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Posts posted by XR4ticlone

  1. 53 minutes ago, seven said:



    I think it's more inhumane to let them in here...what chance do they have against almost certain death from NetNeutrality, the TaxCuts, or a host of other Trump policies?

    You're bringing these people here to be slaughtered.

    • Fuck You 3
  2. 7 hours ago, Brian Fantana said:

    You might be behind it, but the GOP cucks that you deepthroat every day are actually not and that will never, ever happen.

    I'm actually stunned that an adult human being can't see who benefits most from illegal alien labor in this country and can't extrapolate in their mind that all of this tough guy grandstanding about illegal immigration is nothing but a highly transparent ploy to get your stupid ass to go along with everything they say. 

    Don't take this the wrong way...but GFY.  No Democrats are pushing to fine employers. No Democrats are in a pickle with their constituents over their support of illegal immigrants. 

    The GOP establishment may be a bunch of limp wrists when it comes to immigration on whole...but the fucking DNC is out there encouraging it and fighting harder for the rights of illegals, creating Sanctuary Policy, and working harder for them than anything they're doing for any US citizens. 





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  3. 2 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    We should probably stop employing them before we do anything. Crazy, I know.

    I'm 100% behind doing that and fining business that use illegals.

    I hope you weren't waiting for me to throw a flag up there...it's not happening.

  4. 9 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    You can't just send them back. Once they are here, they have rights. 

    Also, our economy depends on immigrants. But you already knew that. 

    They have the right to go home.

    No...no it doesn't depend on immigrants.  That's asinine.  At best you can argue that they're a break even...at best.  And that's only when you don't add in a ton of costs that come with them that are not always quantifiable.   Uninsured motorists, incarceration, education of kids, welfare for them after they have anchor babies here...in addition to States that dole out block grants regardless of legal status. 

    It's lazy corps and business owners that depend on illegal immigrants for labor.  When people tell me about fruits and vegetable farmers...I always tell them that my grandparents had picked corn in Iowa back in the day.  But since we didn't have migrant workers or slaves...we invented and bought combines.   The tech is there...these lazy, cheap asses need to step up and spend the money and quit putting that cost on taxpayers bringing in migrant / illegals to do cheap labor.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Celery Man said:

    The actual funny thing is that this is not a left/right issue and a lot of people in the center are appalled at what we are becoming. Wait that’s not actually funny.

    No, it's a left / right issue.

    Look I don't hate these people.  I don't want to see anyone suffer.  But at the same time I'm not about to just have a free for all here. 

    A.  These are not all just a bunch of swell fellas.  Drug smugglers, sex slaves, gang members, potential terrorists are all mixed in as well.  There is no real way to vette them either...most of these people come from countries with no real records, so we're constantly buying a pig in a poke.  That's not good business.

    B.  These are not bodies we need.  Unskilled labor is going away with automation.  We don't need more people competing for those jobs in the future...or worse on welfare.  We do clearly need to adjust our welfare situation to where Americans are forced to take jobs...even jobs they don't really want.  That's kinda what jobs are...hell I'm 99% sure that's why they call them jobs in the first place. 

    C.  As I touched on in the prior post...this isn't a solution to the worlds problems.  We cannot take in everyone that wants to come here or even people who 'need' to come here.  At some point we will have to say no...and that will never be 'fair' to all those behind that person in line.  So where do you want to end?  Or start? 

    D.  This has impact on a ton of hard working Americans who are hurt by lowered wages, higher housing costs, in addition to the other costs associated with illegal immigration.   

    It sucks.  If it really bothers you, then go move to one of these places and help fix it.  Take some friends...but that's not the easy way.

    But if it only bothers you to see them suffer at the border...then shut down the Sanctuary Cities...because that's a big part of the draw to come here.  Have them stay home...quit enticing them here.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Brian Fantana said:

    You are a stupid, stupid person if you actually believe this.

    I think it's clear there is no way to hold them that makes sense (financially or otherwise) nor any way that will appease the left as long as Trump or another Republican is in office (the left will cease to give a shit when the next Dem holds the WH like the MSM didn't report and you didn't care under Obama).   I sure as hell don't want to turn them loose in America waiting for trial...nor should anyone else with a lick of common sense. 

    Every day they are here is hundreds of dollars spent on them...so send them back.  We do not need any additional people here.  We do not need any unskilled labor here.  We do not need any additional burden on our countries finances. This is an easy decision. 

    I know the left wants another huge, dependent voter block....I'm sorry, we cannot afford it.  

    • Fuck You 1
  7. 26 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    What in the fuck are you talking about? Everyone has the right to a trial. Just because you weren't born here doesn't mean that you're subhuman, despite what you may think.  


    We caught you at our border.  Are you a US citizen?


    I sentence you to return with your family to your country of origin.  Next case.


  8. Just now, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:

    This isn't what about I like. My inner 3 year old would like to throw Trump into jail without a trial. Something fucked up happened to you.

    These are not US citizens.  They have no rights to a trial.  They have broken our law.  Send them home as great big, happy families. 

  9. 14 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

    I'm just waiting for someone to give me a good reason for separating these babies and children from their parents.

    I'm not even saying turn them loose - if you want to keep them detained until an asylum hearing can be held, fine.  But what's the reason for going from keeping families together in family detention centers and separating children from their parents?

    All immigrants are still detained but what is gained from this practice?  And call me cray, but I'm sure this shitty policy costs a ton more, too.  They have to add additional facilities that are basically giant daycares and now they have to hire staff to do the jobs - feeding, bathing, clothing, diaper changing etc. - that a mother or father would do if the families were kept together.

    So except for costing more money and psychologically damaging thousands of children, what does this evil accomplish? 

    I agree...quit wasting time and money.  Ship them home.  Do not pass Go...Do not collect $200. 

    • Like 1
  10. 21 minutes ago, Brian Fantana said:

    Nobody's asking for unchecked immigration dumbfuck. Next strawman please.

    I've yet the only thing I hear from the left is Sanctuary Cities, Amnesty, & we need to help these people out. 

    No one on the left is talking about limitations...no one is pushing for border enforcement or a wall.  They may talk about more legal immigration, but even then no one is saying we need to control our border. 

    You call me a dumbfuck and say that my argument a stawman...but that's 100% bull shit.  The vast majority of the left isn't for any type of control on immigration. 

    • Like 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, TornACL said:

    What I always find interesting, and I am not accusing you specifically of this, is that native xenophobes frequently project their own fears by claiming that immigrants aren't "assimilating". 

    And that projection has been used as justification for a lot of mistreatment of immigrants for centuries. Not just here. 

    While there are certainly some differences, the heart of the issue has remained virtually unchanged.  


    I'm not for mistreatment of anyone.

    I'm also not in favor of societal suicide. 

    You cannot have unchecked immigration...it doesn't work.

  12. 2 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    The Community Reinvestment Act sure as hell didn't have anything to do with the commercial real estate bubble in America or any of the residential and commercial real estate bubbles in Europe.

    They didn't happen in a vacuum.   You can't just dismiss the impact the Gov's influence had on the entire market. 

    That's like saying the gold rush didn't drive up the prices of tents or shovels.

  13. Just now, TornACL said:

    People have been saying this about immigration since at LEAST the Potato Famine. 

    Yes, but these are endless differences today vs those points in history. 

    Most people don't realize that many people returned to their home countries because they couldn't make it here. There were no welfare programs for them. 

    It was also expected that you became an American and assimilate into our culture.  There was no 'Press 1 for German".  You were expected to learn English and become an American.

    America had the need for people and labor.  At this point we're 'importing' poorly educated, and unskilled labor...just as automation is going to replace a great deal of those types jobs.  But we will still have endless welfare programs...which if nothing else all their kids will be eligible for.  We have $21 trillion in debt...we can't afford those costs....that's unsustainable.

    • Like 1
  14. 37 minutes ago, HtownHorn said:

    Good for you. Let me know when Bama Chick takes the plunge, and I'm sure there is a thread on shaggy started in 2014 by you bitching about Obama's caged kids. I'm sure there is also a thread from 2008-2010 were you bitched about the Dems doing jack shit about the illegal immigration problem in this country. 

    That's not true...they Dem's are doing tons about illegal immigration.  They're creating many of these problems with their asinine Sanctuary City bull shit that encourages these people to come here and break our laws. 

    In San Francisco, they're now fighting to amend their Sanctuary City law to keep FELONS from being deported.


    It's beyond fucking moronic...but this is where the left is headed.  It's suicide by stupidity. 


    Look, I get it much of the world sucks ass.  Why wouldn't these people want to flee to anywhere else...especially America? 

    BUT, there are 7 Billion people in the world...6.7 Billion outside the US currently.  Of those 6.7 Billion only about 5.5 Billion people would be better off here, probably no more than 4 Billion would kill for that opportunity to come here.  Clearly that's not a realistic solution anymore than bringing in tens of homeless people into your house would fix homelessness.  We must fix these other countries...and to a greater extent they need to fix themselves. 

    But just as bringing in 10 homeless into your house might temporarily help them...it's going to fuck up everything in your house.  The same is true for unchecked immigration.  The idea we can have an open border or allow endless droves of illegal immigrates is insanity. 

    It will be the death of America.  Ironically we will become the country that ignores the rule of law...that these people are escaping.  And that is 100% the difference between America and most other places.   We have (or at least had) the rule of law where people had the ability to find justice under our laws...regardless of who was in power.

    And the bigger question is how can you expect me & others to pay taxes & follow laws when you won't enforce the laws on others?  It doesn't work.  The center cannot hold.


    • Like 3
  15. 2 hours ago, Washpark said:

    Lulz. You were a bank teller



    No, you clearly cannot read or do not know what a Series 7 license is, but allow me to help educate you.  A Series 7 is the General Securities Representative Exam, IE Investment Broker / Stock Broker securities license under the SEC. (Security Exchange Commission...not the South East Conference...preemptive point there to clear up further confusion and save a future reply). 

    That covers all levels of investments from equity offerings (stocks), debt investments (bonds), mutual funds, as well as futures trading on non-commodities.  During that time I also had my insurance licenses for life and health. 

    My brother is a bank VP.   I give him shit about 'Who isn't a VP at a bank?...besides the janitors?'  But he's actually the manager of AG lending for 6 branches of a regional bank.   So he's not a teller either.

    Sorry to disappoint you.

  16. 5 hours ago, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:

    Yes. The private issuers of these loans did so knowing they weren't going to be holding onto the IOUs when the shit hit the fan. Fannie Mae and the concept of gov backed mortgages wasn't the new variable introduced into the housing marking. Fannie had been around for the better part of a century. It was the newly emerging credit default swap market that was the new variable, a market virtually free of regulation that was codified, without debate, as unregulated in the final omnibus bill of the Clinton administration thanks to Phil Gramm.



    I don't disagree that CBO's were a major part of the issue. But once again, people bought them based on the perception of safety of the US housing markets...much of that was based off ratings agencies (who were clearly bribed or asleep at the wheel) and the idea that the US Gov backed much of the housing mortgages here.

    The Community Reinvestment Act was a huge driver in the housing crisis...and sadly I'm not sure we learned anything from 2008.

    I worked in the retail finance industry for 7 years out of college, having my series 7 and working with retail investors.  I can tell you most of the people in that industry are not, IMHO all that sound when it comes to finance & investments.  Clearly compared to the average person, they've got some knowledge, but many don't fully understand the investments they're selling especially when it comes to more complex investments.  Heck watch 'The Big Short'...which would be completely unbelievable if it wasn't for the reality that they were all balls deep in that mess and got caught holding the bag.

    My brother is a banker and I can tell you we talk about that industry as well on a regular basis.  There's a real lack of financial awareness and discipline in that industry as well.

    I'm fully aware that I have a very conservative economic viewpoint.  Driven partially by growing up on a farm when nothing is promised, and partially from hearing stories my grandfather had told my mother about pre-WWII Germany and the hyperinflation from Germany monetary policy (printing the shit out of money).   When you hear a story of being so hungry that you steal a potato out of a pot of boiling water through a kitchen window....that shit isn't something you forget.  Boil some water and drop a potato in, then think how hungry you'd have to be to put your arm in there. 

    We're repeating a lot of the same sins here now.  Printing via the Fed buying US Treasuries (same impact) and out of control debt (personal and Gov) with no signs of anyone getting it under control.   History is full of examples of how this turns out...it has NEVER been good.  The center cannot hold.

    I understand that no one wants to hear that.  Myself included.  That doesn't make it any less true.

  17. 1 hour ago, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:


    It is clear to anyone who has studied the financial crisis of 2008 that the private sector’s drive for short-term profit was behind it. More than 84 percent of the sub-prime mortgages in 2006 were issued by private lending. These private firms made nearly 83 percent of the subprime loans to low- and moderate-income borrowers that year. Out of the top 25 subprime lenders in 2006, only one was subject to the usual mortgage laws and regulations. The nonbank underwriters made more than 12 million subprime mortgages with a value of nearly $2 trillion. The lenders who made these were exempt from federal regulations.



    Research has shown — as noted by law professor and author Jennifer Taub — that only 6% of high-cost loans had any connection to CRA lending. In fact, loans from CRA-connected lenders were half as likely to default as those made in the same neighborhoods by other mortgage lenders that didn't come under the CRA.


    That's a very disingenuous argument for the simple fact that none of these private lending institutions held on to any of this paper.  Issued does not equal held.

    Much of that paper ended up in CBO's or 'Gov' bonds via Fannie & Freddie with defacto Gov backing.  The vast majority of the worst offending loans were only written because there was an endless supply of 'Gov insured' investment money to cover them.  Turn off the Gov backed securities that funded these shitty mortgages and NONE of them get written.

    The problem with OPM...(Other Poeple's Money) is no money will ever get mistreated, wasted, and pissed away more readily that OPM.   Gov is the worst of OPM as there is no one to account to...the OPM they blow through will never have a face or name attached to it.  Too many believe it's an endless supply (fucking financially illiterate dip shits that sadly also can vote) of Gov money.  And on whole, we've bastardized money...forgetting what it really is...OUR TIME & OUR EFFORTS.  If the Gov came and asked for another 10% of your time you'd rightfully tell them to go get fucked.   But because we ask for money...it's somehow not as bad to most Americans.


    I'd add...that even for those loans not backed by the US Gov, there was an insane amount of pricing pressure by all the Gov guaranteed loans & community reinvestment act bull shit loan programs.  IE..housing prices were much higher due to all these poorly devised loan programs. 


  18. 10 hours ago, David Dennison said:

    The market does not fill the void left by the market. You are mistaken. You probably wouldn't own a home but for government subsidized mortgages. The government is one of the reasons our middle class is as large as it is. You know this. You just don't like it because it goes against the myth of rugged individualism. But make no mistake, the American middle class as we know it was created, in large part, by the government.

    So you're contending that the market wouldn't provide mortgage lending if the Gov didn't?

    Now I won't argue that there wouldn't be the loose, stupid, bubble building, mortgage lending that caused the housing crisis.  That's 100% not happening without the Gov's involvement.  

    I'd also tell you that McMansions wouldn't have existed, and housing prices would be lower...just like the Gov's involvement in college, their involvement in housing has also lead to higher prices and excess. 

    And you're right, we wouldn't have the middle class we have today, as we know it, without the Gov.  We'd have one with much less debt, more modest housing, but by no means would we not have mortgages, colleges, or city streets.

  19. 18 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    No more mortgages, no more research, no more colleges, so more neighborhoods, etc.

    You think you want something that you really don't want. The state is necessary to fill the vacuum left by the market. It's responsible for making the United States economy the largest in the world. 

    One thing is extremely clear, your understanding of economics is...remedial (I'm being generous here).  

    You honestly think that without the Gov there would be no more mortgages?  Or colleges?  Or neighborhoods?

    The MARKET fills the voids left in the market.  The problem is the Gov has also been 'filling'...let's look at colleges for example.

    Were there colleges before GSL's?  YES.

    What is the inflationary rate of colleges vs the rest of the economy? 


    Why do you think that is?  Hint...it's the Gov loaning money like meth heads to anyone who wanted a college education.

    I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you misread my 'filling the void' portion of my prior post.  But yes, at this point Gov stepping out of college education would indeed have dramatic impact on that market.  Colleges would dry up and tuition would plummet.  Billions of campus buildings and other expenditures would be left abandoned.  Why were they built?  Because it made sense with the Gov throwing trillions at education.  Now those expenditures would be unsustainable. 

    Does that mean it would be a mistake for Gov to get out of the college biz?  NO.  I think it would be a positive as easy money and GSL's have put tens of millions in indentured servitude for worthless degrees...or worse yet...partial college educations that they'll pay on for decades. 

    No one is currently asking..."Is a East Asian Women's Studies degree worth $100k?" because...

    A. The Gov will finance it.   B.  Everyone has been brainwashed into thinking a college degree = life success.  C. Everyone thinks they must go to college.  D.  No one is doing the math or looking at the pay off because the Gov will fiance it...it MUST be a good deal right???  (No...no it's not). 

    The Gov has created a (Trillion dollar) education bubble...just like they did with housing...and everything else they get involved with since the dawn of time.  It's only going to get worse from here...the market has been bastardized, but it cannot be defied forever. 



  20. It's become increasingly clear that part of the drive is to consolidate business.  Banking, trucking, food production, all of it through taxes & regulations. 

    Look around...it's happening everywhere.  Sadly...and it's destroying the middle class as well as the American dream as people become corp drones without the ability to own their own business...or even their own home.  Look at all the apartments with people paying $1500+ a month to rent.  That's more than my house payment.

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