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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Bone3421

  1. Wasn’t me, but I have placed an order for 5000 UUUU shares at $6.15 and another 5000 UUUU shares at $5.85.  It’s quad witching day. Could be volatile.  Let’s see how she plays out.
    Well I got in at 7$ and 12$ call for January...better start turning around lol
  2. Agreed...I'm just wondering how it plays into now...are we going to get this thing to blow or are we screwed until market notices the planned pivot and becomes the defacto Amazon of video game industry

    Been hoping it blows so I can sell then put nice chunk back in for the future when it settles down back around 50$

  3. I skimmed through the patent doc and my takeaway was "who cares". Its basically a methodology for autonomous vehicles to refuel. I highly doubt there is a single technical pathway to this end goal. Best case they get embroiled in years and years of patent lawsuits sometime in the future, meanwhile their revenue continues to languish
    Counterpoint. If the mobs on Reddit pick up the cause again can it gain some short term momentum. Yes it can. 
    I look it as just another round of good news.

    If you look into to BlackBerry you will see that they are going to be a player in the autonomous vehicles coming down the road. Already in good terms with many many major automakers, BlackBerry ivy, deal with Amazon and baidu....do as ya wish but I'm thinking longterm and grabbing some while its 10$ not 30$ or whatever down the line
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