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Posts posted by Buffsoldier

  1. Not quite a countryism, but the difference between a countryism and an Armyism is pretty slim:

    One 100+ degree day on my first tour in Iraq, and on a convoy one of my peers said, "Buffsoldier, you're good at making shit up.  How would you describe this heat?"

    "I'm sweatin' like a Catholic Priest at a choir boys convention.

    The PFC driving the Humvee almost drove into a ditch.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 13 hours ago, Reagan1k said:

    If we screwed something up, my grandfather would say....."You boys could tear up an anvil."



    "Y'all could fuck up a steel ball with a rubber hammer."


  3. You are just fucked up like a football bat.

    You woke up this morning and took a whole bottle of dumbass pills. 

    That one there's my pet window licker. (Used to describe the dumbest soldier in the unit)

    • Haha 1
  4. 9 hours ago, El Diablo said:

    She needs to go right on ahead and make a boxed set. A vag candle, some chocolate kisses from molds of her nipples and a fluted bud vase where the top of the vase is from an impression of her starfish. 

    By definition aren't they all a box set?

    • Like 3
  5. 2 minutes ago, Buzzrock said:

    You want to believe that’s a real dinosaur family reunion?

    Don't you judge me.


    I want to believe that each party planned to dress up in the costumes separately,  and didn't coordinate together to make it happen.

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