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Posts posted by vtaenz

  1. 3 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:


    My first thought is they are using old stuff in the lead, knowing it’s going to get wrecked.  It still points to a shortage of tanks, and also they are sacrificing those crews, so you know they aren’t well-trained, and they’ll get fucked up anyways at some point.

    But we also know they were producing about 20 “modern” tanks a month, and were supposedly bumping that up to 40 or more, but it was still not enough to keep pace with tanks being destroyed in Ukraine (their “massive” reserves were originally keeping the front supplied with tanks).  And they were also restarting production lines for turbine engines for tanks, but they were basically hand-producing them, so not in any great numbers.  We might have reached that point where their reserves of T-6x/T-72s are depleted, or at least their ability to deploy them everywhere (parts/engine shortages).

    If this starts happening more and more, that’s going to get real interesting.

    It's not just producing said tanks, they also need to be able to repair and maintain them... laughable I know.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  2. 5 hours ago, Schulz2.0 said:


    I mean good. Russia hasn't adhered to any fucking treaty ever. Staying the high road doesn't mean jack all in a fight. At the very least they get that a real fight doesn't have rules. Looks like Poland (like everyone else) recognizes it and is doing something about it because someone has to be first.

    • Hook 'Em 7
  3. 100% you pretty much need to party up or join a random team. Most missions are really hard at low levels trying to solo them.

    It's a lot of fun if you get into a somewhat competent group.

    Some of the movement feels wonky and I wish I had a 1st person view.

    It does feel like a pretty good gameplay loop and it's a lot of fun.

    Real Helldivers fight Robots.

  4. I just picked this up after watching a few vids. Seems like they had bad server issues initially but that's been figured out.

    It has real Starship Troopers vibes to it and it would be amazing if they somehow were able to drop a total conversion or DLC, that would be amazing.


    Anyway, here's a video of two missions from Neebs gaming.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. Haven't kept up on this thread.

    S1 was not received well.

    S2 was pretty fantastic.

    S3 started off terribly, like for real traps aren't fun and interacted with in an intuitive way in the first place and you built a season around that? They've effectively made that whole piece not matter anymore and generally everyone enjoys the season more. I purposely started late and I've really enjoyed it for the most part.


    I still dislike farming steel despite the increased drop rate in S2.

  6. 15 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

    Well, I get the comms cut but you wouldn't use a nuclear warhead to do that.  There are a half-dozen conventional options that can sever sat comms without raising the red flags and negative repercussions from the international community of deploying a nuclear weapon, even in space.  You can easily arrange a "Space Junk" accident up there with the same tactical effect, and save face without the incredibly obvious nuclear imagery signature of a purposely detonated shipped/launched/detonated device for literally half the planet to see.  

    Same thoughts.

  7. 5 hours ago, Pescado_Rojo said:

    Earlier in this thread we had a discussion about how critical trains were to Russian supply efforts and how eliminating rolling stock would be good for Ukraine as Russia would have a difficult time replacing it. Now they've got 30km worth of cars they can fill with sand or gravel and use for defense? And blocking a rail line with it? Are they giving up on supplying units on that rail axis? Is that a rail line with no strategic value like a spur line or something?

    Same thought I had. I thought the loss of a car was greater than the loss of part of the rail line.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 6 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    But remember the important takeaways from this:

    1) cops are heroes, they are always heroes, and how dare you question them, fly your blue line flag or else you're a commie traitor.

    2) ARs are incredibly dangerous firearms, so much so that nearly 400 trained law officers backed the fuck off and allowed children to bleed to death rather than possibly maybe facing the business-end of an AR.

    3) we need to not only allow, but ENCOURAGE, every person in the country to get an AR of their own, because what could go wrong?

    4) this probably could have been prevented if only there were no more drag queen performances.  And also, if we banned books that make even a vague reference to human beings having genitals.

    Don't believe me?  Watch what your state leadership does and says, and makes their priorities, next legislative session.

    I would but ERCOT grid went down again...

  9. 2 hours ago, Greggo said:


    But I’m a realist about how this is going and how it was always going to go if we (US/NATO) didn’t get directly involved. Russia was always going to be willing to go farther than we would to win this.  We’ve wasted a lot of resources, taking the long way, to get to a predictable outcome. This board is emotionally invested in a lost cause. 




    Cool you responded as a totally different user...


    Also, I just wanted to get a Russian to admit they were rooting for Ukraine in writing.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  10. 46 minutes ago, statsman said:

    I, personally, have an agenda, and I’ll admit to it. I think the world has a lot of bad actors that are unwilling to adhere to accepted order. Russia has already invaded Ukraine. China is increasingly aggressive in the Pacific, and there is a very good strategy proposed for them wrt Taiwan- a naval blockade. What would the U.S. do, if that happened? Also, Iran has been destabilizing the ME for well over a decade. Russia, China and Iran have an alliance, an axis, based on mutual opportunism. Each sees opportunities to further their own goals by weakening or distracting the west (the US) in the other theatres. 
    My agenda is that I would like to see US foreign policy emphasize deterrence by increasing the defense budget. We are entering a new Cold War, and winning it will require a commitment. I agree with the old answer, from the first Cold War, in regards to how much the U.S. should spend on defense- “enough to keep us out of a war and not one dollar more”. 

    Perhaps, but China, Russia, and Iran are allies of convenience. Like you said they're opportunists and definitely seems like they could just as easily fuck one another over.

  11. 23 minutes ago, Ken Griffey Jr said:

    Again, I didn’t mean as far as manpower, although they appear to have more than Ukraine. They’re battle tested as they’ve had to adapt to this new kind of warfare. We’re seeing the increased number of drones, newer EW systems deployed. They’ve increased missile and shell production.  

    What EW capabilities do we have? What drone production capacity? I have no doubt that we can build higher tech, more expensive drones. But this conflict seems to be more about mass production than anything else. It’s shocking to me that we can’t match their artillery shell production anytime soon. The hollowing out of our industrial capacity is a big problem, especially if (when?) we end up in multiple conflicts. Our country is awfully complacent, and this thread is a microcosm of that imo. 

    oh, it’s succeeded, but their plan was the Russian would scurry and they didn’t. Now they’re using small craft to bring over everything with sometimes not enough drinking water on the left side. Unless something changes it will be much ado about nothing.

    The calls that something big is about to happen is very reminiscent of the summer counteroffensive. 

    Who are you rooting for victory-wise in the Ukraine - Russian war?

    • Hook 'Em 4
  12. 1 hour ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Edit: you won't be around long.

    Unrelated note: Iranian-backed militias were caught firing short-range ballistic missiles at US troops in Iraq.  If it keeps happening, I assume the Iranian factories will cease to exist.

    Saw that we sent an AC-130 to light up a militia camp from where the launches came from.

    • Hook 'Em 5
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  13. 14 hours ago, slorch said:

    Little hint towards Army's uniform scheme for Army-Navy Game  in 3 weeks.  I was hoping it would be Minutemen/ Militia related with the game being at Foxborough.  Son thinks it might be 75th Rangers or 3rd Infantry Division.  i finally watched it with the sound on and think it's hinting towards Air Cav/ Apaches.

    Whatever it is, Go Army! Beat Navy!!!

    I think they did Air Cav not too long ago so probably not that.

  14. 4 hours ago, scottsins said:

    That blew my mind when I saw it live. It wasn’t even close. Also, as he walked out on the field, he intentionally walks not perpendicular to the sideline to cheat up to move his spot.

    It's even more wtf because as you said, he's walking at an angle, signaling to move the chains and IS STILL a half yard short of the first down.

  15. 7 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Doesn't have to be that complicated or expensive, but not a bad idea.  Ignoring the legal processes entirely is what got them in this mess.  Trusts have to have trustees and beneficiaries that change when the first one dies or becomes incapacitated.  That takes a bit of planning and legal work to accomplish, things that would probably have been ignored.

    True but could you not structure it with a board and then work from there? Granted, that could ultimately result in one part of the family controlling everything and fucking over another part of the family should the family grow in any capacity, but it would kind of keep things centrally controlled I would think.

  16. 3 hours ago, Nivek said:

    The lack of paying taxes on the land is a method the state uses to seize land, so could not an argument be made that if the state is sending you the tax bill and you pay it, that you are the land owner?  If a family member has a share but doesn't pay to maintain their share they lose their claim similar as to how you lose your claim on your land by not paying taxes.   

    That also seems like a way for someone to knowingly jump in to start paying taxes on a piece of property and then turn around and try to claim that they are the rightful owners since they've been footing the bill.

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