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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Hate

  1. I suspect this may keep him coaching for a while longer.  He doesn't have a reason to come home anymore and he truly enjoys being with the team.  Then again, with Tony and Manu likely to hang it up and the issues with Kawhi, he may decide it's the perfect time to hang it up.  Whatever he chooses to do, he's had an unbelievable run and deserves to live out the rest of his days in peace and happiness....and drinking lots of wine.  

  2. Cynthia Mitchell Pavilion in The Woodlands is a great modern venue.  Plenty of concessions and restrooms and not a bad seat in the house.  We usually get lawn seat and rent the $6 chairs.  I can be out the door and back home in about 20 minutes as well.  



  3. Jesus...this Blow Away is just fucking fantastic.  Brent is singing the goddamn gospel here.  Every once in a while you get shown the light....and if you watch Jerry's reaction to Brent around the 10 minute mark you know that Jerry was seeing it.  Just magical!


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  4. Quote

    powerful storm system will arrive across TX late this week/early this weekend.

    Extremely nice mid April weather will continue today and tomorrow before a weak cool front slides into the area on Wednesday and stalls near the coast on Thursday. Strong capping aloft during this period should prevent much in the way of thunderstorms, but a few scattered showers will be possible from Wednesday afternoon through Thursday over the region. The front will wash out late Thursday with onshore flow developing Thursday night.

    Main forecast focus this week will be on the late week/weekend time period as a strong storm system looks poised to impact the region. It should be understood that we are still several days away from any impacts and the forecast will change, but decent global model consistency is pointing toward a very active period late Friday into much of Saturday over the area. Moisture values will rise to impressive mid April levels and the jet stream structure over SE TX looks mostly favorable for strong lifting along an advancing frontal boundary. Severe thunderstorms and heavy rainfall look possible with this system given it will be further south than the recent systems to slide just NE of our area. This system deserves close watch as we move through the week.

    This is from Jeff Lindner, the chief meteorologist for Harris County.

  5. I'm not sure where else to put this since we don't have a 2018 Texas Summer thread....and we probably shouldn't since it would just be depressing.  But, at least May is supposed to be cooler than normal.



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