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Posts posted by Alvin89

  1. Just now, David Dennison said:

    And he's more likely to lose in 2020 than he is to win.

    That's how unpopular he is.

    People cannot wait to vote against him. He is Hillary in 2020.

    " He is Hillary in 2020."    Hillary was never President, see the video above.

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    • Haha 2
  2. 4 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

    Some folks need to eat some crow.....

    It sounds like Amazon is just doing an office expansion. Not the same deal they did before and I may be wrong but I don't think the expansion is in her district.

  3. 55 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    If Trump is re-elected by another fraudulent and undemocratic election without being impeached beforehand, it might be time for a revolution, at least within whatever remains of the Democratic Party.  Their failure will be complete. 

    What would that revolution look like?

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, SydneyCarton said:

    My wife found some kind of fucking horse ranch she wanted us to consider going to for a long weekend. I'm guessing it's this place:




    My wife loves autumn, and the notion of land up in Texas that would have leaves that change, etc, is always super appealing to her as we live in Houston. I was like "Sure why not" and then I scrolled down and saw it was in Mount Vernon. She was less than pleased, to put it lightly, that I summarily dismissed it out of hand told her we would never in any way shape or form support the economy of Mount Vernon with any of our money. We can drive another couple of hours and ago to fucking Arkansas if she needs the seasons. Mount Vernon can fuck right off the goddamn map. 

    Are you really not doing business with a ranch because it's located in a town where you hate the school board and coach? Lord knows nothing bad has ever happened in Houston. Sheesh

  5. 6 minutes ago, horncyclist said:

    Presidents before didn't separate kids from their parents on a mass scale or treat legitimate asylum seekers like animals. If they did, yeah let's look at that. But they didn't. Trump did and do so by violating the law. 


    He didn't try to help them much either.


    Immigrant advocacy groups, already frustrated by Obama’s lack of executive action to ease record levels of deportations, immediately pounced on the administration’s decision.

    “President Obama is asking Congress to change the law to enable the government to inflict expedited removal on unaccompanied children. That is simply unconscionable,” said Leslie A. Holman, president of the American Immigration Lawyers Association .”No matter what you call it, rapid deportations without any meaningful hearing for children who are rightly afraid of the violence and turmoil from which they fled is wrong, and contradicts the fundamental values of this nation.”

  6. 7 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Semantics aside he led the movement on a border wall and the Republican Party followed.

    He led a movement on a dumbass trade war and the Republican Party followed. 

    He led the messaging on fighting the Russia investigation and the Republican Party followed.

    The Republican Party takes their cues from Trump no matter how stupid.  Full stop. 

    Isn't that true in most cases regardless of who the President is? Party tends to follow the top guy.

    • Like 1
  7. Just now, BradInATX said:

    Yep. No way he can keep his ego in check when being accosted and outwitted by a black female. 

    My primary worry with Kamala early on, being relatively unfamiliar with her, was the "coastal elite" image that the GOP is great at foisting upon Democratic candidates (see: Hillary). No way they'll get Kamala with that one. She's too gritty and too sharp. She will fuck him up given the chance.

    Ahhh yes, the Liberal Californian wouldn’t be foisted upon. 

  8. Just now, Chuckie Finster said:

    There is a 100% chance she gets a “grab her by the pussy” moment from him. Nobody, maybe in the history of ever, has gone after him face to face the way Kamala would. It won’t matter to his base, but it might cause some women to cross the aisle, or at least stay home on Election Day.

    People said the same thing about Hillary. 

  9. Just now, Hank Kingsley said:

    Kamala is great when she goes after someone, either on a debate stage or Senate hearing. She can definitely dish it, but not convinced she can take it. With this many people on the stage she can come in with prepared statements and fuck people up. I'm not convinced she can keep this up when the field shrinks to a normal size.  But she is definitely a top 5 candidate. 

    This is a Warren, Bernie, Biden, Pete, and Kamala race right now. They are the clear top 5 and not sure that will change. 


    Once this dwindles down to the main actors I think someone is going to push Harris and it will be great tv 

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