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American Swindle

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Everything posted by American Swindle

  1. “Now watch as the NPC troll tries to use what he thinks is a super cool allusion to Ben Shapiro and 4chan memes to stymie his adversary...” [steve Irwin] You got crushed dude, take the loss and move on. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. This is the perfect example of where the radical left ends up after being smashed in any debate. Name calling and shallow attacks with jack shit for substance. It’s no surprise the entire Leftist regime is eating it’s own with this type of mentality and intellectual dishonesty. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Yes. Who do you think was exploited during the meltdown of 2008, when everyone needed housing and the bubble burst? Who do you think was exploited during the Vietnam War? Who do you think was exploited during the Iraq War? Who was responsible and what were the common denominators in all of them? Hint: the same folks that Bad Teammate wants to use to enforce his ASF nonsense.
  4. Keep spouting your NPC-DSA propaganda and it will get smashed every time like it has in this thread. No one likes your ideas bud, sorry. I'm sure it's apparent to everyone that your constant skirting of the real simple direct questions affirm you are hollow when it comes to anything based on facts, logic and history.
  5. Your responses have been full of assumption and irony. I'll just stahp with you, because apparently I'm using words you can't understand and ideas that are too big for your mind. Take care pal.
  6. How would you inspect I was a pampered ass suburban kid? I grew up in the trailer parks in the South around drugs, alcohol and redneck culture so why don't you shut the fuck up? And it's rich you tell me to grow the fuck up coming from one who acts like the poorest folk in America have it so bad. News Flash: capitalism was part of making the American bottom 10% the top 1% in the ENTIRE WORLD! Your precious book probably doesn't touch on that does it? You said it yourself: voluntarily take a job to make ends meet or starve? And why we're on the subject of suggesting books to enlighten people we disagree with, I recommend you read this: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=henry+hazlitt+economics+in+one+lesson&hvadid=77996657994785&hvbmt=be&hvdev=c&hvqmt=e&tag=mh0b-20&ref=pd_sl_5qssxg6m6s_e
  7. If anything, these profitable private company's you refer to are actually employing and *helping* the people you are claiming are being exploited. In addition, they are accepting a job under their own free will. Hell, I worked for 5.15/hour as a college freshman over the summer for a County in South Texas. Was the county exploiting me? No, because I learned skills on the job that gave me experience to attain other opportunities. Working to make end's meet sounds better than starving in my opinion, but then again, this whole discussion doesn't really get to the root of the problem. Why has the cost of living gone up so much? Why is healthcare so expensive? Why is the dollar worth way less now? The complex answer explains the wealth gap, and it ain't because of free market capitalism, that's for sure.
  8. Oh man, the OP got me here, can't have a civil discussion without tilting into name calling? I was not defining the term "exploit" as workers being held against their will, I was only trying to make the point that no one that you deem as being exploited is having a gun pointed to their head and forced to work. Jees.
  9. Sweden has a population of 8.8 million dude. They don't nation build like the US and contrary to popular DSA-NPC opinion, Sweden actually succeeded economically not because of welfare state spending or government interventions, but due to a movement of classical liberalism and a laissez-faire attitude in the period of 1840 to 1870. During this period, they wanted to reduce government to open up to free trade and deregulating industry. As a result, between 1860 and 1910 real wages in Sweden increased by 25% per decade in manufacturing. This was 20 years before the Social Democrats ever got power in Sweden. So in historical reality, Sweden's wealth was built upon free-market capitalism, which gave them the ability to afford much of their welfare programs throughout the 20th century. That, and the Swedish people had a high level of trust in government workers. I can't say us Americans have that trust here (well, at least I don't, but it seems most on the Left do as most neo-conservatives.)
  10. Can you give us all an example of how capitalism exploits people? In your answer, please explain how those you deem being exploited are being held against their will. Are they being forced to work? What is their other option? Would you say kids in Bangladesh are being exploited for having worked in the textile manufacturing plants?
  11. Peter Schiff is great, I'd hope the likes of BT would give it a view.
  12. It's a simple question really: Do you believe in property rights? If yes, then should the individual owner of their property determine who gets it when they pass or should the government get to have it and redistribute it for what they deem necessary in the name of economic equality? Draw up a poll and see how it pans out.
  13. It has everything to do with it. It's simply this: Free Market Enterprise based on *VOLUNTARY* Exchange vs Socialism. You want the latter, but you think the former is what got us here when in reality we do not have the former, we have a corrupt/crony version of it.
  14. You're conveniently glossing over the whole government intervention into the free market theme in my argument though. Why do you think Higher Education costs more now and Electronics have gotten cheaper and way more advanced?
  15. What you call trickle down economics, I call economic reality. As I said, if you have a ton of liquidity, you just don't let it sit in a bank account, you put it in vehicles that put that money to work: businesses, investments, gold, bitcoin...whatever. Many jobs are created (yes, poor people are among those that get employed in all of this) to facilitate the services that are required to run said business and administer said investments. If you want to label that trickle down economics as if it is a bad connotation, then whatever... As it comes to GM and the banks, they were kept up by the bailouts. Do smaller businesses have the same luxury to be bailed out? Hell to the no. Why not allow the market to correct itself and allow GM and the banks fail? Oh yeah, cronyism. The exact thing that gets exponentially worse the bigger government gets. And you want to invite more of the same by centralizing more power to a supposed panel of people that decide who gets to distribute the money from the estates of the fallen wealthy? That wouldn't invite more corruption or croynism at all would it? As far as USPS and profitability, I may need to dig into more numbers since 2015 and can't find any info, but below is what is out there: https://freebeacon.com/issues/u-s-postal-service-has-not-earned-a-profit-in-almost-a-decade/ https://www.thoughtco.com/postal-service-losses-by-year-3321043 Interesting history of USPS below:
  16. I disagree. Have you ever heard the argument that the wealthy folks do not just sit on their money and swim in it like Scrooge McDuck? They actually take the money, much like how my small business was started, and invest it in business ventures which give people opportunities by way of jobs. That's why they should definitely earn the rewards from whatever becomes of said ventures or investments, because they are taking their own money (which resulted in time, energy, stress and tears to accumulate on their own, remember property rights...self-ownership) and risking it in a venture that could go bankrupt if it flops. Unlike the bailouts of GM and the Banking Cartels, private ventures like this are not immune to free market forces (as in, if they have a fucking horrible idea and it flops, then they lose all of that capital they risked.) As opposed to government backed ventures, where the taxpayers are the ones taking the risks, they can do whatever the fuck they want (e.i. USPS) and stay in business (or like Solyndra, be able to get massive salaries thanks to taxpayers while you go belly up)
  17. You mean he did it voluntarily without the use of government force? Really?
  18. Yes, which is what we already do and which you already support. You support taxation. You already support using government authority to take from the citizen. So please save the drama When have I ever said I support taxation? I want zero taxes for everyone. If anything, I would support a movement of the needle to as close to zero taxes as possible but it be the same percentage for everyone. Lastly, how did you come to the conclusion I support using the government to take from my fellow citizens?
  19. I'm a hard no on all of this, but then again, I'm not an authoritarian. Who is "we"? The Government? All of what you propose requires force and aggression. Property rights were important to the founders of this country and what you propose is having more government interference into private property affairs. Thomas Jefferson was heavily influenced by John Locke and his principles. Mainly, the principle of self-ownership. Do you own yourself BT? If you answer yes, then if you mixed your time/energy and labor with the fruits of the earth and made something, wouldn't you own that too? If yes, then don't you have the final say in how that property is to be handled? You are basically pushing for outright socialism, whereby the government inherits everything the INDIVIDUAL earns with his own blood, sweat, stress and tears and gives it to the Federal Government because they (or for you "we") know how best to distribute it in the name of compassion and equality.
  20. You can't have this conversation without addressing the Federal Reserve and our government's cozy relationship with banks and corporatist elites. It's no coincidence that inflation and war have been enabled and escalated since the inception of the Federal Reserve which has artificially distorted interest rates and sent the wrong signals to consumers, borrowers and lenders over the past century. Bernie was right just like Ron Paul and Rand, Audit the Fed. He was also right in his opposition to bailing out the banks in 2008. What do you think is going to happen when you pump 16 trillion dollars into the world economy to save the system? Oh yeah, the crony capitalists get all those funds and then cost of living goes up, your dollar power shrinks (thus indirectly taxing EVERYONE INCLUDING THOSE LESS FORTUNATE.) Your graph shows a decline in stock market shares right around 2007 and seems to get worse post bail-out (when everyone got their 401ks decimated thanks to the gubmint) The government should have NO FUCKING PART in enacting any programs in the name of wealth equality. They should have gotten out of the way in many cases (Dept of Education, ACA, Bailouts, I could go on but you get it.) And you want free college and free healthcare? Not economically feasible. . What makes it difficult is this: MOST COMMON FOLK ARE ILL INFORMED ON SOUND ECONOMIC THEORY AND ECONOMIC REALITY IN GENERAL. Also, we need more competition in education. How is it that one company (oh, I mean one department) is responsible for ALL PUBLIC EDUCATION? And why are those that want to eliminate the Dept of Education demonized as wanting No Education? The reality is that all Public School propagandizes us all to think we must go to College. We must take out the student loans to pay for it. Then we get there, with these loans that are backed by our all knowing government overlords, thus leading to colleges jacking the tuition as it's totally risk free for them, thus making it not affordable for THOSE LESS FORTUNATE and leaving students with a non-dis chargeable debt burden. Reality: not everyone should go to college. Free markets are in large part an answer, and if you think that the free market and some sort of deregulation boogey man are what got us here, then you belong in the NPC echo chamber.
  21. Totally respect Judge Nap so I'm interested to see what pans out.
  22. Go back to what we had before the ACA was passed. Allow competition in the drug market (allow imports from UK, Mexico and Canada). Mandate all hospitals and clinics publish their costs for common procedures/surgeries/drugs etc. Incentivize hospitals to help those less fortunate by allowing them to write off pro-bono surgeries/procedures at what the insurance company's would bill for said procedure.
  23. So would you agree the MSM's coverage of the alleged collusion for the past 2+years was not at all obsessive? Are you happy that he was found not colluding with Russia? I am. Funny you bring up 9/11. I've grown to realize it's not something that is productive to speak on with the general circus going folk. I basically concluded that nothing is out of the realm of possibility when it comes to the corruptible nature of human beings. Having said that, I probably have very few posts in 9/11 forums (none on here) and mostly on Shaggy, but never obsessed on pushing it to the level that the radical lefties on this board have pushed the Russia-Trump Collusion conspiracy theory. I gave my 2 cents and that was that so their you have it. Now try having some humility for once.
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