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Posts posted by DenverHorn

  1. On 11/29/2020 at 1:03 PM, SydneyCarton said:

    lol. Love that ole’ Denver, he of the “just wait until next week’s big news” bullshit he’s been pedaling since October, slinks back in here to post this shit. This is the stand he’s taking! Gosh, he really showed us! Beanie babies ARE valuable. Trump DID win the election! Biden IS going to jail! And DenverHorn definitely isn’t a tiny dick moron who has spent his entire life as a Cuck, you guys! 

    Come back to earth Don Quixote, a quick posting history review would serve you well.  Seriously, don't loose your mind with that keyboard courage.

    • Fuck You 6
  2. On 11/29/2020 at 11:07 PM, ChiTownDoc said:

    Bruce Cassidy.  Still golfs w Urban a few times a year.  Sold excel mining for 900M.  I sit on the board for one of his other companies.  

    Big indeed, he definitely covers a few chinstraps, shoe laces, dozen scholarships and chartered flights.  Bagnoli recently had the North Tower @ the Shoe named on the family's behalf.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 19 minutes ago, Hiphopopotamos said:

    Saw someone on one of the other sites say that Demas watched the game from the stands. He’s only participated in two games this season. I guarantee he didn’t expect to RS this year. 

    Waiting for Jimbo to call for him to suit up?  They do love their 12th Man schtick.  

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Haha 4
  4. 25 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    When I had dinner with tOSU's big cigar...he mentioned his wife 5x as the one that would have to give the green light.  I thought that was him having some wishful thinking BS going on...all of a sudden I think he was dead serious when he said it would need her blessing.  

    Also, why is my ass only the second most puckered one on this thread? 

    @futureman you are one adventurous bastard...


  5. On 11/10/2020 at 1:03 AM, Blackcat00 said:

    Who is the last highly rated guy we landed that lived up to their rating?  Malcom Brown?  I guess you can make a case for Brandon Jones.


    Quandre Diggs

    they weren't going to offer, Major Applewhite had to beg Mack.

  6. On 11/25/2020 at 6:14 PM, totallynotabuttpirate said:


    Hey Tom, remember, as bad as you feel and as sad as you are, someone somewhere loves you (probably?!??). 

    lololol Take the loss pussy! 

    It's gonna be a long weekend alright, of drinking and dunking on pussies like you and @DenverHorn @GRHorn @tjhooker etc.....



    Tap the breaks on the emotions missy, you seem a little fragile to take on much of a fall.

    • Fuck You 1
  7. On 11/16/2020 at 2:02 AM, ztejas said:

    That's not even a saying. You can't even pen a simple, (yet really dumb) 40-word analogy properly.


    It's one thing to be a cunt, but a dumb cunt as well is just plain showing off.



    "Who tees off first at each hole? - Rules of Golf and Etiquette ...

    Feb 12, 2007 — when you have the tee box you have every right to go through your normal routine (unless you have the Sergio grip and re-grip thing going on.)."
    "It's your tee box," I said to him as his whistling grew louder and more exaggerated ... The golf course and the rest of the world appeared, at that moment, to be as ..."
    • Fuck You 2

  8. It's been an amazing Presidential race from nomination all the way thru to tday.   In reality you could say 4+ years and Trump is standing with his back to wall again while getting low on bullets.  Fair to say this has exceeded it's lofty expectations and some. 

    Well here we go, I believe you have the tee box..  may the best man win.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck You 40
  9. 1 hour ago, Huckleberry said:

    This is what it looks like when a stupid person tries to write a sentence that sounds smart. 

    Uses a reflexive pronoun incorrectly because they think it sounds smart - check. Has heard of a fancy word (inasmuch) but has no idea how to use it - check. 

    I actually wish y'all would make it harder to show everyone how dumb you are. At least make me work. 

    Yes, you are qualified to be the minutes taker, don't forget the donuts sweetheart.

    • Fuck You 6
  10. 32 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    Actually most people simply recognize that you're a regular moron. Garden variety simpleton, really. 

    Any updates on that big reveal that was going to destroy Biden before the election? Maybe an update on how the Constitutional long game is going? 

    Yourself & the echo chamber may have "recognized" as such, but trust me you are mistaken in as much you are off on your recollection of my statements.  It's pretty apparent few on this thread see the big picture of what's transpiring & fewer have the capacity to contain any resemblance of openmindedness.  I'll leave you with my obvious admission that DJT has been my candidate of choice & the Republican party as a whole, but hear me when I say the course of the next weeks could easily change my thoughts.   See into that as you will or able to.

    • Fuck You 9
  11. 17 hours ago, Cousin Strawberry said:

    You seem like a "trust the plan" and "Red October" type of guy.  You know you don't even have to go to a psychiatrist's office to get diagnosed? Through Telehealth, just tell the Doc that while watching youtube, you discovered that the president talks to you in a series of coded messages and you also unearthed a massive ring of pedophiles consisting of top democrats and famous actors. When was the last time you were involuntarily committed?

    She thinks I follow Qanon.   Cute princess, very cute.

    • Fuck You 1
  12. spacer.png

    15 minutes ago, longhornmatt said:

    It’s amazing how the Trump 2020 campaign is the most shocking example we have of life imitating Idiocracy even notwithstanding the politics or anything he says.

    These people sink each other’s boats in their boat parades.   They show up to his rallies and strand themselves in fucking random fields out in the boonies.   They spread the virus to each other because if libs are for basic public health measures, then by God they’re against them! They can’t even be spectators without bringing some calamity upon themselves.  

    What a strange time to be alive.  


    • Fuck You 2
  13. 11 minutes ago, Enchubben said:

    Payroll tax increase and increase in tax rates for high wage earners. I work for a partnership where the owners are all over $400K so any increase in tax on them gets passed down through decreased comp/benefits for employees.   

    Capitalism/private SMB's are what stirs the drink in America.    Biden's tax plan is a side door path to socialism without having to give out hand jobs or ruffle feathers.

    • Fuck You 1
  14. 51 minutes ago, ndawg said:

    Yeah, Barr is just waiting until after early voting is done to make sure his story has the maximum impact on the people who will wait to vote on Election Day which is... *checks notes* mostly Trump’s existing base.

    Barr is holding his breath with the rest of DC, he wants no part of this.  This going to get ugly for everyone.

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