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Mojo Hand

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Posts posted by Mojo Hand

  1. 11 hours ago, Bookman said:

    From the Trumpkin point of view, it isn't about these things. It's not about Trump being a deeply, deeply unintelligent, dishonest, immoral, failed businessman. It's not about his history of corruption. It's not about his incompetence. It's not about what type of character should occupy the highest office in the land.

    It's about his divisiveness. The love it. Look at how the crowd cheered yesterday when Trump started talking about Somali refugees. They hate immigrants, at least those who don't look like they do. They fucking hate Muslims. They want someone to put a stop to it. Trump is doing that, and they love him for it.

    They hate gay marriage. They feel it in their bones. They see it as an assault on their way of life.

    They hate abortion and want to see Roe v. Wade overturned. They'll never have the public support for a Constitutional Amendment, so they want Supreme Court judges to overturn it.

    They hate social programs like food stamps. If you're a child, and your parents are divorced and your dad's a dead beat, you don't deserve to eat. Fuck you, that's why. Why can't your mom just get another job?

    They love guns. Fucking love them. They don't give a shit that two generations of schoolchildren grew up scared of going to school. Heck, a lot of them don't even think we should have public schools anyway. Public schools teach things like science, and that doesn't fit in with their religion.

    It's about taking a side. They very strongly feel that they know what's best for America, and if you're not on their side then fuck you. Trump's on their side.

    It's the same exact thing that the cheering throngs were feeling at fascist rallies in the 1930s.  The only thing restraining them is the strength of our institutions and the values still held by the majority of Americans who oppose Trump. 

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  2. 1 minute ago, elfenix said:

    no, the hessians were largely conscripted and sold by german princelings.  we're a volunteer army!

    source: hessians in my ancestry

    Is it still "volunteering" when you sign up to risk your life for your country, but are instead rented out for the president's personal interests? 

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  3. 29 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Jesus loves the little children song is racist. What a world. 

    I'm not a Christian and never heard it before, but it would definitely be racially insensitive to sing these days.  That said, it seemed fine to me in context, which was recounting how it was taught to her as a child 60+ years ago and instilled a positive message. 

  4. Just now, Judge Roybeanbag said:

    Anyone remember the thanks and reward we got last time we put troops and planes in Saudi?  I do.  

    So does Trump.  It got him the tallest building in NYC. 

    • Like 1
  5. 7 minutes ago, deech said:

    Ignoring also the fact that someone gave Rudy the heads up on telling those guys to take flight.  I am willing to bet the SDNY gave Barr an update in the last few days.

    Clearly the GOP is employing the "too big to fail" strategy.  I.e., if every single Republican leader is totally corrupt and involved, you can't do anything about it because it would eliminate a huge chunk of the government.   Same reason that the blackface/sexual assault crew is still running the state of Virginia. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, Ted Lange said:



    A bunch of us here have insisted for months that the Democrats could move the polls by leading with confidence, rather than waiting for polls to move on their own before acting.   This is nice to see. 

    • Like 7
  7. I floated Gillum here awhile back, but he just doesn't have the experience to be a credible VP option IMO.   I guess there's the theory that veeps don't usually matter, but they usually also have more experience.   Plus they matter more when the top of the ticket is super old. 

    She also might be courting him for an endorsement and cabinet position.

  8. 5 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

    was it @Sgt Hulk that got a 3% raise and went full MAGA because of it? wondering how he's feeling right now knowing our POTUS just betrayed a military ally that is resulting in their wholesale slaughter.

    Doesn't care.  Got raise. 

  9. 1 hour ago, woohorn said:



    Turkey buries facts behind Jamal Khashoggi's torture/murder for MbS and SA.



    "If the evil libs didn't give Trump so much shit for helping MBS get away with murdering a US resident journalist and dismembering him with a bone saw, Trump wouldn't have to trade the Kurds for help covering it up, so it's really all the libs' fault." — every Trump supporter. 

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