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David Dennison

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Posts posted by David Dennison

  1. 16 minutes ago, Macklemore said:

    I like thinking about ways to improve this team. This current regime has no clue how to build a championship squad. Brown is pulling players straight out of the garbage, guys that the fucking A’s discarded. 

    The Big Lebowski Dude GIF

  2. 11 minutes ago, Macklemore said:

    Number 1 priority for this team should be ditching the “back of the baseball card” idiocy from Espada and Brown and getting Bagwell as far away from the decision making as possible. I want to be the smartest organization in baseball again. Bring Ng in and revamp the organization. Dana doesn’t have the brain power and analytical skills to be a good GM. Fire him after Memorial Day.

    Why do you do this to yourself?

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