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Posts posted by Stros

  1. There are 2 threads on this board that cover it plus probably 10,000 articles at your fingertips in Google.  If you don't already know the answer its because you don't want to know the answer.  So fuck off.  Negged.

    I negged your mom last night with 4” of pure furry Francis.
    • Fuck You 3
  2. You think about how a normal judge would react to this accusation, and then you look at his reaction. If you're totally innocent and your background is fairly vanilla, do you spend 4 days at the WH getting pelted with potential questions and rehearsing the 'right' answers to those questions?

    It’s kind of a big deal. What would a doctor be doing?

    He could be lying, and the fact that he lied about something that happened 36 years ago should ruin his career.

    She could be lying and it’s still ruin’s a persons career and life’s work. I’m sure each one of you fuckers would be doing everything you could to be ready, for such a vile accusation.

    Have any of you been accused by a man or woman that was false or a lie that effected your life’s work? Fortunately it hasn’t happened to me, and thus far I’m grateful for that.
  3. https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/2018/september/franklin-graham-on-judge-kavanaugh-accusation-not-relevant

    Ok. That fucker needs to burn in Hell. But first, I hope that he experiences the terror of being held down and assaulted, and has his mouth covered as he tries to scream.

    This has no relationship to whether the alleged assault happened. For him to take the position that even if it did, it’s not a crime, and was cool because the guy stopped....fuck him in hell for eternity.

    I agree 99.99 %

    00.01% Because if there is a hell and a god, he should be the one to make the final judgment.

  4. Nope, it's your turn.  Define "lush".


    (of vegetation) growing luxuriantly.
    "lush greenery and cultivated fields"
    synonyms: luxuriant, rich, abundant, profuse, exuberant, riotous, prolific, vigorous; More
    very rich and providing great sensory pleasure.
    "lush orchestrations"
    synonyms: succulent, luscious, juicy, soft, tender, ripe More
    • Like 1
  5. Dr. Ford most definitely knew which guy was Brett Kavanaugh and which guy was Chris Garrett.  The "mistaken identity" angle of this theory is utter bullshit.
    Now, could she have actually been assaulted by Garrett but is knowingly attributing it to Kavanaugh?  Sure, it's possible.  Is it likely?  Well, that's a stretch.

    Nothing is a stretch for a liberal activist.

    Hopefully we can hear from both the accuser and accused on Monday.

    • Like 1
    • Fuck You 7
  6. You sure seem to have strong opinions about a surfing psychology prof at a small school in California.  Maybe you're just a knee-jerk alt-right jackass who centipedes shit from Rush and Sean and spews it on to your not-so-connected Nazi buddies?

    Struck a nerve? Do you need sometime in your safe space? Turn on Rachel, she will cry with you.
    • Fuck You 2
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