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Posts posted by BrickTop

  1. 243 is one of my all time favorite cartridges.  Flat shooting and fast.  Then again, I love anything 6mm or 6.5.  

    I have a 660 in 6.5 Remington magnum learned to hunt with it, still have the same Nikon scope since 1990, I have inherited it when my dad passed, Ammo is hard to find and expensive and not easy to reload. The damn gun kicks like a mule too and is loud I know there are better options but I can’t bring myself to hunt with anything else, it has anchored everything I’ve ever shot with it within 10 feet and is an absolute laser, serial number has it from the early sixties.
    • Hook 'Em 3
  2. I mean I understand pride and all but 500 million or lose it? Build a bigger one for about half that in south Texas, and spend the rest on hookers and blow, still plenty of people for kayce to kill

  3. I think that evidence would also have been met with a moving timeline from the prosecution.  Which is why the date Greg moved out of the house is more gravy on top of the shitty investigation.  The prosecutors can try to move the date of the offense back to account for the suspect's occupancy of the home, but how could they have responded to and justified all of the other investigative shortcomings?  Cummings had so many tools at her disposal to make the police and the prosecutors look like Keystone Cops.  

    It’s hard to see all this as a layman and not believe there was something else at work,
    Jury convicts sending a 19 year old to prison for 25 years after 1 day on the absolute thinnest of cases because they are tired? I sure hope that’s the exception and not the rule
  4. 100% this.  Okay, Cummings, you don't want to point the finger at Jonathan McCarty, for whatever reason.  Why didn't you slice apart the lazy, bush league investigation that departed from well-accepted protocols?  Then throw in the fact that Greg had moved out a month before the reported offenses, and you've increased the odds of your client's acquittal far beyond those of your shitty trial strategy. 

    Also and maybe I missed This but Hampton seemed to be able to pinpoint Greg’s location via cellphone on the date in question and seemingly for months before, was this technology not available then? Or would it be a stretch due to the prosecution’s ability to move the timeline? Seems this info could of been used by either side, I can understand why dick was mad at the withdrawal of the ineffective counsel claim, it severely limited his line of question for Ms. Cummings and while I believe I would of really loved to watch that unfold it seems Hampton did the right thing to protect his client and prevent any potential damaging information coming out.
  5. To me the ineffective counsel claim is relevant because regardless of tactic chosen she failed to exploit numerous glaring holes in the investigation namely the investigation as a whole and the complete lack of an actual photo or lineup id of the suspect, how did it fly at all that he was only ever identified by name? I’m not a lawyer, my father was and I believe Jerry knew him. I grew up around this and it seemed pretty apparent the opportunity to cast doubt was there and missed every step of the way

  6. I don't remember the exact wording,  but didn't she say she went to Hampton right after the conviction and said ' please help him , I screwed this all up" ...or at least it came across that way. 

    That was my understanding as well, so which is it? Please help him because I know he is innocent? Or justice was served because of all the things I know that are damaging?
  7. This line of thinking is completely ridiculous considering how Cummings changed her entire approach the day of the hearing.  It is inexcusable.  She leads them on for hours and hours and hours of work and prep time and strategy etc preparing for the hearing.  She is a huge part of their case.  She knows this and is helping all the way up to the end. Then at the last minute decides her professional reputation is more important than her client getting out of prison for a crime he did not commit.  

    And yes to me I totally agree she had to defend herself, but it seemed obvious she was doing it in a way which basically dared hampton to go after her, and risk her disclosing potentially damaging info about GK and potentially destroying his case, was she willing to save herself and reputation by destroying GK’s if so did she really support, believe or care about his innocence?
  8. Hampton is motivated to say that in the interest of his client. He may even believed it but I don't and I don't think the CCA did either. His characterization of her as Kelley's "worst enemy" is likely exaggerated for dramatic effect. Her professional reputation was attacked by Hampton. How else is she supposed to respond? To admit to an ineffective counsel claim?

    Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

    Strategy and tactics aside, wouldn’t the ineffective counsel allegations be buoyed by Hampton’s disassembly of Dailey’s own lack of effort in the investigation? Not showing up to the daycare, sitting in on the cac interview(the one that later recanted) the lack of any photo identification at all of Greg kelley himself at any point, seems he was only identified by name, the child interview expert who pretty much broke down how bad the cac interview itself was and about how easy kids can be led into a false story, why wasn’t any of these points brought in the initial trial? And if they were how in the hell do you convict beyond a reasonable doubt.
  9. I work at a fire department NW of Houston, small town and all I can speak of is what we are seeing, I’d say at the beginning of all this ems calls were maybe 10 percent covid related and now probably 90 percent of them are with the bulk of them being positive. Throughout this whole deal we were able to escape relatively unscathed even with exposures. Last week we lost an entire engine company go on quarantine with all testing positive, I just found out one of the guys who relieved me tested positive. It’s pretty easy to downplay it all or even ignore it, right up until the point it directly affects you. A few weeks ago the ER was holding seven covid positive patients because of lack of beds, this is in probably a 13-14 bed ER

    • Like 5
  10. You probably don’t want to decon your bunker gear after every call and be on air for the duration of all calls, but could you?

    They are sterilizing them, the beginning of each shift with some kind of a new digger and we all have second sets of gear, gross decon with a hand line could happen but the only real way to decon the gear would be washing it in an extractor and drying it, which is fairly time consuming, the SCBA would be pretty simple to sterilize with the exception of the regulator, the only other issue would be filling the bottles as we have only have a cascade at 1 station and that would increase the risk of exposing that crew as well
    • Like 1
  11. Why is it all blurry? Makes me question the legitimacy.. The Nebraska study it cites, is that new? Weeks ago we knew that it could aerosolize for 2-3 hours

    The scary thing is our first patient who came up positive was on a nebulizer, it wasn’t until the following week they put out guidelines on how much aerosolized medications increase the exposure risk, MCHD is no longer giving nebulizers to suspected Covid patients, they have gone to inhaler based medication administration
    • Like 1
  12. This is misleading. It’s the same stuff we saw this week about increased space it can travel when sneezed, as well as how long it can hang in the air under perfect conditions. And honestly, the duration in the air isn’t much different than what we saw a month ago in some videos and tests. Saying “it’s gone airborne” summons Outbreak level panic and thinking, like if someone said Ebola went airborne. That’s a game changer. In reality, not THAT much has changed. Don’t leave your home and wear a mask, because guess what you can breathe it in same as before, which is why airplanes suck right now. 

    My apologies no intention at all to cause panic, to me at least the study indicates an elevated risk from before, but to what extent? I do agree with you that aspect is unknown, to me as a healthcare provider it doesn’t make a difference however it does seem to have raises some alarm bells at least within our organization regarding the ease of transmission. I’m not afraid of it, I’ve been exposed and I’ve seen it, my only true fear is bringing it home to my 75 year old mother who lives with us as she has pretty much all of the risk factors. Our department has been fairly lax so far on this regarding preventative measures, if they’re suggesting masks while in public it’s not an overreaction , I have to think the concern of increased risk is coming from a credible source.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

  13. I’ve read some really horrifying shit and this may qualify as one of the most terrifying things I’ve ever read, think I’ll sell everything and go live in the mountains, glad to know you guys

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
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