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Posts posted by Alvin89

  1. 10 hours ago, bolverk said:

    It doesn't sound like the mom and sister were the only ones to think the suspect was a white guy. This story makes it sound like other bystanders did so as well:


    Not that it's 100% similar since we still don't know the details in this case but several people in Ferguson witnessed Michael Brown with his hands up and pleading to not be shot. Of course that wound up being completely false. If Shaun King of all people is questioning the time lines then I'm sure a lot more info is about to come out.

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    NA beer in social drinking situations worked well for me.

    My over the top moments were always in social settings too.  Never been one for getting drunk alone.  I’m an extreme extrovert and have been the fun drunk guy for years.  I guess just remind yourself you don’t always have to be the life of the party.  Like you, my friends often encourage my drinking, because I AM a lot of fun when I drink.  I just don’t want to be that guy all the time anymore. Thankfully they all understand.

    Gonna give the non alcoholic beer a shot. Appreciate the advice 

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  3. Got a quick quick question for you folks. I’ve always had labs but we are thinking of getting a second dog. I’ve always liked Huskies but I’ve never got one because we live just outside of Houston and it seemed like a hot climate for a husky. However, there is now a great looking husky at our local animal shelter up for adoption. We live on a bunch of acreage and exercise our current dog on a daily basis so that’s not a problem. Anyone have experience with raising a husky in a warmer climate and how to get its exercise in without a heat stroke? 

  4. On 12/21/2018 at 8:35 AM, Al_4_ISU said:

    I tempered my drinking about 2-3 years ago.  I was hitting it pretty hard, and had yet to experience any consequence (I've never been a drunk driver, get violent/angry or anything like that), but my wife was getting concerned that I was heading down the road.  She didn't think I was an alcoholic, as normally I would have 1-3 or drinks per day and cut it off (during the week - I hate working hungover), but on the weekend I would hammer it down pretty hard.  This culminated in me staying out until 4-5AM, passing out on the toilet, and trying to flush a decorative hand towel the night after an Iowa/Iowa State game.  

    I quit cold turkey for awhile and found it wasn't a big deal at all.  During that time, I went to a therapist, open to the possibility that maybe I was an alcoholic.  The therapist came to the conclusion that I wasn't an alcoholic, but had developed a habit of using booze to cope with stress.  My wife and I had been in a rough patch related to both of us working like crazy, and not being aligned about having children, and rather than actually talk to anyone about it (German Catholic), I was just trying to numb my brain when I was freed from responsibilities.  Because I live in place where almost everyone drinks, and most fairly heavily, it never really stood out to anyone other than my wife and brother (who had left the area).  I'm not a mean, angry, or even reckless drunk, so people never really gave it much thought.

    Not drinking doesn't bum me out, I found.  I guess I don't really have the "itch".  I don't obsess over it.  I started drinking again, and it's in the normal fashion.  The amount of thought I give to obtaining and consuming alcohol is low (it never was all that high - it was more of a reflex).  Sometimes I go weeks without having anything (particularly when in the field), and sometimes I tie one on (see San Antonio next week).  It was never hard for me to shut it off in the past, there were just times where I wanted to just completely shut off the noise and leaned on the bottle to do it.  I could control it, and deliberately chose not to, for stupid reasons.  Once I learned to break myself of that coping mechanism (via therapy) and adopt healthier ones (exercise is the big one), I've found myself not even wanting to drink when I'm pissed off or depressed, and when I do drink, it's a celebratory event with friends.

    Rambling bullshit aside, try quitting for a bit, and combine it with therapy.  You might find that booze is something you can control and engage with in a normative fashion.  You might not.  The most important thing you'll learn is what life without it feels like again.  I found it was pretty pleasant and if the day came where I had to drop it, I don't think I would miss it that much at all. I believe it is possible for many people who are abusing alcohol, but not dependent on it, to pull back the reigns and maintain a functional relationship with booze.  Obviously this isn't the case for everyone, but you can't know where you stand until you're willing to really look into it.   Good luck!

    This is pretty much where I’m at. I’ve tapered off my drinking substantially this last year and hit the gym pretty hard. When I do tie one on with friends I’m pretty much useless for the next full day because the hangovers are miserable now. I know I don’t have a real problem that’s effecting my life in major ways but I also know I’m not letting myself grow as much as I want. Not to pass the blame but my friends drink a ton and a lot of my drinking tends to be social drinking. I’ve been the goofy fun drunk with these guys for the better part of my adult life but the fun doesn’t out weigh the hangovers anymore. I can’t think of the last week where I didn’t drink at some point with dinner or after work even if I didn’t get drunk. I think I’m gonna give a month with 0 alcohol a shot starting in January. Any tips on staying straight for a full month?

  5. 21 hours ago, UTexasFight said:

    What PR agency is running the show for Bregs? Because all the shit he’s doing seems like it sucks...

    100%...The workout videos are pretty cool just to see what he's doing in the off season but the other stuff is lame. I respect him helping out the waitress with the huge tip but that was a really odd way of doing it.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Go Pokes said:

    Has anyone watched that documentary on George Lazenby called Becoming Bond?   It's a must for Bond fanboys.  I'm still not sure I've seen his one Bond movie.  It's kind of like Diamonds are Forever.  I think I half ass watched in 25 years ago and don't really remember much about them.  

    Lazenby lying about the movies he had acted in was hilarious. Guess there wasn't much of a way to double check everything back then

  7. Just started betting on a few games for fun but do have one question. Has anyone had any problems cashing a check from Bovada or any of the other gambling sites? Just wondering how that works before I throw more money at it.

  8. 10 hours ago, Tired of Lurking said:

    I don't remember what was strange about the stepfather (Scott Tadysch) so I was kinda lost how the lawyer came to him and Bobby Dassey being a pair, but Bobby is the biggest suspect for sure. And if he let his little brother rot in jail knowing that he had nothing to do with it, then damn...

    I don't remember why she brought Scott into it either other then just throwing everything out there to create more doubt.

  9. 6 hours ago, Steamboat1874 said:


    This is America's oldest restaurant. The chowder is exceptional.

    The Boston Sail Loft is one of the places where the locals like to eat. We enjoyed it very much.

    Not fancy or expensive.


    Also check out one of the many Italian restaurants in "Little Italy" area.


    Second the Union Oyster House for the chowder. Sam Adams brews a special colonial ale specifically for Union Oyster House that's worth a try.

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