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Posts posted by VaHorn

  1. 9 hours ago, closetojumping said:

    Thanks. Due to two business deals careening sideways and needing attention,  and a trip to Vegas, it really has been easy to check way the fuck out from the recruiting and football boards since the Okie State buttfuck. It's also been easy to check out on my friends who are so bitter right now about Herman and crew that they aren't capable of providing viable information about the program/recruiting, or they're inside the machine, which is in full on fucking bunker mode right now.

    While I like to play an unhinged Internet poster as much as the next guy, I really don't need to hear diatribes about how fucked everything is and how ruined we all are as fans for life, so it's been a pretty peaceful, non-UT stint for me as I ignore calls and texts. So I'm in the dark and I'm not showing up here asking for a repeat of the past 10-15 pages.

    That said, is Adimora really checking out on us? I'd heard he was locked in for reals. That sucks, if true. I guess I'll reach out in the next day or so and see if I can get something rational that can be passed on if I hear anything on this end. I'll hang up and listen.

    Also, if Banks is legitimately being by Texas, it's an indicator of all kinds of new shit coming to light, so I guess I'm going to watch that shit like a hawk as a recruitnik.

    Thank you so much for that overly long update on your [cough] very important personal life. That done, FOCUS.  We will hold down the fort here and look forward to your next update when the season is over. No rush.  

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  2. 11 hours ago, Augustus said:

    A man after my own heart.

    Years back, I got pissed at a player for scoring a TD, and was shouted down by my brethren.

    I seemed to be the only one who understood that scoring, and thereby giving the ball back to them, was the only scenario in which we could potentially lose.

    It's a game of strategy, after all.

    I pity those imbeciles that keep focusing on the “we are behind and if we don’t score we will lose” scenario.  Small minds like that couldn’t possibly keep up with your strategeries.  Keep being the smartest guy in the room, my friend.  

    • Fuck You 1
  3. 46 minutes ago, TxEx84 said:

    Stood next to Demas during the Bevo Blvd team walk through. A number of players and coaches spotted him and gave him fist bump. Seemed to have a good bond with the players. /csb

    I asked if I could tweet at him.

    The gentleman to your far right, handcuffed to Demas, was TFK.  The answer to you question is no. 

    • Fuck You 1
  4. 20 minutes ago, MOODY said:

    Well I just don't know if it is scheme, players or coaches.  I do know that this defense is just average to below average and playing like shit now.  Texas Tech will probably wreck this squad but I just don't care anymore.  Numb from the last few years and my give a fuck meter is empty.

    Don't think next year this defense will be any better and probably worse with the players we lose.

    Username checks out. 

    • Haha 1
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  5. 3 hours ago, Firemans4Horn said:

    Same exact shit we had with Charlie. What the fuck are we doing where we let these new hires bring their shitty ass assistants/WR’s coaches and then surprise surprise they suck? The “we’re Texas, we can get whoever we want” died when Muschamp left. A bunch a fucking highly paid spares since then. 

    I’d love to be 18 and ignorant again. Study hard, little one. 

    • Fuck You 1
  6. Saturday was a tough loss for them. They take comfort in how badly they would have beaten OSU. They play in such a terribly tough conference that when they get matched up against teams like wake forest, Louisville, KSU and the like they destroy them.  If they were still in the Big 12, they probably would have lost those bowl games. 

    • Fuck You 1
  7. 35 minutes ago, Goodman said:

    Money will not be a problem. Trusting the AD will hire the right guy is. 

    Money is definitely a problem. Helton is the 47th highest paid football coach. Couple a buyout and see what they can afford. Not sure where this “USC has a lot of money” rumor started. 

    • Fuck You 1
  8. Helton’s base salary is absurdly low (2.6 million?) which would help with a buyout, but I don’t think they can afford to fire him. USC’s best hire was their 4th choice for head coach. They aren’t getting a new head coach this year, if they do, it won’t be a splash hire. 

    • Fuck You 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Hornius Emeritus said:

    Every time Texas loses I come to this board and see a litany of posts that blame the loss on X.  There seems to be this profound human need to ascribe blame whenever something bad happens.  X could be Hager, it could be Boyd, it could be Herman, it could be bad calls that went against us ....it could be anything.

    My question is, what if it's all of those things, plus Y, with Y being unknowable? What if it's NONE of those things except Y?  What if it's simply that the universe is randomly chaotic?



    Even if all you say is correct, how does this absolve Beck for his horrendous playcalling?  Playcalling that is 100% responsible for every single game that we have lost?  Let that sink in. Every single game. His only saving grace is that he has the foresight to surrender playcalling responsibility in the games we win.  

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