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Todd Gack

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Posts posted by Todd Gack

  1. 9 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

    Really, really excited to have a baby due in August. Gonna be a real fun time this fall.

    July 30th here.  Already put a deposit down to start daycare Nov 1st... annndd it's time for more bourbon

    • Like 2
  2. On 4/25/2020 at 12:15 AM, High Plains Drifter said:


    Don't do it.

    Incessant barking. Dog shit in the yard. Chews up everything fucking thing left outside for more than a minute. I can't walk out onto the porch and down the steps without tripping over a fucking dog. I can't walk across the fucking yard without tripping in a hole.  I can't grill outside with out having a damn dog all up in my shit. I can't sit on the porch and drink a beer or have a smoke without dogs all up in my shit. Once a month or so one will either get sprayed by a skunk or roll in dead shit.

    I will fucking divorce my wife if she ever brings home another fucking dog. I hate our dogs. Fuck dogs hate dogs hate fuck shit hate


    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Turkleton said:

    Look, I know you commies can’t stand facts and reality (racist, xenophobe and all those other phobias you dumbfucks claim), so I understand your hatred toward him. But sorry, he is here to provide facts to the indolents that your party just can’t provide and it will be for years……… Should be fun.


    • Like 1
  4. 31 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    The Vanity Fair article about the DOE that came out in I believe 2017 should be bookmarked for posterity in all history books.  It was terrifying and exactly the same as what you described above.  That article alone should have sent alarm bells screeching.  Now we reap it.

    yep.  This is one of those articles where if even half of it is true, it's still terrifying.


  5. On 3/20/2020 at 7:02 PM, ZB'Tejas said:


    Picked these up today and going to break into them. One on the right was the #1 rated Whiskey in 2019.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    The Dickel tasted like someone dropped a bottle of multivitamins into a bottle of Jim Beam.  Worst bottle I've ever had, even as a mixer.  Hopefully your experience is better.

    • Haha 1
  6. Can someone hold my hand through this?  part (c) basically states that it's secondary to insurance.  So does this mean that it covers 100% for the uninsured and it covers the balance for people who have insurance?  Meaning, it would basically allow to the CDC director to use funds to help people w/ insurance pay toward their deductibles?

    § 71.30 Payment for care and treatment.

    (a) The Director may authorize payment for the care and treatment of individuals subject to medical examination, quarantine, isolation, and conditional release, subject to paragraphs (b) through (h) of this section.

    (b) Payment for care and treatment shall be in the Director's sole discretion and subject to the availability of appropriations.

    (c) Payment shall be secondary to the obligation of the United States or any third-party (including any State or local governmental entity, private insurance carrier, or employer), under any other law or contractual agreement, to pay for such care and treatment, and shall be paid by the Director only after all third-party payers have made payment in satisfaction of their obligations.

    (d) Payment may include costs for providing ambulance or other medical transportation when such services are deemed necessary by the Director for the individual's care and treatment.

    (e) Payment shall be limited to those amounts the hospital, medical facility, or medical transportation service would customarily bill the Medicare system using the International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modification (ICD-CM), and relevant regulations promulgated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in existence at the time of billing.

    (f) For quarantinable communicable diseases, payment shall be limited to costs for services and items reasonable and necessary for the care and treatment of the individual for the time period beginning when the Director refers the individual to the hospital or medical facility and ends when, as determined by the Director, the period of apprehension, quarantine, isolation, or conditional release expires.

    (g) For diseases other than those described in paragraph (f) of this section, such payment shall be limited to costs for services and items reasonable and necessary for care and treatment of the individual for the time period that begins when the Director refers the individual to the hospital or medical facility and ends when the individual's condition is diagnosed, as determined by the Director, as an illness other than a quarantinable communicable disease.

    (h) For ambulance or other medical transportation, payment shall be limited to the costs for such services and other items reasonable and necessary for the safe medical transport of the individual.

    • Like 1
  7. 10 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Add another state to the list that's ready for single-payer! :)



    Fantastic that they're in favor.  Not so much that their vote is basically ensuring the 1 candidate (out of 3) who will fight for it will essentially be finished after tonight.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:


    This attitude seems fundamentally at odds with the reality of the great progressive victories that have actually happened. Loud and annoying protests are what led to civil rights, LGBTQ legal rights, gay marriage, etc. Literally the same legislators changed their minds in many cases because of the screams of protestors wearing them down and turning public sentiment.

    Sure guys, combative protests might have created every other good thing that we've done, but let's not protest combatively this time. 

    They both (protests and legislation) have their place in the process but b_t is actually correct that only one side of this argument is acting condescending and elitist. And simultaneously ignoring that throughout history the dealmaking has never happened until it's been forced by protests. 

    And let's not even get into the hypocrisy around here of chastising someone for pointing out Biden's horrific legislative legacy while also mocking Sanders' legislative history. He is also correct that there is a real threat of a Biden administration instituting regressive policies so he can feel like he accomplished something. The nomination is effectively over, but the establishment fans are reacting the exact wrong way. Now is not the time to chastise the progressives, it's the time to hold Joe Biden accountable for his past and make sure he understands that protecting banks at the expense of people won't be tolerated. That reaching across the aisle isn't actually a good thing when it results in the Defense of Marriage Act. 

    Yes, he is an abrasive asshole. Oh well, he's also making a lot of great points that people are ignoring because it's easier than refuting them. And I guess because ripping on b_t is the cool thing to do. Which, for the record, he absolutely deserves and I happily do when warranted. But y'all are missing the forest because of that one asshole tree right at the edge. 

    I agree with all this.  But I think people may be somewhat tainted by recency bias in that recent protests against gun violence have come up pretty empty from a legislative standpoint.  The "let's do a fucking march!" crowd needs a W on something so that we feel better about organizing and marching for something as transformative as M4A or tuition-free college.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/michigan/ - Sanders better than Biden
    https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/wisconsin/ - Sanders better than Biden
    https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/pennsylvania/ - Sanders better than Biden
    https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/ohio/ - Nothing even close to recent but Sanders better than Biden
    RCP has Sanders +5.3 on Trump in Michigan. Biden is +5.2.
    In Wisconsin it's Trump +1.0 over Sanders but +1.7 over Biden.
    Sanders +3.0 in Pennsylvania. Biden also +3.0.

    To be honest, I'm the one who is wondering where this narrative that the data shows Biden outperforming Sanders versus Trump in battleground states is coming from. But wait! There's more!

    That's already baked in. He's already got a big SOCIALIST tattoo on his forehead to the people that the GOP effectively scares with their messaging. It's already done. He can't get more socialist than socialist.

    But Biden is about to get trucked. There will be "Progressives against Biden" PACs that form and are actually run by GOP operatives that point out all the regressive policies Biden has championed. Biden loses the vote of women who hate Trump's creepiness as soon as all of Biden's creepy touching and statements get played on air non-stop for months. Hell, Biden can't even attack Trump on Social Security cuts without questionable statements from his past coming out. And I haven't even mentioned the Hunter Biden thing that will get the Trump supporters frothing at the mouth to vote against him.

    The polls I just linked have way more room to get worse for Biden than they do for Sanders.

    Fucking hell.. somehow the dems are gonnna fuck this up again.  

    brb, gotta go donate to Bernie again.

  10. 7 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

    i understand that this is going to be a 100 round heavyweight fight that will go in circles for the next 8 months, but here's what people need to realize:

    1. this is not about whether socialism is good or bad

    2. this is about whether shouting socialism will work for trump

    when people (or pundits) complain about socialism being a part of the platform, it's mostly their concern over point #2 above, not about #1.  they could give a shit about policy.  they're worried that it's giving trump an effective button to push in the election process.  the problem is either that people don't have a firm grasp on this, or they just can't tell the difference. 

    I get this, 'cause I had a similar concern w/ Liz telling people taxes would go up to pay for M4A.  It may not have mattered that their overall costs would go down, the "She'll increase your taxes!!" button would've been pushed over and over, in ad after ad.

    With Bernie, I think he'll do a good job owning the label.  His demeanor won't change.  He won't stutter.  He'll calmly explain what it means to be a democratic socialist and he'll provide context.  And I really hope he asks trump point blank at the first debate, "Donald, what is the definition of socialism."  Then he can immediately hit him with the farm bailouts.

  11. 10 minutes ago, GSU&UT said:

    Who says Bernie won't compromise? The idea is that you don't do so until you are forced, everyone is making predictions about the future before we've even gotten to the second state in this presidential primary cycle.

    You are also completely ignoring all the grassroots social movements that have been successful in this country that have driven change that is literally outlined in the tweet thread I posted. If it doesn't work, then my point is we will have at least tried to go through a process where we drive social change through a movement rather than hoping a few hundred politicians cast the right vote.

    In a Sanders presidency, the majority (bipartisan) vote against MFA is an absolute certainty.  The question is how big of a movement do those corrupted votes elicit in response.  I ultimately think it won't matter as the pull of corporate greed is too strong amongst too many politicians.  Marching in your streets and calling your state reps will only serve to make them become hermits.  They'll still vote to preserve the massive healthcare machine as-is.  

    But the key question IMO is how many old guard dems are challenged by the future AOCs and Ro Khana's of the world. And how much awareness do the marches in the streets raise among the general population so that they will actually vote out these corporate dems.   

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