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About Tonesky

  • Birthday April 10

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  1. I never would have imagined myself saying this, but thanks Tucker.
  2. Even in Collie Station, Trump will not win young people by 10 points or more.
  3. Friday lunch, I was eating a plate of enchiladas at the Molina's bar trying hard to ignore a group of MAGA debating who would replace Biden if he stepped down, when I foolishly interjected with my view that the democrats had no option other than Harris. My theory was that it is impossible for any democrat to win without large turnout from Black women and that throwing Harris under the bus would alienate black women. Their immediate response was that Harris is not black. I recognized my foolishness at attempting to have an intelligent conversation with them and returned to my enchiladas, which slammed.
  4. I get the frustration, but we are only on day 3 of a 2.5 million without power event. According to Harris County Flood Control District, after Ike in 2008, “2.2 million CenterPoint customers without power; 75% of power restored by day 10”. We were without even longer - 14 days. CenterPoint is no doubt less than perfect, but I think people have unrealistic expectations
  5. Tide pools at Salt Creek Recreation Area
  6. The Butchart Gardens [at Victoria]
  7. Hurricane Hill Trail - paved, but grueling.
  8. Ruby and Kalaloch beaches
  9. The Flying Heritage & Combat Armor Museum was terrific. Three large hangers filled with restored airplanes, tanks, and related military equipment and armaments. The planes in particular are fully restored and operational. They make a point of identifying the handful that are the only known remaining of its kind - we don’t fly this one anymore, because we can’t risk losing it.
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