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Gravy Train

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Posts posted by Gravy Train

  1. Negged for ignoring my more than good faith request. Supporting a statement must be beyond your skill set.
    Are you justifying an attack on Pelosi? Fuck that. Fuck you. Fuck your posts. Ignored.

    I addressed your request, but your position is woefully ignorant of the response as you clearly don't follow finance news and SEC regulations.

    Read it again, nobody is justifying the attack. It's shameful and misguided. It's horrific and fucked. I just want Nancy out of office as her time is long overdue to GTFO.

    FUCK anyone and everyone fighting Congressional term limits, wilfully supporting grift of elected officials because they represent your favorite crayon color.
    • Hook 'Em 1

  2. Like I said, your opinions are good for a scoff and a giggle.

    Maybe you should try paying attention.

    I have a total of 8 posts in this subforum. You're going to greater length to fit opinions to your narrative, while dismissing alienated voters and the one candidate who promoted education while ringing the alarm bell on workforce replacement via automation. Not worth a scoff, not an established Boomer.

    There is a place for honest politicians who serve their constituents under term limits, with limited access to lobbyist activity and mechanisms for personal financial gain.
    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck You 2
  3. 4 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

    The fact that you see The Libertarian Party as positive and think Andrew Yang is brilliant or a Democrat tells me your opinions and arguments aren’t worthy of anything but a scornful giggle.

    I questioned the motive that Libertarians have as a platform altogether, not justified them.  I'll give them the nod that ever expansion of government isn't exactly a good thing.

    Yang was a 2020 Democrat Presidential Primary candidate, so are you paying attention?  I enjoyed his debate, among Buttigieg's, as D candidates to at least shake up the established.  Biden was still the right nominee, and the centrist we all knew him for.

  4. We've already covered the sham justifications from the right.  When reality becomes too much for them, they result to conspiracies.

    The 30% "can't be bothered" because Politics have become a sport, while the corruption within our own system runs so deep, the recurring theme must cover whichever Congressman has taken the podium of fleecing America and whichever lobbyist keeps it rolling.

    And you wonder why Libertarians have a platform, why youth voter turnout is a problem, and why a bright, young, democrat candidate in Andrew Yang became disillusioned with his own party to go fuck off with David Jolly and found a new platform.

    • Fuck You 3
  5. 14 minutes ago, SizzleChest said:

    The one thing this thread was missing was a whataboutism take, so good job completing the bingo card?

    I'll go one further, because you'd better ponder the theme:  is this what pitchforks look like?

    Members of Congress amass massive sums of money on the backs of our misery.  Kavanaugh is a sexual assaulter.  These figures are political "lifers" who haven't enacted legislation to keep themselves honest, or even limit the term for the people they serve.  We are supposed to be a polite society, but if we can't be fucked to drag out the guillotines, at least recognize the issue of crazies attacking politicians as a "problem," instead of more school kids.

    I jest, but wouldn't be surprised to discover Paul's attacker as a Junior Trading Analyst at a wealth management fund.

  6. 3 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:

    pelosi is #2 in the presidential line of succession, it's a HUGE fucking deal. this was an assassination attempt driven by radical extremism 

    That's a pretty stark headline when one considers the implications of an attack like that on an elected official.  

    There's no place for victim-blaming in any scenario where personal safety is jeopardized, but I also think it's near equally crazy that Pelosi is still in office.  Her term has become one of serving the people, to serving women, but now to serving herself.  That we don't have voters or legislation to get her out of Washington is astounding.  

    I have a massive disdain for career politicians, regardless of which color crayon that leader gargles.  She's become toxic for Dems and reckless with her handling of the Taiwan trip to sparring over Congress members trading equities. Three decades in Congress and 15 years serving caucus, with an adamant position not to step down, is too much. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck You 4
  7. Welp, guess he found out.



    MOSCOW — Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday denied having any intentions of using nuclear weapons in Ukraine but described the conflict there as part of alleged efforts by the West to secure its global domination, which he insisted are doomed to fail.

    Speaking at a conference of international foreign policy experts, Putin said it’s pointless for Russia to strike Ukraine with nuclear weapons.

    “We see no need for that,” Putin said. “There is no point in that, neither political, nor military.”

    Putin said an earlier warning of his readiness to use “all means available to protect Russia” didn’t amount to nuclear saber-rattling but was merely a response to Western statements about their possible use of nuclear weapons.

    He particularly mentioned Liz Truss saying in August that she would be ready to use nuclear weapons if she became Britain’s prime minister, a remark which he said worried the Kremlin.

    “What were we supposed to think?” Putin said. “We saw that as a coordinated position, an attempt to blackmail us.”

    In a long speech full of diatribes against the United States and its allies, Putin accused them of trying to dictate their terms to other nations in a “dangerous, bloody and dirty” domination game.

    Putin, who sent his troops into Ukraine on Feb. 24, has cast Western support for Ukraine as part of broad efforts by Washington and its allies to enforce its will upon others through a rules-based world order. He argued that the world has reached a turning point, when “the West is no longer able to dictate its will to humankind but still tries to do it, and the majority of nations no longer want to tolerate it.”

    The Russian leader claimed that the Western policies will foment more chaos, adding that “he who sows the wind will reap the whirlwind.”

    Putin claimed that “humankind now faces a choice: accumulate a load of problems that will inevitably crush us all or try to find solutions that may not be ideal but could work and could make the world more stable and secure.”

    Without offering evidence, the Russian leader repeated Moscow’s unproven allegation that Ukraine was plotting a false flag attack involving a radioactive dirty bomb it would try to pin on Russia.

    Ukraine has strongly rejected the claim, and its Western allies have dismissed it as “transparently false.” Ukraine argued Russia might be making the unfounded allegation to serve as a cover for its own possible plot to detonate a dirty bomb.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told reporters on Thursday that the U.S. has still not seen anything to indicate that Putin has decided to use a dirty bomb.

    Putin said he personally ordered Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu to call his foreign counterparts to tell them about the purported plot. He maintained that Russia knows the Ukrainian facilities working on the project.

    He mocked the allegations by Ukraine and the West that Russia was firing on the territory of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in southern Ukraine as “ravings.” Russian troops have occupied the plant, Europe’s largest, since the early days of the conflict.

    Putin also expressed bewilderment about Washington’s policy on China, noting that tensions sparked by a recent visit to Taiwan by U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi come amid the U.S.-Russian showdown over Ukraine.

    “Why spoil relations with China at the same time?” Putin said. “It seems to defy logic and common sense. It looks like ravings.”

    He hailed Russia’s relations with China, but said he hadn’t warned Chinese President Xi Jinping about his intention to send troops into Ukraine when he visited Beijing days before that to attend the 2022 Winter Olympics.

    Asked about Washinton’s threat to re-evaluate its relationship with Saudi Arabia over the Riyadh-led OPEC+ alliance’s move to cut oil production, Putin argued that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was acting in his nation’s interests and the need to stabilize global energy markets.

    “They need to respect the crown prince and Saudi Arabia, and they will respond in kind,” Putin said. “And they will also respond in kind if they are spoken to in a boorish manner.”

    The Russian leader said Russia isn’t the enemy of the West but will continue to oppose the purported diktat of Western neo-liberal elites, accusing them of trying to subdue Russia.

    “Their goal is to make Russia more vulnerable and turn it into an instrument for fulfilling their geopolitical tasks, they have failed to achieve it and they will never succeed,” Putin said.

    Putin reaffirmed his long-held claim that Russians and Ukrainians are part of a single people and again denigrated Ukraine as an “artificial state” that received historic Russian lands from Communist rulers during the Soviet times.

    In that context, he acknowledged that the fighting in Ukraine effectively amounts to a civil war, although the Kremlin calls its actions in Ukraine a “special military operation.”

    Putin said he thinks “all the time” about the casualties that Russia has suffered in Ukraine, but insisted that NATO’s refusal to rule out Ukraine’s prospective membership and Kyiv’s refusal to adhere to a peace deal for its separatist conflict in the country’s east has left Moscow no other choice.

    He denied underestimating Ukraine’s ability to fight back and insisted that his “special military operation” has proceeded as planned.

    Putin also acknowledged the challenges posed by Western sanctions, but argued that Russia has proven resilient to foreign pressure and has become more united.

    John Kirby, a U.S. National Security Council spokesman, responded to Putin’s speech as it was underway.

    “We don’t believe that Mr. Putin’s strategic goals have changed here. He doesn’t want Ukraine to exist as a sovereign, independent nation state,” Kirby said.


    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Rage+1 1
  8. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/10/27/russian-lawmakers-vote-in-favor-of-anti-lgbt-bill-a79209


    Commercial satellites used by the United States to assist Ukraine in its war against Russia are “legitimate” targets for attacks, a Russian diplomat said Wednesday.

    Private assets like Elon Musk’s Starlink satellite internet constellation, as well as Maxar and Planet Labs earth observation satellites, have proven critical in keeping Ukrainians online and piercing the fog of war.

    Konstantin Vorontsov, the deputy chief of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s arms control and nonproliferation department, complained to the UN that the use of such satellites in conflicts marked an “extremely dangerous trend.”

    “Quasi-civilian infrastructure could be a legitimate target for retaliation,” the state-run TASS news agency quoted Vorontsov as saying.

    In a similarly worded warning in September, Vorontsov stressed that non-military satellite uses “constitute indirect involvement in military conflicts” and should be “strongly condemned” by the international community.

    “Western actions create unnecessary risk for the sustainability of peaceful space activities,” Vorontsov said.

    The Russian delegation at the UN’s panel on disarmament urged against an arms race in space. Last November, the Russian military tested an anti-satellite weapon in outer space, which the U.S. condemned as a “dangerous and irresponsible” space missile strike.

    At the UN panel, Vorontsov accused Ukraine’s Western allies of helping Kyiv develop a so-called “dirty bomb.” Western powers dismiss Moscow’s unfounded “dirty bomb” claims and call them a possible pretext for its own false-flag attack in Ukraine.


    • Haha 2
  9. https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/russia-has-notified-us-about-planned-nuclear-drills-pentagon-2022-10-25/


    WASHINGTON, Oct 25 (Reuters) - Russia has notified the United States about its plans to carry out exercises of its nuclear forces, the Pentagon said on Tuesday, declining to offer further details about drills expected to include test launches of ballistic missiles.

    "The U.S. was notified and, as we've highlighted before, this is a routine annual exercise by Russia," spokesman Air Force Brigadier General Patrick Ryder told a news briefing. "So in this regard, Russia is complying with its arms control obligations and its transparency commitments to make those notifications."


  10. 42 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

    (Redacted) off

    Nah, I believe it, Israel just isn't going on the record to say as much.  And Ukraine asking for "The Iron Dome," is incredibly specialized request, for a unique fabrication and exposures that Jerusalem isn't in the market for.  It's like asking for a very specific hand-loomed textile for a cleanup job, when commercially-available rolls of paper towels exist on the shelf.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  11. 28 minutes ago, BehoId, The Underminer! said:

    I also fear we are laughing about the futility of the conscription a little early.  If Russia is willing to throw hordes at the Ukrainian lines, they'll eventually break.  They have shitty equipment, not no equipment.  I hope Ukr gets the territory they want before the spring thaw and arm their lines for that wave.

    Do you even spawn camp, bro?  Kill ratio ain't gonna fabricate itself.

    • Haha 2
    • Drool 1
  12. 5 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Putin sat at freakishly huge tables because he was terrified of COVID and assassination attempts, and you all think he will use nukes if he’s going to lose Crimea?  

    He’s a real dumbass about a lot of things, but even he realizes that using nukes means the empty rhetoric his talking heads spout on nightly state TV shows becomes a reality and NATO actually enters the fight.  

    Right now he fears being taken out by somebody around him, but bringing nukes into play opens up the possibility of Western intelligence services, if not directly trying to assassinate him, at the very least providing support and backing to anybody around him that does.

    Not only that, we have several documented instances where FSB has outright stated, "nobody is informing Putin of the truth," while "Putin is making decisions on his own," with events unfolding in Ukraine.  The former, because the failures and weaknesses will fall on other individuals with responsibility under Putin, while the latter has been Putin's own desires made without consult.

    There may be a point tested between Putin's nuclear football and the offensive or launch vehicle that simply doesn't work... and it's because some men in the middle have had enough or won't bear responsibilty of decisions from a man who has lost favor with everyone around him.  Seriously, even among his closest oligarchs, who is making money in that country any longer? 

  13. 15 minutes ago, Nivek said:

    RG3 has watched a enough B12 football to understand they just make shit up. Question is why don’t you understand that? See the Alabama “targeting” call that was actually a safety.

    I don't want to hear any talking-head "wishcast" a fabricated call into a game-changing penalty... there's enough of that in this shit conference and I'd like to see our exit before the next one racks up.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. Who the hell thought there was even a chance at "targeting" with that hit, until RGIII fabricated it on the air?  Campbell went bitchmade thinking the booth would review that but only after an assistant relayed as such over his headset.  

    I actually admire Campbell for being one of the few coaches in this shitheeled conference with enough balls to call out officiating for their terrible jobs, week over week.  It seems to get under his skin more than most, but this game ain't it.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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