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Posts posted by cam4mav

  1. 22 minutes ago, Hook1997 said:

    Idk but every person I asked at the restaurants I’ve been to said the people that didn’t come back are still getting the states and bonus unemployment’s from the pandemic so the 6 month or what not limit is not in effect and won’t end until August.  Maybe they were full of shit but I doubt it.


    18 minutes ago, Royalfan5 said:

    At some point I want to hear from the people that aren't working their old food service jobs any more, and not the employers bitching about not being able to find workers. It seems like we are refusing to look at the full picture, and take whatever the employer says at face value and without questions, and assume that must be it. 

    Small sample size, but of my 4 friends that worked waiting tables, up here in WA, 3 are now working elsewhere for equal/better pay/benefits and preferred schedule compared to their previous schedule, got a 9-5. The last one is working again at their old place as of January and getting full hours, original pay, and they are understaffed like everybody else.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  2. had a cuban at a restaurant up here and it sucked.

    so I made a cuban. then made about 10 more cause you can't get all the stuff for only one sandwich. mojo pork and ham for weeks. First time I used an instant pot too. Grilled the pork butt for searing first then 1:15 in the ip. Holy shit that was convenient and worked well lmao.





    • Hook 'Em 1
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  3. I'm squarely in the middle. Fiscally conservative and socially liberal.  
    What I can't understand is how someone can claim that the right lives in a fantasy land but the left does not?  I mean it is blatantly obvious that hardliners on both sides of the aisle are unwilling to accept facts that do not fit their narrative. 
    Not sure if you're necessarily saying that I was making that claim or making a note general comment cause I agree with you on that. I'm socially very liberal, fiscally pretty neutral, and anti world police role, just for reference.

    The extreme right, the very loud, more populous than ever before, holding more seats and votes than ever before, hold much more influence and power than the equivalent on the left.

    Yabos are going to exist on each spectrum until the end of time. Keeping them out of the sphere of influence so the adults can run things is important.

    The republican party failed to keep the inmates from running the asylum over the last 8 years.

    Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, MC Fresh Breath said:

    The thing with that commercial, is how are these fuckers terrified of so many things, but always the wrong things?  


    those pearls aren't gonna clutch themselves, gotta get creative with it

  5. On 5/1/2021 at 3:40 PM, Brisketexan said:

    they proudly declare that facts don’t matter.

    It’s f whitely horrifying. Actual lives are being actually ruined because people believe in a fake world/reality.

    Facts don't matter. That really is the simplest way to describe why the divide is so wide and toxic. it's not disagreeing on policy or opinion in relation to a fact, mutually agreed upon thing that might have disagreement spawn from it. There are no mutually agreed upon things anymore to anchor us to the same reality. It's just opinions. Made up, baseless, hateful, viral, destructive opinions. And they take it to the bank like it's the word of god.

    I don't know what the fix is. Thankfully I don't deal with it too much up here in Antifa HQ Seattle. Bless your little hearts for those of you with family that's been sucked down the rabbit hole.


    Oh and I came here to post that Acosta hammer. Bullshit Factory is going to get used at every opportunity for a while now.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Mole said:

    And on and on. When everything is political, there is no longer agreed upon reality. 

    Whole post was spot on but I wanted to highlight this.

    Was talking to my folks about this a few days ago, trying to explain the QAnon phenomenon and how the fuck we got there. How political polarization combined with social media herding people into like minded groups to create interactions that get progressively more extreme in idea. These bubbles become echo chambers without counter balances. This is exactly where the disconnect is. It's not a difference of ideas or policies. It's become a complete separation of experienced realities.

    Like a fork in the road of time travel or something, the alt right fearmongering religious conservative lives in a different universe than the rest of us. Facts are no longer facts, they've become opinions that are shrugged off and replaced with extreme opinions that get believed as facts. Social media echo chambers reinforce these extreme opinions and they become "obviously" true, when they are simply not. But the belief is there. The faith in that being unquestionably true is there. And it's dangerous as fuck.

    Facts used to unite us in one world where disagreement and discussion was possible because there was at least mutually agreed upon points of intersection. 


    edit: In fairness, the mechanism of polarization + social media echo chamber = more extremism with less and less grounding in reality is not exclusive to the right, obviously.

    Echo chambers have produced extremists throughout history, they normally have been literal bubbles with lack of outside world interaction. See indoctrination of kids into jihadism, hippy cults turned terrorists in California, whatever. Same basic idea. If all you know is the story from one source, it sure seems true. Those extremists are grown in literal bubbles with zero attachment/access to the outside world.

    The current political extremism is by fucking choice by people with access to all the information in the world at their fingertips via their phone and computers.... The irony is that same access that should act as a counterbalance was actually the method of rapid spread and introduction of insane ideas to millions more. woops.

    It's just spread like wildfire. The perfect storm of tea party and increased social media utilization among older ages combined to form one hell of a seed that has grown into a major fuck storm.

    • Hook 'Em 4
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  7. All good! I have zero emotional attachment to any of them. I don't know what most are even. Commentary is appreciated.

    Those are all selected by the HUMBL Index blocks and Thematic blocks. Basically held like a mutual fund and they re adjust periodically what each one will hold and will rebalance my wallets accordingly. Fun little experiment to dip my toe into crypto.

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