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Seasick Sailor

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Everything posted by Seasick Sailor

  1. Looked too close to call to me, but I'm not surprised at all they overturned it. Fucking Maton will probably give up a 3 spot regardless, so whatever.
  2. Maybe the coaching staff isn't too great either:
  3. To quote McTaggert: I was there. And I was there a couple of days later when we lit up Fiers and Yordan hit one to what is now the Michelob Ultra section.
  4. This is the perfect situation to use Maton. It'll probably be 12-6 when he exits, but we can probably hold that lead.
  5. This outing by Garcia would really be stressing me out if we weren't up by 10.
  6. This is fun. we should do this every time.
  7. Just don't ever try to get a good deal on a dress from him.
  8. I can live with this lineup. I'd flip Yuli and Mancini, but otherwise looks good.
  9. I always get a sinking feeling when this thread gets bumped.
  10. HPU has fucked Altuve twice on a pitch above the zone.
  11. I guess JJ comes back up and Mancini gets more starts in left.
  12. Looking like it’s going to be a long week.
  13. At this point, I'm not sure why a pitcher would throw him anything else. It's going to be a liability in the playoffs if he doesn't figure it out.
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