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former alkie

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Posts posted by former alkie

  1. NFL

    - Would never miss a Cowboy game (1-15 or 15-1, doesn’t matter)

    - I’m a useless human on Sunday’s, because football is on until 3:30 games are over.  Will watch 7p game if compelling 


    - I always know standings, watch about 1/4 of Stars games live, rest of games I record, then fast forward until crunch time.  Playoffs live


    - always know standings, will watch last couple of innings of Ranger games if close.  Playoffs live (though obviously rarely happens)


    - meh.....Mavs games pretty much same as Rangers

    I’d never miss a Texas game, not even for wedding or funeral

    Guess my response doesn’t even address OP’s point.....so I’ll add that my guy friends probably would answer the same as I did :)

  2. 34 minutes ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    It's not their jobs, it's their posting history.  That, and by my personal experiences, most people ranting about "big government" are on the dole to some degree.  

    I wasn’t trying to be an ass with my question.....I just get a little thin-skinned sometimes.

    After 27 years, have had a few self-proclaimed “victim of the system” types call me “government man,” and crap like that.

    My bad

  3. This is a great topic, and sorry for being wordy.

    In my line of work, you don’t get rich, but our retirement is kick-ass, and guaranteed by law. Guaranteed monthly income + free health insurance for life (same plan we have now).

    Our retirement is “rule of 75,” so I’ve been eligible for the last 2 years.  If I retired today, my monthly income would be just a little less than I bring home now. However, my plan is to wait until summer 2024, and my monthly retirement income will triple.

    Reaching eligibility was a great feeling, but way too early to leave.  I’ve had several co-workers retire upon eligibility, then are either bored or poor, and come back P/T.....definitely not my plan.

    I love yardwork, so what I’d like to do is get a couple more mowers/weedeaters/blowers, and get about 10 yards - just for pocket money.

    My brother and a few friends are all retiring around same age, so I hope/pray we start playing golf again, too.

    Gotta stay fairly busy.....can’t stand thought of sitting around the house.

  4. 34 minutes ago, formermav43 said:

    25? Yeah, you’re real tough.

    I am indeed a cold weather pussy.

    In my building, A/C is so damn low, I keep my portable heater cranked up.

    My only point has been that it’s hovering in the upper 90’s, and people here in the metroplex are acting like the seal from hell broke.

    Guess I just have old man thin skin, and can tolerate heat, way more than cold.


  5. 1 minute ago, Lobo said:


    Lotta spontaneous brushfires break out at 25 degrees where you live there, ace?  

    As I said, I’ve lived in N. Texas (Fort Worth) all 54 years.

    Oh, and the actual hottest summer, 1980, I mowed lawns.....never saw any lawns catch fire.

    I wasn’t here to start a fight, was just making a point.

    Just never heard people bitch so much, so early in the game.


  6. In 54 years, I’ve never heard more people bitch and moan about heat, more than I have this year.

    I’ve lived in N. Texas all these years, so yes, I do have the right to make fun of all the wussies, crying like bitches.

    Jesus, it’s not even hot yet.

    I’ll gladly take 110, doing full day of yard work, over 25, hanging Christmas lights.

    Toughen up, homos.


    • Haha 1
    • Fuck You 1
  7. SIAP

    When it’s 90+ degrees, news anchors who feel the need to REPEATEDLY remind viewers to stay hydrated, wear light fitting clothes + hat, and to seek shade when you’re outside. They say this no less that 5 times during an hour show.

    I assume that an average news viewer is 20 or older, and if they’re  too feeble minded to know the simple ways to keep cool on hot days, we’ll then......

    Along the same lines, news constantly reminding viewers to wear life jackets when in pools, or out on the lake, and wear seat belts in the car.

    I guess it’s just too insulting to say, “look dumbasses, if you can’t swim, stay out of the water.”

    Do average citizens really need these elementary level reminders?

    Just let Darwinism work itself out

  8. On 5/10/2018 at 2:40 PM, JimmyHoffa said:


    This late in the season I still have no clue which player started where from all of the damn switches and twist. 

    Team Wendell. Total meh season. 

    Totally agree.

    I like Survivor, but I hope they eventually wake up, do away with teams, and just go individual from day 1.

    Oh, and do away with this ghost island type crap.

  9. For those with the new update, I just figured out how to delete a series...this is how I did it.

    While on live tv

    - Menu

    - click left to Recordings, hit select button

    - hit select button on View Playlist

    - click left, and scroll down to Manage Recordings

    - hit select button, then scroll to Series Manager

    - scroll to show you want to delete, hit select button

    - click left to Series Options

    - it will then bring up the screen where you can click to Cancel Series, then hit select button


  10. On 4/26/2018 at 8:40 AM, Cheeseweasel said:


    Every financial interaction has now turned into an attempt to shake me down for your charity.

    I have to give credit to my local Petco.

    About 6 months ago, they stopped asking that crap.....now, it’s just a yes/no question on the debit/credit card screen.  

  11. 9 hours ago, slorch said:


    However, I will listen to 80's hair bands and shit like Pet Shop Boys/ Thompson Twins/ Frankie Goes To Hollywood/ and love the hell out of it.

    I need to embarrassed along with you on this.

    I’m a Ticket P1, but when I do listen to music on the radio, I prefer JackFM

  12. On 4/14/2018 at 3:04 PM, George Morgan said:

    Really,  the great questions that all people have about life are, "Where did I come from?', "Why am I here", and "Where am I  going after I die?" 

    I’m a terribly shallow motherfucker, and have never really considered these to be life’s “great questions.”

    Question #1 was answered after I found my first porn magazine.....probably around age 7 or so

    I’ve never once even contemplated question #2.......only dorks like Davey & Goliath think about shit like that

    As for question #3, I assume everyone has given this a tiny bit of thought at some point, but why the fuck worry about it?  I figure as long as I don’t commit heinous crimes, I’ll probably end up OK.....maybe :)

  13. 9 hours ago, Buffsoldier said:


    Otherwise, I think my mom is sweet as hell.  I don't mind spending an hour or so on the phone with her every 7-10 days because she probably doesn't talk too much to other people.  And it's fun listening to her giggle at the silly things her granddaughter does.

    This kind of hit me in the gut.

    My mom is 75, and sweet as hell too.....she would do absolutely anything for her 2 sons, as well as her 4 grandkids.

    I hate talking on the phone, but I need to not dread these 1+ hour phone calls every week or so. 

    Pretty much everything you said hit the nail on the head.

    I need to not be a prick.

  14. Grew up in Fort Worth.

    Moved to what really were the sticks (between FW and Granbury) when my oldest started kindergarten in 2007-  wanted her in a quality school district.

    Now, everyone wants their kids in same school district, so they’re starting to develop my area.

    5 years until my youngest graduates, then I’ll need to find a new small town.

  15. 9 hours ago, Buck Strickland said:

    former alkie sounds like a current fattie

    You made me paranoid, so I checked the BMI chart.

    Damn, I need to lose 6 lbs. to fall into normal range section.

    I truly am a fattie.....and ashamed.

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