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Posts posted by Stros

  1. Maybe because there hasn’t been a credible reason not to trust her.  She is asking the FBI to investigate HER.  That doesn’t mean she’s telling the truth but it’s a strong indication she’s not full of shit. 
    Moreover, the White House, who we can say with certitude has a huge credibility problem, doesn’t want this investigated.  There is no reason not to investigate her allegations. 
    Unless you can come up with one?

    I want them to get to the bottom of it.
    My problem is that everyone that is anti-trump believes everything that has come out of someone’s mouth without vetting who they are, and what actually happened.

    If it’s he said she said it will be really fucked up and that’s what the left wants. Because the accuser is the only person who remembers the assault 36 years ago at a keg party while being drunk.

    • Fuck You 2
  2. Well, she reported them to the FBI.  I'm going to assume they would charge her for making a false report if she made them up out of whole cloth.
    But you go on being you.
    Oh, and by the way, Stros' post is what is known as concern/question trolling, in case you were wondering, IT.

    People keep telling me the building is on fire, but I can’t see the fire.
  3. No, you're being intentionally obtuse in saying " that wasn’t her only consideration", making it sound like she's being unreasonable, when she's receiving death threats and getting doxxed and all of conservative media is painting her as some political zealot. It's not like people's homes have been burned down when credibly accusing prominent GOP politicians or anything right? 
    I'm not being argumentative, it's that I'm not giving you the benefit of the doubt when you consistently make misleading statements about a woman who faced sexual assault. 

    Do we have proof of these death threats? What does anyone know about this woman? Give me something so I can understand why the left trust her every word.
    • Fuck You 2
  4. There are countless examples of victims who were silent for many years after abuse as a child/adolescent. We've seen this repeat itself with all of the recent abuse scandals (US gymnastics, Penn St., Catholic priests, etc.).
    She's living in a hotel with hired security after receiving death threats. I'd say she has already sacrificed quite a bit.

    She is a hero to the left. She will get a high paying job win or lose from the left. She will be a rockstar to the left if it crushes Kavanaugh.
    • Fuck You 3
  5. And what is your inference???  Please state your thesis based on the information you linked.....

    If someone fucked up my life 36 years ago for assaulting me, and it effects my life everyday. I would want to get that monkey off my back ASAP. Why did she not do this in 2012? Because she’s a liberal activist. This is all politics, nothing more nothing less.

    I can admit, I can’t stand looking at and hearing about Trump and his stupid fucking tweets everyday. He’s far from the best president we have ever had in this nation. I will admit, I voted for Trump only to cast a vote against Hillary.

    Can you admit this is all about politics? Do you think it’s odd Dr. Ford doesn’t remember the house, the date, or any people from when this assault occurred?

    Why did she clear her social media?

    Why did she contact a lawyer 5 months ago and do a polygraph administered by her lawyer?

    Why will Dianne Feinstein not let Grassley look at the original letter?

    Why did Dianne Feinstein sit on the letter for 5 months?

    Holes man, a lot of holes.
    • Fuck You 5
    Sure why not. 
    My first doubts started when I learned the Iraq war justification didn’t hold water. Yet I still voted for W anyway.
    I was all set to vote for McCain when the economy collapsed. I figured at that point the country needed new blood. 
    I was torn between Obama and Romney but felt Romney was out of touch as an elite so I voted for Obama. In hindsight that was probably a mistake.
    Fast forward to 2016. I hated Hillary, but that was outweighed by my fear for what I felt Trump might do to this Country as president, i.e. tear it apart and weaken it. And unlike many of my liberal friends, I believed that Trump could actually win the thing. 
    So I supported Bernie. Not because I believed in what he was saying, but because I believed he was the best chance to prevent Trump from becoming President and seriously weakening and endangering this Country.
    And I believe I was right.
    If you go back to Kevin’s scat site you will see that before Trump became president I occasionally posted in other forums but almost never posted in the Cloak Room. 
    Since then I have posted quite a great deal. Not because I’m a dem, and not because I’m a Republican, but because I fear what Trump is currently doing to this Country.
    Does that answer your question? 

    So you went from a Republican to a socialist?
    • Fuck You 1
  7. The most eye opening thing in this fiasco is how important Kavanaugh evidently is to the Republicans.
    They are sacrificing so much political capital for this guy it makes me think there must be some serious payoff for getting Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court.
    As opposed to any other GOP stooge Justice. 

    “Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won.” – President Obama to House Republican Whip Eric Cantor, January 23, 2009.
    • Fuck You 1
  8. Moreover, there’s risk here for the democrats.  If Dr. Ford turns out to be a complete fraud, they will pay a high political price.  
    The democrats have hitched their wagon to the credibility of Dr. Ford.  Do you think they would do that without vetting her allegations or candor?

    Yes, they’re desperate.
  9. If growing up, you had moves to pick up girls that include your hand over her mouth or duct tape, you are not allowed to sit on the US Supreme Court.  I'm sorry.

    Where is your proof? She doesn’t remember anyone at the party, where the party was, or when the party was. For all we know it could have been a wet dream.
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