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Posts posted by Tonesky

  1. Is this something that will stick and that I will want?  We are embarking on new construction and will be pulling wire.  But, unless it is to future-proof for Dolby Atmos, I am not likely to run any wire for in-ceiling speakers.  My current receiver does not support Atmos and I am not likely to replace it any time soon.  When I get to that point, will I want to have wiring in place for Atmos? 

  2. Finally getting started on post Harvey house plans….  It will never be easier or cheaper to pull wire, than it will be during construction, but what to do in our increasingly wireless world?  We will for sure wire for phone (at least one), TV coax, CAT internet, POE security cameras, and theater.  What else, if anything, should we do?  Lighting will mostly be LED cans.  Are those smart controllable?  Or, is it all going to soon be obsolete, as systems like Google Home, Apple HomePod, and Amaon Echo proliferate?


    On 4/7/2018 at 6:05 PM, Degenerate Gardner said:

    Homemade edibles can make for bad times, especially if you're an infrequent THC consumer.  I've seen more than one person go from "I'm not feeling it" to incapacitated before they knew it.  That is not fun.


    On 4/7/2018 at 6:18 PM, Doc Reeves said:

    Yeah, you need to proceed with caution. If someone else is making butter or cookies, it is practically guaranteed 100% that they will have a different tolerance than you. Just think: if you rarely smoke and they are making extracts of the shit in their kitchen, chances are pretty good one cookie could fuck you up for 2 solid days

    And, now, I laugh about it.  But, holy shit, that was a wild ride.

  3. We are trying to move forward post Harvey and have met with a handful of architects regarding new construction, each of whom has sent a proposal with the same two irritating terms.  I am particularly interested in hearing from architects on whether I'm looking at take it or leave it, or there might be room for negotiation on these issues.

    (1) All proposals reserve plan ownership/copyright to the architect, subjecting me to liability for any use of the plan other than building my house at the specified location, and granting the architect unlimited rights and use.  I get that this is intended to protect the architect, but I am paying dearly for the plan, which is supposed to reflect my vision.  Why should the architect then have the ability to sell or license the design to others?  Is it unreasonable to request a prohibition on the architect using my plan for anything other than advertising or marketing without my consent?

    (2) All proposals limit the architect's liability to the amount I pay the architect.  Most state the architect will carry at least $X in E&O coverage, but that doesn't apply to me if I've agreed to limit damages to the amount I paid to the architect.  Some even attempt to shift responsibility to me for third-party claims.  Why the limitation if the architect has insurance?  Do architect's E&O policies typically have an exclusion or coverage limitation for claims by the client/homeowner?  If not, is it unreasonable to expect to have full benefit of the E&O policy if something goes wrong?

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