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American Swindle

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Everything posted by American Swindle

  1. Nothing really. I genuinely want to know what merits HRC has that genuinely make those on the left feel compelled and dignified to persuade others ( not just Trump supporters but Independents, Libertarians and libertarians) why they should support her and her ideas. Hell, I’d love to know the same of Trump supporters.
  2. Nothing really. I genuinely want to know what merits HRC has that genuinely make those on the left feel compelled and dignified to persuade others ( not just Trump supporters but Independents, Libertarians and libertarians) why they should support her and her ideas. Hell, I’d love to know the same of Trump supporters.
  3. Hahaha. I’m being honest, that’s the funny thing.
  4. I really just want to hear lefties defend Hillary on her merits, that's all.
  5. I'm a 3rd party voter, persuade me why I should have voted for Hillary instead of Gary Johnson. What principles does she stand for that you recommend I re-examine and consider?
  6. Here's some of that evidence of maybe not malicious, but deceitful intent.
  7. Hating 63 million+ people is no way to live my man. What if they all simply voted for him because they didn't like the idea of voting for the other corrupt candidate? Given Hillary's moral character, are you willing to say that she was the principled candidate and morally correct choice out of the 2? In my opinion,The 2 party system is a joke and a theatrical shit show and those that feed into it's tribalism are missing the forest for the trees.
  8. What point did I miss? The only point I was trying to make is that their simply is a Deep State and we should be as critical as those within it as Trump. Some folks within it are good, as you note, and some are bad (Clapper for example.) The question is should we have one so big in the first place if any at all?
  9. So you assume I voted for Trump? LOL. You must have proudly cast your vote for a woman who once laughed about getting a rapist off in court amirite? How noble of you!
  10. Hopefully there's some room in their for a backlash against the Deep State fuckers as well. Let's rally around objective backlash for all that deserve it, you know, spread the wealth! @jimmyjazz can attest that the NYT is a reputable source, especially in their coverage of the conspiracy theories surrounding the so called Deep State
  11. Wrong. You're assumption is incorrect. It's okay though, I could tell you that Trump's tariffs, his push to build a Wall, and his licking of the balls of Saudi Arabia are all cockamamie and suck but you'd still think I'm a Trumper. Get help.
  12. Everything's not great. What cult do you think I'm enjoying btw?
  13. The "pied piper" strategy was definitely a sign of Hillary and her campaign's competency. What I find particularly disturbing was her maniacally laughing about how "we came, we saw he died!" regarding the death of Gaddafi and our intervention in Libya. This, in addition to the fall out that left the region in shambles, lead to an actual slave trade in Libya. Another great example of competence! Hearing of these atrocities that resulted in her push for interventions in the region evokes a reaction for sure; one of disdain because she really cares not for other people, only herself and her never ending quest for power and control.
  14. So much substance! You must feel proud and strong. Good job on persuading no one to see it your way.
  15. Orlando needs to teach em' what we teach our 5th graders, jeebus
  16. Then their are these that sound much more logical and rational in my opinion. What is more likely? Anti-war proponents such as Jill Stein and Tulsi Gabbard are being smeared by the Deep State as Russian Actors/Assets due to their strong opposition to the Warfare state? OR, are they truly Russian assets? It's clearly the former in my opinion. Oh and we get a double whammy of Glenn Greenwald making the succint point that they didn't charge Stein of being a Russian Asset during the Mueller investigation. But yeah, he's a hack with an anti-American bias so nothing to see here folks!
  17. This read like a James Clapper denial that Americans were having their data and communications collected and stored. When you're licking a boot, try not to swallow the entire boot, you may choke.
  18. The David Duke connection is cockamamie. Just because a shit stain supports a political candidate has no bearing on the candidate themselves. Greenwald is a great independent journalist. It seems to me those most afflicted with TDS dislike him due to his hinged coverage of Russiagate. Tucker is okay sometimes and Badteammate ignores that Tulsi's platform is in line with his beloved Bernie Sanders in a lot of ways but can't concede he agrees with her on anything. I think it's because of Russia but IDK.
  19. As a politician or as an entertainer? I tend to think your point lends itself to the latter.
  20. Or the Bitch that literally used what they coined a “pied piper” strategy to make sure the media elevated Trump because she thought he was the most beatable candidate. The media legitimized Trump because of HRC. Isn’t it ironic? Don’t you think?
  21. Getting out of the TPP, the tax bill or what some call the tax scam (which stopped the IRS from penalizing those who didn’t have insurance,) and making the idea of getting out of the Middle East a national discussion (although he is definitely floundering and not following through.) He fucked up by abandoning the Iran nuclear deal which was one of the bright spots for the Obama administration. As I said, TDS is a bitch.
  22. Not a Trumper wise guy. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. I support him when he does good and criticize when he does bad. TDS is a bitch.
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