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Captain Ron

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Posts posted by Captain Ron

  1. The key is going to be what happens midweek. City has a UCL battle that could see them KO'd from that and if they drop basically 3 straight, they are going to be pissed.

    Poch has to come out with the right plan. Spurs have the team to do what Liverpool did - maybe even a little better since they have a better defense.

  2. 1 hour ago, Wild Bill said:

     I'll take pleasure in guttin' you, boy!

    "I'd take pleasure in guttin' you ... BOY."

    "I'll take pleasure in guttin' you ... BOY."

    What is wrong with these people, huh? Mason? Don't you think there's a lot of, uh, a lot of anger flowing around this island? Kind of a pubescent volatility? Don't you think? A lotta angst, a lot of "um ... I'm sixteen, I'm angry at my father" syndrome? I mean grow up! We're stuck on an island with a bunch of violence-for-pleasure-seeking psycophatic marines. SHAME! ON! THEM!

  3. it's a 1 goal difference, but with 2 road goals the Bayern lead is effectively insurmountable.

    I don't think there is much drama left in City-Pool, but we will see. I think that these predictions are pretty spot on:





  4. 3 hours ago, PittsburghTiger said:

    Was the Liverpool result a surprise, or an expected result?

    Losing - not so much. Getting killed, absolutely. 

    BTW - I wouldn't call City flipping this result catastrophic. If any team can do it it's City. I would call this series the one with drama left (Sevilla isn't scoring 2 in Munich, much less winning). 

  5. 4 minutes ago, travelingtexan said:

    dayyyum pool came to play

    They showed what you need to do to beat City the last time they played. It's the same thing here. At first I thought City was ready for it, but if Pool gets deep on the back line, they are very soft. I gave them too much credit on the work chat:


    Oops on more prepared.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Cheeseweasel said:




    The unstoppable force vs the immovable object. "Anything with Christopher Walken is great" vs "Sandler can only make liquid shit movies"

    Seriously, Walken is great, but he can't overcome the shit storm that a combo shit script, production company, premise and director.

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