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The Gimp

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Posts posted by The Gimp

  1. 8 hours ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    U.S. Attorney : Your tenure as boss was a short one. Actually, it was unusual in several ways. Let me put this to you as simply as I can. You can avoid sentencing on these charges if you will testify that in fact, you were not the boss of North Jersey, that in fact, your nephew Anthony Soprano was and is. That he de facto controlled your capos with the backing of two of the New York families communicating through their emissary, John Sacrimoni. We want Johnny Sack. But more than him, we want Mangano and Teresi.

    Corrado 'Junior' Soprano : I want to fuck Angie Dickinson, let's see who gets lucky first.

    One of the all time great lines from the Sopranos.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  2. 57 minutes ago, 40acredropout said:

    Hotness / Intelligence trade-off talk not going away.

    Time is a flat circle.  Had the same conversation, verbatim talking points, with my buddies when we were 16 and looking at colleges.  I'm glad I've found classier, more refined folks to associate with online these days.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 14 minutes ago, Jasper_Jester said:

    Seems like a conflict of interest to be in the media covering teams on Fox and simultaneously coaching a team and recruiting. I bet he is giving up more money in lost salary from his TV gig than he is making from coaching the trailer park kids.


    There is probably some angle where he was hoping to still get his Fox Big Saturday Kickoff bucks and be the Sooner's interim bagman.

    I thought of this after he was shitting on us in the pregame last Friday.  

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