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Posts posted by Paper_jam

  1. 4 minutes ago, 2300 Nueces said:

    It posted this in the markets thread.  All these cancellations are going to bankrupt many businesses.  Many of these companies are maxing revolving credit lines and withdrawing the cash from bank accounts.  This is going to crash the banking system.  I would begin to prepare for bank runs and bank closures in the near future if this panic narrative is allowed to continue.  I am almost entirely out of the system, phew.  After tomorrow, I am free.

    but I thought after the last crash, the government instituted reforms and controls to ensure that banks and investment houses manage their assets responsibly and don't get overextended (trying to keep a straight face)



  2. 15 minutes ago, Helobious said:

    Driving around SA tonight, there was a very noticeable decrease in the amount of cars in restaurant parking lots. Especially for a Thursday night.

    I went to a N. Austin Chili's for lunch today (hey, I had a gift card to burn) and it was not nearly as busy as it usually is. I bet the lunch line tomorrow at Chipotle gonna be short.



  3. Everyone does shitty work and/or is incompetent.Today's example: eating lunch at a restaurant I regularly frequent but a different person is working the register. I give them my credit card, they put it in the card reader. It goes "beep" but the guy looks confused and irritated at whatever is on the LCD screen (won't show it to me).  Runs my card a second time, same result--i can't see what is on the screen but he says it was declined. (At no point did I sign anything or "approve" the purchase.)  After the second attempt with the card I say fuck it and pay in cash. I come home and see that my card was billed twice. Now I have to get the place to cancel the pending charges or dispute it with my CC company.



  4. Sometimes I feel like Austin (hell, Central Texas) just needs to declare a Transportation Emergency and appoint (or elect) a Transportation Fascist. That position would have absolute authority to bypass all the usual red tape (public input, environmental impact, contractor bidding, property disputes, etc.) that make transportation projects drag on for decades. 

    Also, we need more efficient ways of dealing with accidents and disabled vehicles. Rapid-response crews with bulldozers or heavy-lift helicopters that can move wrecks and disabled vehicles out of the way in minutes, not hours. And let's get big, slow-ass construction vehicles and heavy commercial vehicles off city roads during peak commuting times. 

    Finally, I don't want to see any fuckin' orange cones or barrels in a travel lane unless there is actually work happening there. How many times do you see a lane that's closed for a mile and absolutely nothing is going on, and the surface is still completely drivable?

    • Like 3
  5. 17 hours ago, RomaVicta said:

    The issue, to me, is why do these Americans feel the need to commit suicide and include other people?

    W.T.F? Explain the anticipated satisfaction of blasting a co-worker or even a dickhead boss as prelude to your own death. What is the seed for this?


    A desire to get back at people or institutions (or just society) who they think have fucked them over. And if the person is sufficiently fucked up, they can rationalize it to the extent that the specific individuals being targeted don't matter-- everyone is in on it or part of it, so everyone gets a bullet.

    Also, why just go out quietly when you can at least make a big headline? Like the line from the Squidbillies intro song..."I'll take all you sumbitches when I go."




  6. Take NASCAR back to homologation racing: showroom-stock vehicles with no modifications (or minimal modifications for safety, such as extra bracing for roll protection, fire protection systems, etc.). Can't race a car that isn't available for public sale.




  7. I really liked my 2004 GTO. At the time, they were letting them go cheap because the US market didn't accept the car as a "real" Pontiac GTO. But it was a damn nice car, especially compared to the other stuff coming out of GM at the time.



  8. Reclining only provides a modest improvement in comfort for the person reclining, but it produces a substantial amount of distress for the person in the seat behind, so the net effect when someone reclines is a decrease in overall utility. Put another way, if the total discomfort level of all the passengers could be quantified, the cumulative collective discomfort would be minimized if there is no reclining.



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  9. 22 hours ago, 52-80 said:


    While we're off topic, anyone find how disgusting it is to drive in Houston?  Saw people blatantly and deliberately run red lights every 10 minutes.  Drivers surging on the freeway like theyve got sputtering engines.  People darting into lanes like theyre playing frogger.  People blocking intersections.  A couple of close-misses because of people turning in and out of said intersections.  Potholes everywhere the size of craters.  Just total ass experience.


    Seeing the same kind of thing in Austin, at least in my area. Some shitstain hit-and-runned me in a parking lot on Sunday. Seems like in the last year, we've reached some kind of critical threshold where basic rules of the road don't apply anymore. I predict a market for Mad Max-style car modifications in the near future.

  10. 1 hour ago, atomheartbevo said:

    People doomed to live out the rest of their natural lives on a cursed plague ship. New Pirates of the Caribbean movie?



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    • Haha 2
  11. We were all doomed when Radio Shack started asking for our name & address when you were just buying a pack of batteries.

    I liked it when a "rewards program" was a a little paper card a place would give you and stamp it or punch it every time you ate lunch there until you qualify for a freebie. Not some app or internet account that's a backdoor way to harvest your personal info and monetize it.



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