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Posts posted by sasquatch69

  1. 40 minutes ago, Skipper said:

    This is just getting beyond stupid in Dallas.   Had to be 3 inches in about 45 minutes here in NE Dallas.  Downtown taking it now and has to be a fucking mess.  I don't think I've ever seen this much rain in less than a week.  Luckily drainage I put in after 2019 flood seems to be holding up great in problem spots but beyond over this shit. 

    I was up riding my bike at Oak Point Preserve in Plano this afternoon and the sky got reeeeeally ominous all the sudden so I booked it back to my truck. The heavens opened shortly thereafter and by the time I got back into my neighborhood the streets were flooding. Tired of this.

  2. Just got back from a long weekend in NO. Stayed on south end of Garden District so spent much of our time in this part of town (besides obligatory French Quarter and City Park).

    A few recs:

    - Had dinner at Mister Mao, a newish arrival to the scene here, and worth a visit - they got a James Beard nomination and the mix of dishes (sort of pan-Asian) is really interesting and different. Great cocktails, too.

    - Brunch at French Toast on Decatur in the Quarter. Small and crowded, but good. I had one of the savory crepes with egg on top and potatoes, and it was pretty much perfect.

    - Saw the New Orleans Nightcrawlers (Grammy-winning brass band) at Snug Harbor, which was fantastic. Try to see a show at Snug if you can - they’ve got live music almost every night of the week.

    - Best dive bar we visited was 45 Tchoup, on Tchoupitoulas near Napoleon. Great bartenders and cheap prices - and they’re known as a baseball bar so that adds to the vibe. And my new beer discovery from there was Canebrake from Parish Brewing - good stuff.

    My wife and I both agree if we lived here we’d be fat and drink too much. Not that that’s all bad.

    • Hook 'Em 5
  3. TCU went down 9-0 to Kansas in the 1st; it's been 10-1 Frogs since then with game at 10 all in the 8th.  Crazy.

    Of course, whoever wins this one has to immediately turn around and play the buzzsaw that is Oklahoma this afternoon.

  4. Spent this week in Vegas for a work thing, so wasn’t able to be a restaurant high-roller (our order was keep expenses low). Having said that, the takeaway at Bang Bar (Momofuku’s casual concept at Cosmo) was quite good. Also watched the Mavs and Stars on Monday at the Mandalay Bay sportsbook, which was great – much more space than the cramped ones at Park MGM and Caesars that I checked out. Mainly spent my non-work time walking around and people watching.  Overall, it’s shockingly expensive compared to the last time I was there, too many damn people and the airport is dumpy. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. Quote

    Steve Albini, the legendary record producer behind Nirvana’s In Utero, Pixies’ Surfer Rosa, and countless other alternative rock classics, has died of a heart attack. He was 61 years old.

    News of Albini’s death was confirmed to Consequence via a staff member at his recording studio, Electric Audio in Chicago.

    Dude was a big part of some legendary records, and his profile had ramped up the last year or two via podcasts, other projects and a possible concert tour later this year.



  6. Quote

    part of the point of a protest is to make everyone uncomfortable.

    This is true, but one thing that seems to be lacking in a lot of young people who get involved in these efforts today is an understanding of how to tailor a message to (1) be heard/absorbed and (2) change hearts and minds.   Screaming at people, scrapping with police and other extreme tactics may be seen by the actors as justified/righteous - but they don't seem to be having a positive effect in terms of the general public (e.g. people who don't already have a strong opinion one way or the other).  It ends up turning the very people they're trying to convince against them.  

    • Hook 'Em 5
  7. 8 minutes ago, Surly Bevo said:

    Down on campus with HS Jr son for tour and just saw DPS marching that way up 21st street 

    Same.  They just marched by the admissions center with face shields, etc.  My son said, “so I guess we won’t be getting the full tour today…”

    • Rage+1 3
  8. Listened to the Downbeat on the way into work today.  Switched over during a Musers commercial break and they were doing a mailbag segment where Danny and Sirois pulled back the curtain quite a bit on both their Ticket days as well as the changes during their time at 97.1 (especially moving to mornings).  It was really interesting and revealing - but the guys were also fairly candid about the station's current ratings difficulties and air of uncertainty about their future. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  9. Spent a day in Bentonville last week.  The new Castle Hub downhill park on the north end of Slaughter Pen network (up against I-49) was really cool.  Also did the in-town greens and blues, as well as a couple loops at Blowing Springs and trails at Devil's Den State Park (an hour south of Bville, but highly worth a visit, especially for camping/cabining.  

    (first photo by creek is Devil's Den; the rest are in Bentonville.)






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  10. On 2/5/2024 at 9:26 AM, Al_4_ISU said:

    This wacky winter has me confident I'll be riding my local dirt by Friday afternoon.

    Got an NWA trip planned for March.  Going to stay in Eureka Springs and spend a day riding Great Passion Play trails, and another day where I do the whole Back 40 (the original 22 mile loop).  Really excited about that.  Had a trip lined up last year, but my wife got a major promotion and was unable to take time off in that window.  I went to Eureka in the spring of 2021 and loved it.  Can't wait to get back.

    Similar plans here later this spring - I have to go to a family-related thing which NWA is on the way to, and my wife can't go, so I took a couple extra days off and plan to camp in Bella Vista and ride for a full day on front and back end of trip.  Can't wait.  

    • Hook 'Em 3
  11. 9 minutes ago, C-Man said:

    What, did they expect him to just jeer Trump and cheer Biden for 20 minutes?  This is an issue that's engendering a LOT of discussion, and is a separate conversation from the embrace of demagoguery and overall enshittening that a second Trump term would represent, which is the primary reason to vote for Biden.   I hope America makes the correct (D) choice for democracy, but I do worry about where Biden will be in 2-3 years (and even moreso about Trump).  None of this is ideal - and just expecting people to pretend like it's not an issue (and get mad when they do) is weird.

    • Hook 'Em 5
  12. 23 minutes ago, StassneyHorn said:

    And this predicted pattern is why I think we'll see the attempts to disenfranchise and gerrymander these emerging voters will continue to ramp up in coming years.  It's going to get worse before it gets better.

  13. 1 hour ago, crash_davis said:

    Since we don't have a bitch about whoring ourselves to Bitcoin miners thread, this is the closest one. 


    Every night, the nurse anesthetist Cheryl Shadden lies awake in her home in Granbury, Texas, listening to a nonstop roar. “It’s like sitting on the runway of an airport where jets are taking off, one after another,” she says. “You can't even walk out on your back patio and speak to somebody five feet away and have them hear you at all.” 

    The noise comes from a nearby bitcoin mining operation, which set up shop at a power plant in Granbury last year. Since then, residents in the surrounding area have complained to public officials about an incessant din that they say keeps them awake, gives them migraines, and seemingly has caused wildlife to flee the region. “My citizens are suffering,” says Hood County Constable John Shirley. 

    Looked this up on the map - I guess they just bought the pastureland adjacent to the power plant and put in rows and rows of these CPU stacks and industrial cooling fans.  I would not be surprised to see more municipalities enact laws against this as it becomes more common.  https://www.google.com/maps/@32.3438316,-97.7317921,3a,19.6y,162.31h,91.4t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sZz60ipGL8cw8ZJyPg38cfw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu

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