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Posts posted by XYZ

  1. 6 hours ago, Parliament said:

    It's gonna be a gangbang.  Couchburners win by 20.


    6 hours ago, TexArcher said:

    Agreed.  Michigan is a fraud.  Ohio St by at least 21.


    6 hours ago, The Ace of Aces said:

    Snow will hold of until the game is almost over, boo. But yea OSU by 24 or so. 


    6 hours ago, El Diablo said:

    Harbaugh will be changing his twitter handle to @NowThis later today. 


    6 hours ago, taybo20 said:

    Yeah I feel like the blowout is coming. 


    5 hours ago, phdhorn said:

    Series is akin to TX-OU.  Michigan had amassed a huge lead in wins over the first 75 years or so, but Ohio State slowly started winning the majority since the 60's -the series since 1960 is 33-23 (or abouts).  When I was in school at Michigan in the early 80's, it was still Michigan ~+20ish on win margin.  Even with Ohio State's dominance the past 15 years though, Michigan still has a 7 game lead in the series.

    Likewise, UT had a huge lead on the meth kings (like 35-40 games) even thru the 80's, but in the last 30 years they've shaved off about 15ish games off the lead and now only trail by about 12 games.  Which sucks.

    Anyway I give no shits about this game, even as a Michigan (M.A.) alum.  Ohio State will always be the lower class dirt eaters but other than that, I don't openly root for Michigan, never have.   Too damn cold to root for anyone. 

    That said, I think Ohio State will win by 20+.  Michigan has a Texas-like shitty offense for a Top 15 program, they're going to get eaten alive - again.


    4 hours ago, Longboard Horn said:



    It'll be close in the first half like it was in 2019, but by half way through the 3rd quarter the Buckeyes will flex their arm and start to pull away. 


    4 hours ago, Helobious said:

    I fucking hate Ohio state but I got the buckeyes winning 45-10. 

    Great calls!

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  2. 13 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    It is startling how our front just ties up like a bunch of OL while the play just blows by them and the one free guy takes a bad angle and finds himself five yards behind the play.

    This happens all the time. It’s like our defenders are trained to find a player of the other team to get blocked by.

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