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Wax Beer Cup

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Posts posted by Wax Beer Cup

  1. 5 minutes ago, derpyhorndog said:

    Don’t see any flights from MIA area to Austin tonight, so the below is my best guess of Sark’s carriage to town. Arrives tomorrow at 10 a.m. local. Apologies again for the false alarm earlier (Madison plane). 


    FLL and OPF closer than MIA, but obviously he’ll be on a plane to AUS tonight or tomorrow morning,  so really not anything to search for anyway.  

  2. 1 hour ago, fakebusiness said:

    It was an honest question. We're still in the middle of a pandemic. Is it fair to ask if the time & resources used on impeachment should rather be used to help people during a pandemic? I hate Trump as much or more thab the next guy. I just can't wait until he's gone so we can focus on healing this country. Deplatform his ass and then let the courts convict him.

    If Johnny next door has been threatening your mother for years and finally decided to murder her Wednesday, but happens to be having open heart surgery in two weeks, does your family just pass on pressing charges because there’s lots of other ‘stuff’ going on these days and he may not make it through anyway?  

    • Like 1
  3. 23 minutes ago, MoJames said:

    So because of the Becky's Flowers thing I dug a bit on the PPP database and found some interesting tidbits. Check out the 10,000,000 club from Texas.


    I can tell you right now there is now fucking way Rosa's Cafe shut down any of their stores in Midland, TX. The town would riot.

    M Crowd is MiCocina restaurants.  Not to be all aggy, but boycotted their ass years ago when it came out they were big Trump donors.  Miss their margaritas, but fuck ‘em. 

    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

    I don’t care how many negs this generates, but I gladly take tonight’s results as the trade for both aggy and OU winning their bowl games. 

    It was probably decided well before, but OU’s win helped put the final nail in Herman’s coffin, so win win.  🤘

  5. 3 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

    So Sedition Barbie is going to vote to thwart democracy tomorrow as a lame duck loser twat.

    This little sedition party is going to quickly become a nothing burger as tonight’s results lead news coverage all day tomorrow, coupled with coverage of proud boys violence in the streets of DC (violence always makes best news coverage).  Screw Cruz’s little tantrum party tomorrow. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    It's interesting.  This could clear the board for Cruz and Hawley for 2024 (lot of Rs won't be pleased with Trump), and give one of them a chance to be the Republican leader that tries to pick up the pieces over the next four years, because there's now a bit of a vacuum, even if Mitch holds on (he will).

    But Cruz has to tone things down, because he's making Hawley look like the superior choice.

    I just don’t see Cruz ever overcoming his awful personality nation wide.  TX can seem to get past it for some reason.  Most of us see right through Trump, but he clearly resonates with many.   Not gonna happen for Teddy.  

  7. While I didn’t feel the UM vibes the last few weeks, this thread ha been a great distraction to an otherwise shitty year, scaled back holidays, mostly boring bowl games, etc.  At least I was able to add Chuy’s jalapeño ranch recipe to the fun.  Damn, it feels like I posted that months ago!  Guess I’m ready for Sark - so glad Mensa is history.  

    • Hook 'Em 3
  8. 1 minute ago, phdhorn said:

    Wait - I thought Notre Dame is gonna punt since Nana and Pappy can't be there.  Yeah, right, sure.

    (although it would be cool if they did /Wooderson)

    Nana and Pappy can come to Jerry World, and apparently sit side by side with all the other Irish based on what I saw yesterday. 

  9. 5 minutes ago, South Austin said:

    Simmering the chili while watching some NFL, drinking Zilker Pale Ale, and waiting for CDC to grab his sack and shitcan Urban. 

    I don’t have my kids this weekend so I’m making this batch hot as fuck. Some extra spoonfuls of adobo sauce and tossed in two serranos.


    Need to make one minor edit there buddy.  😀

  10. 30 minutes ago, CastHorn said:

    I understand where the keep Herman folks are coming from.  How do you justify buying Herman & his staff out for fucking Mario Cristobal or Dan Mullen? Unfortunately we’ve gone past the point of return in recruiting. It really is Urban or bust. It won’t be pretty if we don’t get that man in Austin. 

    Mario’s about to lose to an 0-3 Cal team

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