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Posts posted by HookEm

  1. Regarding our roster, my main objective would be taking the ball out of Carr’s hands. He just LOVES to dribble the life out of it. Reminds me a little bit of Chris Paul in that regard (but obviously not as good).  Let him run around off some screens as a shooting guard / gunner and let Allen initiate the offense. Then have either Ramey or Jones as a guard on the other side.

    I like that Ramey has the confidence to shake off Carr when he is up top demanding the ball. Ramey is better at keeping it moving (which is shocking to hear myself say given my feelings about Ramey last year).

  2. Name me one good transfer that Shaka signed in his time at Texas.  Dylan Osetkowski?  Elijah Mitrou Long?  LOL. Those guys were terrible.  He wasn’t going to sign shit.  
    On the contrary, he was hemorrhaging players to the portal.  Gerald Liddel, Donovan Williams and Royce Hamm were already in the portal (plus Will Baker).  Ramey and Jones were rumored to be leaving.

    It is more likely we would have been starting Brock Cunningham, Jase Febres, some transfer spares, freshmen and walkons than him put together a solid team of stud transfers. I’m certain it played a role in his willing departure.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  3. Quote

    Texas is the shakiest 15-5 team with a 5-3 conference record you can find.

    That is just stupid.  We have put beat downs on K-State, WV and TCU.  And with a couple of free throws, we would be 6-2 in conference.  We have the #1 scoring defense in the nation and a pretty efficient offense.  If anything, we are BETTER than our record, not worse.

    And I shudder to think about what THIS YEAR'S team would have looked like under Shaka.  We would be looking at a 12-22 type year.  And some of the players like Ramey would have likely left.  It would have been a disaster.

    • Like 2
  4. I don’t think this team will win the Big 12 Tournament. And I doubt they match last year’s conference record.  BUT… I don’t think there is any way they would lose to a team like ACU.  We won’t be able to truly judge this team until the season is over. The great defense going to come in handy if and when we make the tournament.

    Now regarding the game today (and really the last couple), Andrew Jones is playing terrible basketball. He can’t hit anything and is turning the ball over at critical times. I would like all his minutes to go to Askew until he gets back on track.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. Quote

    Granted Ja's a bit bigger and might be a better athlete. 

    AI is one of the best athletes we have ever seen in any sport. Tremendous speed, shiftiness, acceleration, body control, etc.

    He was also a great football player.  AI actually thinks he would have had a better football than basketball career if he had stayed with it.  I don't doubt it. He would have been Michael Vick before Michael Vick.





  6. It is possible the record number of new Covid cases and Austin being Stage 5 is keeping some people from attending.  And when the DO attend, maybe they aren't quite as likely to yell at the top of their lungs. Plus the generally crappy weather makes people want to hunker down.

    I have zero doubt that Beard is going to get our home atmosphere improved by about 100X within the upcoming years.

  7. Maybe it’s just me, but I find that tomatoes ruin chili. Even more than beans if that is possible.

    I made a batch the other day but made 4x the chili paste.  Put the excess paste in a pan in the freezer and then cut it into 4 cubes and vacu sealed them.  Each cube is enough chili paste for ~3 pounds of meat. I used 3-1 guajillo to ancho ratio.

    I still had about an hour to cook it down at this point:


    • Hook 'Em 2
  8. LeBron’s team is underperforming because LeBron the GM hand selected an inferior coach and old ass teammates.  

    Steph may have recruited KD. Fair.  But he doesn’t hold his team hostage with threats to leave. Or trade off all the young talent to get veterans because he doesn’t want to waste his window. Or whine constantly and insist on always inserting himself into the conversation.  Or hamstring his organization by demanding to get PAID.

    If you swapped Curry and LeBron, the Lakers would be immediately better and the Warriors would be worse. And that is day 1.  After a year of meddling, all the young talent would be traded, the Warriors culture would be destroyed and LeBron would be looking to leave again.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. On 1/3/2022 at 8:03 PM, Message Board User said:

    At least Draymond stuck around to shake hands after Game 7.

    Is that supposed to make me not like Klay?  Confused.  If anything that clip reinforces why he is awesome.

  10. Another great defensive performance today.  With this team, if we get up 20 points, we aren’t losing the game. Period.  They don’t take forced shots in the half court. They don’t force a 1 on 2 fast break. They make free throws.

    With about 10 min to go we were up by like 22. I was thinking, WV may not get the ball more than 10-12 more possessions. This is over.  We could dribble out the shot clock every possession and they aren’t beating us.

    It is amazing how many times we will get a steal at near half court and STILL take a full 30 seconds to shoot. The other team simply doesn’t get many possessions and our defense is so good that the other team has to resort bad shots.

    Honestly that was one of the best wins in the last 5+ years.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  11. To me, the main issue with Carr is that he doesn’t seem to be playing with any joy.  He generally seems frustrated or angry.  I want my PG out there smiling a little, encouraging teammates, having some fun. TJ Ford and DJ Augustin at Texas. Magic, Isaiah, Steph and countless others are the prototype.

    Askew shows some shades of what I’m talking about. I really like his game.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. I liked what Beard did with the nonconf games. We could have pushed the pace and won every game by 40. But instead he ground down the pace and forced our team to work on the half-court offense. Yes, it looked bad, but the practice will eventually pay off.  

    It looked like for the end of the 1st half and first 10 min of the 2nd half, Beard gave them a green light to push the pace and take shots. Maybe this is him starting the engines a little before conference play.

    Our defense is looking great on many levels.  If you can’t appreciate a smothering, frustrating defense, then you need to expand your horizons. I thought his defense was beautiful at Tech and it is getting prettier by the day here.  Imagine being the other team and scoring 35 points in a game. That is ugly. The fact we are causing it is beautiful.

    • Hook 'Em 5
  13. Beard has the team playing very hard. Like I said earlier this week, it is likely that the extra exertion and short rope is making it tough for players to get into a groove. We have some good shooters on this team. It isn’t like Carr just suddenly forgot how to score.  Either it is a personal problem like conditioning or he isn’t used to the scheme yet.

    I was actually really impressed with Askew today. I thought his defense was outstanding.

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