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Posts posted by BrickTop

  1. If Sam declares and goes undrafted, he should give UFA status in Buffalo serious consideration. The Bills have taken a pretty damn inaccurate QB and turned him into an All-Pro contender that will shatter Jim Kelly's single season franchise passing records.

    I’m all about Sam but Allen has one of the stronger arms I’ve ever seen, think accuracy and touch can be learned, can’t really teach that kinda arm strength
  2. it’s not happening and was never happening.  you and the rest of these sad fucks in here tracking the flights of irrelevant dipshits with no connection to the UT coaching position... it’s fucking baffling and ridiculous.
    he isn’t coming, people.  go back to your shanties. 

    I didn’t really want to see you tist yourself truthfully but watching you being so firm on your position and not backing down I’m starting to come around on the idea.
  3. Projected ownership is crazy high some of the sharps think Payton is using smoke and mirrors regarding hills role I’ll have a few lineups with him but minimal exposure last I saw on one site his po was something like 60-70 percent wouldn’t be shocked to see Winston if they get behind

  4. That Hopkins hail mary TD was phenomenal but motherfuck it also screwed me out of my $100 double up in DK. I had been comfortably in the money all day, thought I had it locked up when Allen threw his last TD pass only to have to sweat out Kyler Murray. I thought Buffalo was going to pick that off and then Hopkins just ripped it down for a score. Fuck you Bill O Brien.

    I was out of my 100 dollar double up on DK until that Hopkins touchdown, just snuck in the cash after, rest of line up was horrible
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