I could find from back in the day. The full Kashmere Stage Band doc is really great. 

  5. Can do. I'll work on it more this afternoon, clean it up a bit, and post a few different versions.

    Bros, I’ve already done the Texas-Danzig design, complete with having Ramjet do the work for me. “Texas” should be above the skull.

    Except that he sent it via PM on the Shag. Furk. Need to go find the file he sent.
  6. i am surprised at the fuck blue bell crowd.  does not compute.  bacteria is everywhere.  foodborne pathogens are everywhere.  you can get them from the best restaurants, from any foods in the grocery - canned, frozen, or fresh.  stop cowering in fear.  if you're paranoid then starve yourself.  for me, i'm having ice cream.
    but back to the subject, it would have been better if blue bell had used reese's cups, like ben and jerry's does.  i'm not a cookie dough fan, but still will be giving this a shot asap.

    Sounds like you have no knowledge regarding the actual facts of Blue Bell’s known shoddy manufacturing processes that killed multiple people and resulting cover up.
    • Like 1
  7. Kimpton has a bunch of reasonably priced hotels all over the place. 

    The Line hotel in Adams Morgan just opened. It's in an old Christian Science church. I stayed there recently and enjoyed it. 

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